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GDT: SDSU vs Boise State @ ExtraMile Arena 8pm CST

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  • #31
    Originally posted by tbcruiser View Post

    Wasn't there an "Ariel" earlier -- think someone's autofill is set to "Disney."

    Guessing "Mors" was who Route 12 was referrring to


    • #32
      Horrid call


      • #33
        if there's a guy to foul, it's the dude who's been having leg issues


        • #34
          Originally posted by salemjack View Post
          Horrid call
          Ball don’t lie


          • #35
            Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post

            Wasn't there an "Ariel" earlier -- think someone's autofill is set to "Disney."

            Guessing "Mors" was who Route 12 was referrring to
            If so, I would agree, needs to take shots


            • #36
              Perfect time for the app to lose my radio feed. Fortunately video feed was stable


              • #37
                Wow! Beautiful play by Arians and Dentlinger! That was a great road win. This team is going to grow and be fun to watch.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by tbcruiser View Post

                  Damn spell check……Mors.


                  • #39
                    Now quit turning the ball over like it's recess...

                    Sent from my SM-G981V using Tapatalk

                    "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad


                    • #40
                      That’s an impressive win, especially for a team trying to figure out how to replace two all-time greats (and Luke A).


                      • #41
                        Great win. The post play has been a huge plus and we are dominating down there both ends of the floor. Especially impressive when you consider tonight we had 3 freshman posts. Kyle protects the rim and changes shots in a way we have maybe never had. Dentlinger seems to be playing at another level though as well and his confidence seems to be back.

                        Hopefully this gets some people out to the game next week in Sioux Falls.


                        • #42
                          Karma at work with Boise missing both free throws after the phantom foul. The offense can look so good for stretches, and then start turning it over and cough up leads in a hurry. Have gotten tremendous production from the two posts - Dent looks more confident than he has for a long time. Will only get better when Appel gets back.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post

                            It would make sense though, as it didn't look like the coach/bench really did anything to warrant technical.

                            I didn't know a team could be penalized for that. Considerable difference between replay rules between BB and FB. eh?
                            Boise State live stream of post game press conference -> 27min 38seconds is the reporter question
                            side note: would be nice if we had something like this airing post game pressers in their entirety (I assume the youtube channel edits out some things)

                            Coach said technical was because someone pointed to the screen and pointing is supposed to be automatic
                            said something about it being the first game of the year and the refs wanting to enforce proper bench decorum

                            fun little bit at the end about someone mentioning an egregious foul call and then something about the ball being half court and a guy being barely touched. The coach asking if he's off the record and then replying '... that's what mike (presumably assistant coach Mike Burns) said ..." - not sure which call he's referring to. Half the original question was garbled, and the stream ended there with rest of the reply cut off
                            Last edited by peavy; 11-09-2022, 11:09 PM.


                            • #44
                              Glad to see a close win now! Wasn't able to watch/listen live... nice to see the Mountain West Network allows free replays too, watching it now!

                              Looking at the box score... Agbo - their transfer from Texas Tech... Fouled out with only 10 minutes of playing time. Now that's impressive!


                              • #45
                                WOW i dont even know where to begin. far from perfect. everyone on the team knows they have a LOT of improving to do!! but still a great great game.

                                NIGHT and DAY difference in the rhythm of the offense! Do you think the coaches told AA to be more aggressive? or did he just know himself that he had to be? probably both

                                I thought the offense looked great until the second half when we hit a couple 3s and the guards forgot how well everything was working when we were getting the ball into the posts on a regular basis! we forgot to throw the ball inside for more than a handful of possessions and we really never did get the rhythm back, but still found a way to win!!


                                i am sure the team will learn to get the ball in the paint OFTEN because Hendo will not allow them not to! that is one of the foundational principals of his coaching philosophy!! (and i could not agree with him more!!) he does not care or need the posts to be doing all the scoring (although it seems obvious we have posts who can score!!) but the game is better for everyone when the ball goes INSIDE

                                Zeke is having good moments and the talent is unquestionable!! but he is having trouble finding consistency SO FAR. i still think he just looks so much more comfortable catching and shooting and playing on the perimeter, than he does consistently handling the ball and creating offense
                                at the moment he is definitely more comfortable with someone else being the main ball handler and scoring from the perimeter. and he does have and could have the ability to be really deadly as mostly an outside sniper who can also score off the bounce if you try too hard to run him off the 3

                                wondering why charley played so little in the second half? really thought Te Slaa also looked really good in the first half and did not get enough oportunity in the second half. it was almost like we forgot to substitute for a while in the second half. then when we did NOBODY had any kind of rhythm and we had to get the other guys back in as fast as possible.

                                finally, i am really glad we won because the refs were probably generally FINE, but they did make some really really bad calls LATE

                                seems you all agree with me that the foul on Shaver was invisible by either player in the vicinity
                                but was anyone else getting a bit ticked off that they gave them a free timeout when they had ZERO timeouts left after our last basket?

                                i am sorry but if a team has NO TOs you should NOT stop play at the end of the game to check the clock!!!!!!!!!!!! that has been a normal basketball play FOREVER. you make a basket with the clock running and the other team takes the ball out of the net and they do the best they can without getting to set up a play

                                some of the things with replay are getting perverted into things that NOBODY EVER CARED to have replay do! SURE if they foul us and the clock is stopped and you want to look at video to get the time right, OK sure!! but when we took our TO before the second FT so that we could play without stopping the clock in the case of a miss and we scored with a running clock the ref NEEDS to let the game play out

                                and obviously use it to get out of bounds calls correct and stuff like that, but NOTHING happened that stopped the clock EXCEPT the refs decided they needed to stop the clock for the SOLE PURPOSE of setting the clock. TOTAL BS

                                also maybe i am wrong but did anyone else see the goaltending they called on WK a little earlier in the second half? i am not positive i saw it well but it seemed like they just rescued the guy. what did you all see???? it looked like the guy stumbled and was about to travel and threw the ball up and the ball NEVER got above the rim until the last moment and the ref calls goal tend

                                really i was not positive i saw it right. so hoping maybe i am wrong but that is what it looked like to me

                                i will leave it at that. i am sure i will think of more later

                                lots of good things by lots of players!! but overall the team just looked SO MUCH better. dont forget to throw the ball in the post AND stop making stupid turnovers and that team NEVER gets close to us!! great games by AA and Dent

