Still things to feel good about....just 7 turnovers, shooting okay but went ice cold the last 8 minutes...rebounding okay...U of M is just doing everything better. Need to stop Colman and Makenzie in 2nd half. Also need to keep Tollakson in check.
sounds like officials reviewing the scoring book and took one point from the Jacks (something wasn't a three?....Steve Imming questioning it...on the scoreboard, shows the Jacks with 27 now
how many people does WNAX let on their feed? 6? It's been since the McNeese game since I listened to WNAX. I kinda miss it. Keep the updates coming, counsel. Much appreciated.
"You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica