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UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

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  • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

    Kai is stuck down in the post and the guards have to get him the ball. He cannot create a scoring opportunity when he doesnt even get a sniff of the ball. You look at the efficiency of the players and Kai is by far the best. Let him see the ball at least a little!!


    • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

      You know, it was said best in a post up above that frustration sure does lead to a lot of frustration! Amen to that!

      I have been vocal about some of the same things as Propar80. I'm also probably an optimist to a fault. I want to have my cake and eat it to. What do I mean by that?

      This is what I'm talking about:

      1. Every donor that sits in the "blue seats" deserves tremendous props for what they have done for the student-athletes at SDSU. We can all be proud of that! The wonderful things we enjoy as Jackrabbit fans come from donations no matter how big or small. Thanks to those business and individuals that have done well and are willing to help SDSU athletics. Equal thanks to those individuals and families that spend their very limited expendable income to come to SDSU games.

      2. Frost Arena has a reputation of being a tough place to play. That speaks to the teams that we've had in the past and the intensity of the crowd. We've definitely lost a lot of that the last few years but we all remember what it was like. Just look at the WNIT. That's what I'm talking about and is atmoshpere that I think we all would love to see more often. It will improve as the team improves.

      3. I think everyone in Frost Arena should stand and clap when "Ring The Bells" is played! Win, lose, or draw! Having the teams stay for the fight song is a nice addition. It's just a shame when everyone leaves no matter what seat you sit in.

      4. We all seem to agree that the talent on this is better than last year. That's improvement. We've got an awful long way to go but there is only one way to get there. The experience gained by these young players will pay dividends down the road and we will become the experienced team that performs down the stretch. Nagy proved that for years in the NCC. He has my vote of confidence to continue. You all can have your opinion.

      5. We all so desperately want these young men to turn the corner and start winning those close games. Trust me, nobody wants it worse than the players and coaches! Couldn't we all feel the tension the last few minutes of the game with UMKC. Those are the games we always won in the NCC because of our teams experience. We will get there again!

      Instead of getting frustrated at each other, let's just grit our teeth and support our team and try and get them through this. ISN'T THAT WHAT WE ALL WANT???

      See you Saturday night!



      • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

        Originally posted by jackmd View Post
        That however does not equate with immunity from criticism for what is perceived to be a lack of support during games. I see no harm in calling out fans who don't actively participate during the games.
        I agree. I objected to the tone of the criticism, not the substance.
        Holy nutmeg!


        • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

          Originally posted by rabbit_boy View Post
          Kai is stuck down in the post and the guards have to get him the ball. He cannot create a scoring opportunity when he doesnt even get a sniff of the ball. You look at the efficiency of the players and Kai is by far the best. Let him see the ball at least a little!!
          We all agree Kai is our best player on the offensive end of the ball. If we feel that way than I'm pretty sure that every coaching staff that we face can see his ability and they are creating schemes to prevent him from getting the ball in places where he can score. It isn't as easy as saying, "We need to get Kai the ball more." Kai is also an outstanding rebounder and with his hops, we need him around the basket as much as possible.

          Could he be more aggressive? Maybe. I just think we might be being a little too hard on a sophomore that is having one hell of a season. He will continue to develop just as all of the young players. As smooth as he is it is just hard to remember he is still only a second year player.

          The team needs quality shots from whomever has them available not for one player to start forcing up shots and become one-dimensional. We've got a strong enough supporting cast that doesn't force Kai or anyone else into that situation.



          • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

            Originally posted by rabbit_boy View Post
            Kai is stuck down in the post and the guards have to get him the ball. He cannot create a scoring opportunity when he doesnt even get a sniff of the ball. You look at the efficiency of the players and Kai is by far the best. Let him see the ball at least a little!!
            You watching the same team as everyone else?

            just under 40% of his shots are 3's. He's second on the team in 3 point attempts (70). To me, that doesn't say he's stuck on the post.

            I think you are missing the point here. NO ONE is saying Kai shouldn't be shooting more. What is being said, at least by me, is that it's time for people to quit blaming everyone else for his lack of aggressiveness and time for him to be the player he can be night in and night out. He by no means is having a bad year. That is not what I am implying. It is just evident he is very talented and could help us get over the hump, along with a few shots being knocked down by others.

            I don't think the amount of shots for anyone is the issue. I think what the Jacks truly need is someone to step up and be the leader of this team. When a leader emerges from the pack, I think that is when the Jacks will turn the corner. Until then, I am afraid that we will continue to struggle and come up just short in those tight games.

            It's hard not think of what could have been this year, though, isn't it? With so many close games, that 6-12 could be MUCH better. But, it's not... So, let's keep supporting those players and coaches, so that when it turns around we can all say we stuck it out through the hard times.
            Last edited by ViciousCircle; 01-18-2008, 06:03 PM.


            • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

              Yeah I am a grey hair and have given enough to pick my seat every year but have stayed in the same one since SDSU installed the lower level back chairs colored blue. Yes I left before the school song was over, and I done it more than once. I still have SDSU in my estate plans and still continue to give to a perpetual scholarship for athletics monthly. It would be nice to hang around for the school song, but hanging around is not my thing. I dont care if the guys are only 12, I was there to watch the game and its over so I go home. Its my way of doing things. Sorry if that is disrespectful or like not supporting the troops in Iraq. I dont believe in all this superfical stuff that make people feel warm and fuzzy so dont blame me because our young guys are giving 100 per cent and not winning. I believe patience is the answer and whether I hang for the school song has no bearing whatsoever on wins and losses. I dont see in the body language of our players nor have I picked up on any rumors about anyone leaving the program. We have a fine group that appears to be motivated and our coaching staff is probably doing everything it can to make more progress. So its nothing to do with grey hair fans leaving early, its nothing about players being discouraged and on the verge of quittings its more about guys like Propar80 who have unrealistic expectations.

              I can see from our first go around of the Summit League, that future recruiting will have to consider players with more athletic ablity and size and also want a education. UMKC appeared to take advantages of size mismatchs. I would be critical of our staff in one thing only. They should do as the UMKC staff was reported to have done. Namely work on plays that occur in the closing minutes of the game. It seemed to work in Brookings for the bouncing Kangaroos. Garrent Callahan was quote as saying that this practice only occurs once a week, and that may not be enough to win these close ones. But again, I am not a coach so maybe its not important.


              • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

                A knock on KG used to be his lack of ability to score the "tough points". I agree to some degree since he shoots many turnarounds and fadeaways (finesse points). I think this is an area of future growth for all of the Jacks, but especially Kai. Early this year Kai put the ball on the floor and challenged defenders more to get the the rim. With better caliber competition also comes increased difficulty to do this.

                Whether he can get to the rim or not, he has the most ability to make two guard one, and create opportunities for everyone. Plus he has the most ability to finish in the lane. I think this part of his game will grow with time. A healthy Ben Beran could provide this "tough" prescence as well.

                All in all. There's a reason this entire 5 year period is called a "transition". Lets continue to support the Jacks!
                If you don't know...You don't have it.


                • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

                  Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post
                  Having the teams stay for the fight song is a nice addition.
                  I would have to say at this point, most of the fans do not agree with your statement here, as they are not staying around. However, this is really new to most fans. I have to admit, while at the games I've attended we have stayed and left (depending on when I had to get back, time is a factor), that during the games we stayed I wondered what the point was. If it is supposed to be a thank you, from either the fans to the players or the players to the fans, it hasn't caught on with the basketball fans as of yet.

                  EDIT: Man we really have drifted from UMKC, and I didn't help at all.

                  You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                  • Re: UMKC in Frost, 1/17/07

                    Can we just pronounce this thread dead now that there is another game tonight?

                    A win tonight would cure a lot of things!

                    GO JACKS!

                    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!

