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Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

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  • SanDakotaState
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Daum needs to do whats best for him.

    Personally, I don't think grad-transferring is the best idea. Analysts will bring up the "competition" but he will go and has gone up against his peers during pre-draft workouts as well all-star camps. His stock could lower if he doesn't put up numbers or get the PT that he is doing at SDSU.

    Wolters got drafted mid 2nd round, and his stock wasn't there till after his junior year. Daum was getting noticed at the end of his freshman year and all of last season.

    I think there is a better chance of him going pro than him grad-transferring.

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  • BTownJack
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by jackmd View Post
    According to someone close to the program we should expect this to be Mike's last season at SDSU. I see no harm in discussing that. I'm told he will graduate in the spring of 2018 and then use his last year of eligibility as a graduate transfer. This source says Wisconsin with Joe Krabbenhoft. All seems logical to me. I'm going to try and see him play as many games as possible.
    I agree with Filbert....cite your source if you're going to post things like this - regardless of what kind of rules are in place on this board. If you don't, than this is complete garbage and your post should be removed.

    Wisconsin's big man (Ethan Happ) was first team all-big 10 last year. He's got 2 years of eligibility left. Yes, he could get drafted after this year but that doesn't sound like a recipe for Daum to auto-transfer before this season has even begun.

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  • Jackedforlife
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
    Speculation: I'm worried Taryn will do the same for the football program if he has another big year.
    i do not think this is plausible...TC really stands to gain nothing by leaving to sit a year to play for a FBS squad. If he is wanting to move on I think Wentz has proven that FCS isn't a handicap like it has been in the past. Plus with 86 and 19 getting attention TC is already on tape for all the NFL teams anyhow. Pardon the irony but he's a Jack for life...

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  • CappinHard
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
    You're probably right, but MN, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska could all use him. Their QBs are terrible.
    True... Imo, he wouldn't last long at that level though. He seems to get injured to easily. Those boys are a lot bigger and hit a lot harder.

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  • SDSUAlum08
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by CappinHard View Post
    I am not worried about this. I don't think he's done enough to warrant BCS teams wanting him that badly.
    You're probably right, but MN, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska could all use him. Their QBs are terrible.

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  • CappinHard
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
    Speculation: I'm worried Taryn will do the same for the football program if he has another big year.
    I am not worried about this. I don't think he's done enough to warrant BCS teams wanting him that badly.

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  • SDSUAlum08
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Speculation: I'm worried Taryn will do the same for the football program if he has another big year.

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  • filbert
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by jackmd View Post
    According to someone close to the program we should expect this to be Mike's last season at SDSU. I see no harm in discussing that. I'm told he will graduate in the spring of 2018 and then use his last year of eligibility as a graduate transfer. This source says Wisconsin with Joe Krabbenhoft. All seems logical to me. I'm going to try and see him play as many games as possible.
    I really don't want to be a dick about this, but you know very well we have the attribution rule . . . if you speculate about a player leaving, that's acceptable (if a bit uncomfortable) but if you actually come out and say "you heard X is leaving" you had better be prepared to publicly name your source--who you heard it from, by name.

    If you're not comfortable naming in public who told you something, you shouldn't be posting it here.

    "Someone close to the program" doesn't cut it.

    I am not going to support a board of "I've got a secret" players.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by CappinHard View Post
    As long as he leads us to the Sweet 16 this year first, I'm fine with this. If not, this is bush league.

    Good for him though if it does happen. If he goes on to have huge success at a higher level it should only help our recruiting anyway. The more exposure he gets, the higher he'll go in the draft, the better for both him and SDSU.
    In my Holiday Express opinion, if Daum takes us to the sweet 16 he will be playing in the NBA next season.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Can't fault anyone for doing what they think is best.

    I would be curious to know how often this strategy works out as planned. Realistically, not anecdotally.

    When I think of places that would showcase a player to the NBA, Wisconsin isn't exactly at the top of the list...

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  • Nidaros
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by jackmd View Post
    According to someone close to the program we should expect this to be Mike's last season at SDSU. I see no harm in discussing that. I'm told he will graduate in the spring of 2018 and then use his last year of eligibility as a graduate transfer. This source says Wisconsin with Joe Krabbenhoft. All seems logical to me. I'm going to try and see him play as many games as possible.
    With his redshirt year being used he would graduate in 2018, that seems logical and apparently has done above average work in the classroom and taken a normal load of class studies. It does seem logical to me too. Also exposure at Wisconsin would not hurt his NBA future

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  • jackmd
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by Jackedforlife View Post
    i'll admit at first I was kinda shocked that he'd be doing this after graduation...but after considering some of the factors it is understandable. Arguably his best friend in Telly will be finished playing, he can get greater exposure, and he can answer the question about the level of competition he is playing. Sad to see him go if he chooses too but I won't hold it against him. Here's hoping the new cast of characters around him has him reconsidering what he does...
    I don't know how true it is and to be honest I don't really care. It's entirely Mike's choice to make. If I were him and if it is possible I'd ask an agent or NBA draft expert what their advise would be (I'm assuming he is doing this). If they say you really need to take advantage of this opportunity then find a coach at the Major Conference level that will promise him a starting spot and plenty of time on the floor as well as all the support he needs to develop his game for the next level. Time will tell. Glad we have him for this year.

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  • Jackedforlife
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    i'll admit at first I was kinda shocked that he'd be doing this after graduation...but after considering some of the factors it is understandable. Arguably his best friend in Telly will be finished playing, he can get greater exposure, and he can answer the question about the level of competition he is playing. Sad to see him go if he chooses too but I won't hold it against him. Here's hoping the new cast of characters around him has him reconsidering what he does...

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    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
    His eligibility has to be up...I swear he has played for you guys for the past 8 years already. Good riddance!

    Seriously...hope the guy has nothing but success wherever he goes (except when he plays NDSU, of course).
    Kind of always felt the same way about Dexter. Felt like he had six or seven years of eligibility.


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  • TransAmBison
    Re: Preseason stuff...Mike Daum

    His eligibility has to be up...I swear he has played for you guys for the past 8 years already. Good riddance!

    Seriously...hope the guy has nothing but success wherever he goes (except when he plays NDSU, of course).

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