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IUPUI game thread

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  • Re: IUPUI game thread

    It is unbeleivable to me that IUPUI with all their athletic players sat in a zone last night and let us shoot over the top of them. That was the worst game play in the world. We criticize USD for playing zone but for that talented team to play zone when they could have got in our faces in man to man, I don't get it!

    IUPUI is very smoothon offense, we did not stop them the 2nd half as they shot 58% and we just keep hitting 3's! poor coaching and I guarantee if we play them again they will play man to man!

    Good win for the Jacks, it was fun to be at the games and wish continued sucess! Nagy and staff seemed to be having a good time at Cubbies last night after the win!


    • Re: IUPUI game thread

      Pederson and Selken are still on the team.


      • Re: IUPUI game thread

        Originally posted by tattoo View Post
        Nagy and staff seemed to be having a good time at Cubbies last night after the win!
        I didn't see the coaches but I was in Cubbies after the game and everybody was smiling! The place was packed and I'm pleased there's a non-smoking place to go before or after a game.


        • Re: IUPUI game thread

          Originally posted by tattoo View Post
          It is unbeleivable to me that IUPUI with all their athletic players sat in a zone last night and let us shoot over the top of them. That was the worst game play in the world. We criticize USD for playing zone but for that talented team to play zone when they could have got in our faces in man to man, I don't get it!

          IUPUI is very smoothon offense, we did not stop them the 2nd half as they shot 58% and we just keep hitting 3's! poor coaching and I guarantee if we play them again they will play man to man!

          Good win for the Jacks, it was fun to be at the games and wish continued sucess! Nagy and staff seemed to be having a good time at Cubbies last night after the win!
          IUPUI is well-known for the zone defense. They've always played it and will continue to play it.


          • Re: IUPUI game thread

            Originally posted by filbert View Post
            Two very good home wins for the Rabbits! But I suspect we're swinging a bit into the manic phase of our bipolar relationship with our favorite school's team . . .

            The guys need to prove that they can put out that kind of effort on the road before we can start thinking "they're back!"
            We've seen that kind of effort on the road at least once: at Iowa State.

            IMO, this team is just going to get better. You can see it at the games. This team looks so much better than the team that lost to Oral Roberts. We might see blips, but I don't think we'll see a sustained funk from this group of guys again. They're getting things figured out, and it's great to see.

            Nagy is an outstanding in-conference coach, and with talent roughly on par with the rest of the conference, he's a coach that can contend for the title year in and year out. Guy does an outstanding job gathering information and prepping his players.


            • Re: IUPUI game thread

              Originally posted by zooropa View Post
              We've seen that kind of effort on the road at least once: at Iowa State.
              Speaking of Iowa State, they lost to #7 Texas last night by a mere 8 points!



              • Re: IUPUI game thread

                This team is remembering (from HS) how much fun it is to play hard and win. Hopefully they will get addicted to it! Having a great crowd behind them sure doesn't hurt. I think the word is out about the caliber of the Women's team and that the Men are showing some life.

                Wasn't if I would get back to any games, but the NDSU and Oakland weekends are probable now and are looking to be some exiting match ups and hopefully big crowds.

                I think the worry of making the conference tourney is turning into excitement of the possibility of rising to the upper level of the conference.


                • Re: IUPUI game thread

                  Originally posted by Jacks99 View Post
                  This team is remembering (from HS) how much fun it is to play hard and win. Hopefully they will get addicted to it! Having a great crowd behind them sure doesn't hurt. I think the word is out about the caliber of the Women's team and that the Men are showing some life.

                  Wasn't if I would get back to any games, but the NDSU and Oakland weekends are probable now and are looking to be some exiting match ups and hopefully big crowds.

                  I think the worry of making the conference tourney is turning into excitement of the possibility of rising to the upper level of the conference.
                  match ups exiting stage right or left,did the crowds leave too?
                  Normaly , I would of ignored this mispelling, but i feel like being "silly".
                  hope you don't take this kidding around personal.


                  • Re: IUPUI game thread

                    Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                    Speaking of Iowa State, they lost to #7 Texas last night by a mere 8 points!

                    Does that mean we are better than #7 Texas,men are rising up faster than the women Figure this "round robin" out with the womens teams, BC beatsTCU,TCU beats #3 Calif & #3 Maryland,Maryland beats SDSU,SDSU beats Minn, Minn beats BC.
                    Anyone want to be a pollster?


                    • Re: IUPUI game thread

                      Originally posted by shinman View Post
                      Does that mean we are better than #7 Texas,men are rising up faster than the women Figure this "round robin" out with the womens teams, BC beatsTCU,TCU beats #3 Calif & #3 Maryland,Maryland beats SDSU,SDSU beats Minn, Minn beats BC.
                      Anyone want to be a pollster?
                      It doesn't mean anything I guess. That wasn't the intention of my post. Simply an observation.


                      • Re: IUPUI game thread

                        Great game. I think Nagy said it post-game, but Kai is playing like a team leader. Garrett Callahan is just a heck of a player. He plays hard all the time and hardly ever gets a break. Cordova is getting better and better and never backs down. Sargent is solid and dependable. Moss is smooth and really coming on. Does anyone crash the offensive boards better than Moss? Palarca is starting to make things things happen all over the court. This team is under-sized but talented. They can beat any team in the league. Of course, they've also shown they can lose to any team in the league if they don't play hard. Great win over Indianapolis though. The Jags and their coach seemed to give up halfway through the second half. They went silent. They lost intensity. The pro-SDSU crowd probably had something to do with it. But mostly it was the Jacks playing hard, making shots and not giving any sign that they would let up.
                        This space for lease.


                        • Re: IUPUI game thread

                          Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                          It doesn't mean anything I guess. That wasn't the intention of my post. Simply an observation.
                          I must be sounding like a jerk, so my apology's to anyone i've offended, sometimes my feeble attempt at being humorous gets misinterpeted....not your fault , just my lack of communication skills.
                          Last edited by shinman; 01-11-2009, 10:45 PM.


                          • Re: IUPUI game thread

                            Just got done looking at the box score. This was the shot selection:

                            Kai 7-9
                            Garrett 9-13
                            AC 6-10
                            Clint 3-4
                            Michael 2-5
                            Dale 3-5
                            Griffan 2-4

                            SDSU shot 61% for the game. That is unbelievable. And 12-22 from 3 point land.
                            Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                            • Re: IUPUI game thread

                              First chance to post since Saturday night.

                              What a crowd and they were into it throughout the game. It just proves that everyone has been just itching for this team to break out and play well. It was more like the old days.

                              The last two games have been very exciting and it seems like the team is growing up right in front of us. The challenge is getting w's on the road. When we see strong performances on the road we will know that they are really getting going.

                              This team definitely has the physical tools to compete though undersized. The last couple games they have shown they are growing mentally. They started the games well and flat-out finished them off. It is really encouraging to see the contributions coming from everywhere. Opponents can't just key in on one or two guys. Everyone just seems to be understanding what their role is and taking it to heart because the intensity is picking up. We need to keep in mind that they are still a very young team with only one senior. There will no doubt be more letdowns but my hope is that they have gotten a taste of what winning is like and they are going to want that feeling more often and feel more comfortable about getting it done. This is going to be a lot of fun the rest of the year and in the future.

                              Individually, Cordova has really impressed me with his ability to find shots. Shots that are just about impossible to block without drawing fouls. Kai is getting into the flow on both ends of the game which is huge. Garrett Calahan continues to impress me with being a big time shooter. Moss has really provided a lift off the bench with his athleticism. Pallarca is really taking care of the ball and its good to see him hitting open threes. Clint is solid at both ends of the floor every night. All of the players coming off the bench are contributing in a big way.

                              Great job Jacks! Keep up the strong play this weekend.

                              GB, GB, GJ!

                              MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!


                              • Re: IUPUI game thread

                                Great games this weekend...just got home from leaving Brookings Sunday caught up in an Alberta Clipper and had to overnight in Estevan Saskatchewan.....bit of white knuckle driving from the border....

                                Go Jacks this weekend on the road....

