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  • #16
    Re: VMI


    Let's chalk it up as frustration on both of our parts, no hard feelings here.

    Go State!


    • #17
      Re: VMI

      jacks starting to show some life now
      "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


      • #18
        Re: VMI

        Originally posted by 89rabbit

        Let's chalk it up as frustration on both of our parts, no hard feelings here.

        Go State!  

        good idea i feel the same way.
        "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


        • #19
          Re: VMI

          66-51 now.

          Need to play defense and need to STOP TURNING THE BALL OVER!!!
          "I think we'll be OK"


          • #20
            Re: VMI

            Oh yeah, need to have our shots fall, too. 68-51 now.
            "I think we'll be OK"


            • #21
              Re: VMI

              Things you can't do:

              Break the press, then miss the layup. Then not get back and let them hit a 3 at the other end. Then turn the ball over again.

              "I think we'll be OK"


              • #22
                Re: VMI

                Kleinjan hasn't given up. Two straight layups--Good senior leadership there, just not nearly enough experience on the court all game long for the Rabbits, I'm afraid.

                Twenty-nine turnovers so far.
                "I think we'll be OK"


                • #23
                  Re: VMI

                  It would probably be best to consider this entire first half of the season as an extended exhibition schedule--otherwise it might get a bit depressing, I think.

                  I'm still hoping for a .500 or better 2007, as this team comes together, learns, grows, and gets better. (he said, holding onto that thought like a life preserver in a choppy, cold ocean).
                  "I think we'll be OK"


                  • #24
                    Re: VMI

                    For goodness sake, someone alert the Coast Guard!   ;D

                    Go State!  


                    • #25
                      Re: VMI

                      Originally posted by jackrabbit1979
                      [quote author=89rabbit link=1163345707/0#9 date=1163353433][quote author=jackrabbit1979 link=1163345707/0#4 date=1163352476][quote author=89rabbit link=1163345707/0#2 date=1163351807]Jacks having trouble with the pressure, man we miss Callahan, 10 turnovers. We started off hot but things are going down hill. VMI on a 8-0 run.

                      VMI 17 - SDSU 10

                      Go State!
                      I know you are just trying to be positive 89, but it is hard to say we really miss somebody who has never played a college game. I understand he is highly touted coming in by Nagy and the like, but so was Bassett, Kai Williams, Hornby, etc.

                      Nevertheless, like you, I hope getting a true point guard on the floor will help this team out a bunch. They need it. [/quote]

                      I know you are frustrated, as we all are, but even though he has not played a college game do you suppose that a team that is turning over the ball as much as we are is missing their starting point guard? I don't think my observation is that big of a stretch, or that much of a revelation? Had I said something like "if we had Callahan, we would be playing Ohio State tonight", I would understand your post, but I didn't I just pointed out that we miss our starting point guard.

                      Heck, you seem to agree with me in the second paragraph of your post. So I have to ask, what is the point of you post? Do you have issue with our incoming freshmen, just wanted to let off some steam, don't think that Nagy is being honest about his players talent, or have an issue with me as a poster? Just looking for a little clarification.


                      Wasn't a potshot at you at all 89, I didn't mean it to come across like that. From our exchanges in the past I think you know that you and I are on the same page a very high percentage of the time. I guess what I am saying is that we (you and I) seem to be counting on one player, who has never played a college game, to come in and make a big difference on this team. While I am counting on that too, I don't know how likely that is. I shouldn't have mentioned anything as nobody is a mood to debate anything. I guess the point of my post, as you ask, was just to make conversation. I really don't know about our incoming freshman's incoming talent...I know from my conversations with most of them that they are all good kids and will give everything they have. I do get frustrated however, like most fans, thinking that this is going to be half/game/week/year that we start to see improvement and that hasn't came yet. By no means am I giving up or calling anybody out during the first three games. Just was making conversation in the game thread topic.[/quote]

                      I think the point you need to remember is what this teams problems are, and what Callahan's talent's include. I'm not saying that we have Kobe Bryant coming in to put up 40 a game with this kid, all I think that he is going to do is be a point guard. The main problem with this team, and the reason we are losing is turnovers- a true even semi talented point guard will dramatically reduce those, giving us a chance for more points, which will give us a chance to win. We don't need this kid to be throwing in 40 a game, if he can score at all thats great, the only thing he needs to do is be able to handle the ball as he is going up the floor, and be able to make good feeds for other players to be able to score. If Nagy says that he can do that, than I'll trust him on that. Woodside does the same thing for NDSU, and we have a player that has a similar ability, I think we'll be in excellent shape. You can't convince me that we don't have as much/more talent than NDSU does at all positions besides point guard (maybe PF with Andre on their team, we'll see how Basset develops), and the reason we have been losing lately is that we haven't had a good set of guards since Hanson/Moeller/Richardson/Steibner were here. We have half of that combo with Cadwell, if we get a solid pg, I think we'll be in great shape.


                      • #26
                        Re: VMI

                        104-89 is your final.
                        "I think we'll be OK"


                        • #27
                          Re: VMI

                          Obviously, giving up 100 points in two of three games, defense is an issue. However, many of those points have come off of turnovers.

                          Repeat after me: we're real young, we'll get better, Callahan is a true point guard. Ready, GO!

                          We're real young, we'll get better, Callahan is a true point guard.
                          We're real young, we'll get better, Callahan is a true point guard.
                          We're real young, we'll get better, Callahan is a true point guard.
                          We're real young, we'll get better, Callahan is a true point guard.
                          We're real young, we'll get better, Callahan is a true point guard.

                          Go Rabbits!
                          "I think we'll be OK"


                          • #28
                            Re: VMI

                            Jose Frias:
                            It was a horse race, it felt like it never was going to end, but this was just a learning experience, the next time we face a team like that, we'll be ready.

                            It's disappointing because it's all about winning, I hope we can go back and regroup, and stay together and start winning.
                            Jose presented himself well, I thought.

                            What hit us was turnovers, we all know what hit us. As coaches, you can't change those things on the floor, our guys didn't take care of the basketball.

                            You think about how well we shot and how well we rebounded--we played small most of the time, so our kids played hard, that's a definite positive. We cut our turnovers in half and we probably blow this team out.

                            What do Jose and Andy have to be afraid of--they've been through it and know that there's nothing to fear, our young guys haven't experienced it yet. Matt's just in a funk, he'll be helped a lot when we get Garrett back.

                            Matt isn't being very active right now, he's standing around, not getting to spots. He's playing point guard so the defense can see him--when you give it up you're probably not going to get it back the way the defenses are playing him. When you're pressured you have to shove it down their throat, and that's what Jose was doing today.

                            I don't know why were 2-20 from 3 points, we're young, inexperienced, I promise we won't have a 2-20 game two years from now. It was hard for Mark Engen to play this kind of game. I told the guys our football team started out 0-3, that's 30% of their season, three games is a tenth of ours. Our kids and coaches never quit. We're going to work on what we work on, when we come back on Tuesday. Losers start pointing fingers at each other, we just need to stay together.

                            Garrett gets the cast off this week, my guess is it will be the week after the Idaho game, unless they have to re-cast it for some reason. I look at our team right now, there's no question we need him, it's like somebody cut the head right off of us. He's been our best player in practice--our best defender. It's really crippled us, we've had so little time to practice without him. You can't fold up, our kids aren't going to do that, and neither are the coaches.
                            "I think we'll be OK"


                            • #29
                              Re: VMI

                              At least our offensive output has been improving.......89 points would win a lot of college games if you can play good defense, rebound well, and limit mistakes.

                              Just remember: "The darkest hour is just before dawn."

                              Remember when our football team got shut down two years ago at UC-Davis, 52-0? Well, we adjusted and bounced back (including two thrilling wins against the Aggies). Nagy is learning what his players can and can't do and he'll adjust to that. It might be rough and frustrating, but we should still get out there and support our team.......come to Frost on Thursday!

                              As for Callahan, is Nagy still planning on having him play this season after he's healthy or is he going to get redshirted? EDIT: According to Nagy's postgame remarks, it sounds like he'll play this year.


                              • #30
                                Re: VMI

                                I will say this about Garrett, after watching 5 practices in which he participated I can truly say this kid is a play maker and a difference maker. He is quite possibly better than Hansen, Sempsrott, and Norberg. 3 of the best Points I've seen play here. Have faith Rabbit fans, better times are upon us for Basketball especially when you consider the Mid-Con next year. We've struggled but will have our chances to shine this year, especially against Idaho and Minnesota, two teams that are rebuilding.

