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Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

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  • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

    Way I see it is, this team won something like 16 total games over the last two years.

    That's a lot of weight for SDSU's juniors to take into any given game, and I don't know that Nagy can do anything to take that weight off their shoulders.


    • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

      Originally posted by rcjacks View Post
      I hate to say it, but the upper tier teams of the NCC in its hey day would compete in The Summit. The NCC was a premier DII league in its day.
      I too disagree


      • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

        Originally posted by LakeJack View Post
        I too disagree
        This is the Summitt, not the ACC


        • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

          The "NCC schools in their heyday were better than the Summit" line is simply bogus. They weren't.

          Know why? Most of the time, the NCC BB schools weren't even good enough to win the D-2 national championship. Go look at the stats if you don't believe me.


          • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

            Originally posted by rcjacks View Post
            I hate to say it, but the upper tier teams of the NCC in its hey day would compete in The Summit. The NCC was a premier DII league in its day.

            If you are talking about competing for 5th or 6th place than I agree, but if you are thinking compete as in win, you are not giving this league the credit it deserves.

            I can list off of a whole host of reasons...

            The travel in this league makes the NCC look like a city league.

            Last year IUPUI had a player that was drafted in the 1st round of the NBA draft but yet they didn't win the league.

            Just look at the athletes that teams like IUPUI and ORU have and have had.

            You guys beat Iowa State, IUPUI beat Seton Hall, even cellar dweller UMKC beat a pair of MVC teams. The mid to lower level teams can be sneaky good at times.


            • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

              Originally posted by minnesotarabbit View Post
              This is the Summitt, not the ACC

              Ya, so? Those are both D-I conferences.

              Want to know how the last three D-II Men's Basketball National Champions that moved up to D-I are doing?

              Kennesaw State - 2004 D-II National Champion is 7-17 with a RPI of 337. They are 1-11 on the road. '04 was our last year in D-II and the NCC.

              Cal State Bakersfield - They won 3 D-II National Championships in the '90s. They are 6-18 with a RPI of 321. They are 1-13 on the road.

              UC David - They won the '98 D-II National crown and have been D-I the longest. This season they are 11-14 with a RPI of 255 and a road record of 4-7.

              Moving from D-II to D-I is a huge jump in Men's Basketball.


              • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                Frankly, I think quite a few of us Jackrabbit fans completely missed the boat on basketball competitiveness. I recall asserting that SDSU, while certainly not good enough to be a top 25 team in D-1, was at least good enough to be around the top 100 mark.

                That, honestly, is what our cozy little NCC with its huge stack of records and its 'too big for the pond' schools coaxed us into thinking.

                OTOH, we weren't too far off on WBB, were we? But seriously, on the WBB side, AJ said that his goal at the beginning of the transition was a top 100 team playing a top 100 schedule.

                This crop of juniors and seniors will be the last links to AJ's 'barnstormers' who played anyone anywhere at any time----and still led the NCAAs in GPA. An achievement that, somehow, we seem to shrug off as 'well, that's what they're supposed to do.'


                Anyway, What you see with NDSU is an example of how tough it is to 'break into' MBB: NDSU has the most talented team that they have EVER had, and are looking for a #13 seed, maybe-------MAYBE a #12, depending on how the conference tournaments go in the Summit's peer group.


                • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                  OK, first of all whoever thinks that Kai is having a bad year you have to first look at his stats, which are pretty decent.... and second watch a game.... If you watch a game, you can see how much he helps Cordova... Without Clint its hard for the other guards because hes the best shooter....

                  I don't worry to much about this game....


                  • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                    The Cal Poly game would never even been a close game if SDSU had consistently rebounded and covered Lewis and Thomas better on the preimeter. Certainly, we missed Clint Sarget's scoring, but his ankle is getting better. I believe we gave them too many offensive rebounds. I think its hard to hang this game on any one individual. I will bet the game video shows enough blame to hang on everyone who started and subsequently checked in at the offical scoring table. Games are not won by individuals, but as a team. The opposite outcome is no different.


                    • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                      Originally posted by jack power View Post
                      I agree that those were good players. They also played against D11 competition. apples to oranges....
                      I agree with your statement. That was when we had DII players playing against DII players. Now we have DII players playing against DI players.


                      • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                        Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                        Frankly, I think quite a few of us Jackrabbit fans completely missed the boat on basketball competitiveness. I recall asserting that SDSU, while certainly not good enough to be a top 25 team in D-1, was at least good enough to be around the top 100 mark.

                        That, honestly, is what our cozy little NCC with its huge stack of records and its 'too big for the pond' schools coaxed us into thinking.

                        OTOH, we weren't too far off on WBB, were we? But seriously, on the WBB side, AJ said that his goal at the beginning of the transition was a top 100 team playing a top 100 schedule.

                        This crop of juniors and seniors will be the last links to AJ's 'barnstormers' who played anyone anywhere at any time----and still led the NCAAs in GPA. An achievement that, somehow, we seem to shrug off as 'well, that's what they're supposed to do.'


                        Anyway, What you see with NDSU is an example of how tough it is to 'break into' MBB: NDSU has the most talented team that they have EVER had, and are looking for a #13 seed, maybe-------MAYBE a #12, depending on how the conference tournaments go in the Summit's peer group.
                        I know was guilty of this and even now when I should know better I sometimes forget - like at the end of the game last night. It always helps to get some prospective now and then.


                        • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                          In the larger scheme of things this weekend, this game doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of this team's post-season destiny. Frankly, our concern should lie more with our conference games since that's our only chance of making the post-season... we sure as heck won't be getting an at-large bid to the "Big Dance"--YET!

                          As for the folks criticizing Kai... I'd like to remind you that one person does not a team make. Michael Jordan was an outstanding player in his early years with the Bulls, but he didn't start winning titles until Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant joined the team. Moral of the story, it's a TEAM game, which means EVERYONE has to carry the load.

                          On a personal note, Mrs. W, it was a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. W and Kai at the Sioux Valley game. My broadcast schedule keeps me from going to a lot of SDSU basketball games, so it was nice to see a good State contingent out to see Chad and Tony. It might interest you that after that 30-29 game you saw, the Bulldogs turned around and hung 100 points on Canton the next night.
                          I am Ed. Fear me.


                          • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                            Originally posted by rcjacks View Post
                            I hate to say it, but the upper tier teams of the NCC in its hey day would compete in The Summit. The NCC was a premier DII league in its day.
                            If you hate to say it, why say it? I don't have the numbers to prove it and don't have the time to dig deep enough for those numbers. That being said, I considered SDSU and NDSU as two of the top tear teams in the NCC (Men or Women) for many years. Yet, every time we played UP and ventured out of our comfort zone call the NCC we got beat. The reason - Dl teams had better athletes and that includes the Summit League. If anyone shows me differently by wins and loses than I would be happy to apologize. Yes, RC, the NCC was a premier Dll league with excellent Dll athletes - and they were Dll for a reason.

                            Were there individual players that could have played at the Dl level? YES. Were there NCC teams that could compete at the D1 level? NO. No smack intended, just being honest. I loved the NCC.



                            • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                              Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                              The "NCC schools in their heyday were better than the Summit" line is simply bogus. They weren't.

                              Know why? Most of the time, the NCC BB schools weren't even good enough to win the D-2 national championship. Go look at the stats if you don't believe me.
                              Hey Zooropa, you completely misquoted me. I didn't say the "NCC schools in their heyday were better than the Summitt." I said that the upper tier NCC schools in their heyday couuld compete in the Summit. There is a big difference from what I said, and from what you said I said. Please use the quote button so you don't misquote me again.


                              • Re: Cal Poly-Official Game Thread

                                I've held my tongue on the MBB team since early in the season...and will continue to do so.

                                I just wanted to add the I enjoy the banter that takes place after Jacks losses. Good stuff. I'd throw in my two cents, but that would be a waste of space. Keep it up (fans, not the team)!
                                I updated my signature for the first time in six years.

