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  • #46
    Re: IPFW

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    Our defense was no where to be found and we gave the one and one very early. The opponent pct was 50 per cent. What has it been 30-38 pct. We lucky that we lost by only ten.
    We shot 49% which kept us in the game. One of Nagy's comments after the game was about how offense doesn't win. Last night was a perfect example. Shoot almost 50% and get beat.

    On to IUPUI. Quickly becomes a pretty critical game.


    • #47
      Re: IPFW

      Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
      We shot 49% which kept us in the game. One of Nagy's comments after the game was about how offense doesn't win. Last night was a perfect example. Shoot almost 50% and get beat.

      On to IUPUI. Quickly becomes a pretty critical game.
      Hey I said the exact same thing in an earlier post:
      POST NO 37 I Said the following:
      Horstman explained it well, they were not talking to each other on defense. .. And Nagy does not care about offense. that does not win games.[/B] Those were coaches words, and the fact that defense did not show up really pissed him off.

      What are we at odds about? Nothing. I think we agree. It pisses me off too that the defense did not show up. The home court should not be a 40 pt advantage. We beat them by 30 at Frost and lose at FW by 10. That would make it a 40 pt advantage. You would think there would not be jet lag on a trip from/to Fort Wayne, but maybe there is. FW can probably use the jet lag argument too.


      • #48
        Re: IPFW

        Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
        Hey I said the exact same thing in an earlier post:
        POST NO 37 I Said the following:
        Horstman explained it well, they were not talking to each other on defense. .. And Nagy does not care about offense. that does not win games.[/B] Those were coaches words, and the fact that defense did not show up really pissed him off.

        What are we at odds about? Nothing. I think we agree. It pisses me off too that the defense did not show up. The home court should not be a 40 pt advantage. We beat them by 30 at Frost and lose at FW by 10. That would make it a 40 pt advantage. You would think there would not be jet lag on a trip from/to Fort Wayne, but maybe there is. FW can probably use the jet lag argument too.
        Did I say I didn't agree with you? Just because someone quotes your post doesn't mean they disagree for God's sake.


        • #49
          Re: IPFW

          IPFW beat SDSU on their home court. Exactly what they expected to do. I'm not surprised or discouraged by it. The defensive effort is discouraging but that can be corrected. Hoping for a bounce back victory at IUPUI.
          We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

          We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


          • #50
            Re: IPFW

            We'll be fine.
            If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.
            - Steven Wright


            • #51
              Re: IPFW

              Originally posted by jackmd View Post
              IPFW beat SDSU on their home court. Exactly what they expected to do. I'm not surprised or discouraged by it. The defensive effort is discouraging but that can be corrected. Hoping for a bounce back victory at IUPUI.
              If our defense had been working, this would not have happened and SDSU would still be in first place. Do we have to have a Nate Wolters popping 50 pts to get a win at FW? With the defense that they had played in the prior eight games, we would not need Nate Wolters to win. I hope for a bounce back too.


              • #52
                Re: IPFW

                Originally posted by 1bunnies View Post
                not surprised at all. to many people on this board think because you blow somebody out at home that you automatically win on the road. road games are all tough. wake up america
                Nothing is automatic and I've never felt that way. The Jacks looked like the team that went to Denver and Fargo last night. The all-out effort wasn't there, too many sloppy turnovers, and not clicking on offense. You have to bring the effort every night. If they learn from last night like they did from the first Denver and NDSU game they will be fine. If not, they are very beatable.

                It's a pretty simple formula!



                • #53
                  Re: IPFW

                  Part of the formula that was stated earlier for being at the top of the conference is that the Jackrabbits need to win half of the road games. They are still in the hunt for that criteria. It is concerning that the Mastodons scored over 80 points. The defense needs to tighten up the slack. Outscored at the free throw line by 16 is tough. Are the shooting fouls due to the defense being slow? It is time to start the next winning streak.
                  Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


                  • #54
                    Re: IPFW

                    Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
                    According to the box score it was 19 fouls to 16 fouls so not much difference. They must have been shooting everytime we fouled them
                    There is something else to look at in the 27 FT's vs 11 FT's.

                    They shot 10 of their free throws in the last 1 1/2 minutes of the game. That means before we started "sending them to the line", it was 17 FT's to 11 FT's. That isn't very bad at all.

                    If the total fouls was 19 fouls to 16 fouls, they must of had more fouls before that finishing stretch.


                    • #55
                      Re: IPFW

                      Originally posted by 91jack View Post
                      There is something else to look at in the 27 FT's vs 11 FT's.

                      They shot 10 of their free throws in the last 1 1/2 minutes of the game. That means before we started "sending them to the line", it was 17 FT's to 11 FT's. That isn't very bad at all.

                      If the total fouls was 19 fouls to 16 fouls, they must of had more fouls before that finishing stretch.
                      The home team, regardless who they are, it seems, trends favorably as far as getting more fouls called against the opposition on their home court. It just seems that way to me more this season than any other. They always get to bonus FT's first , so can count on more points from FT's at the end of the game. There is a big advantage getting FT's opposed to having to make buckets toward the end of a close game. Of course, you have to be a decent FT shooting team to take advantage. Anyone else agree/disagree?
                      Last edited by jackdaniel; 02-06-2015, 10:43 AM.


                      • #56
                        Re: IPFW

                        Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
                        The home team, regardless who they are, it seems, trends favorably as far as getting more fouls called against the opposition on their home court. It just seems that way to me more this season than any other. They always get to bonus FT's first , so can count on more points from FT's at the end of the game. There is a big advantage getting FT's opposed to having to make buckets toward the end of a close game. Of course, you have to be a decent FT shooting team to take advantage. Anyone else agree/disagree?
                        " You got to please the fans." Does this bias really enter into the minds of the refs? If it does they should not be out there. Fans are not rational so we should not even go there.


                        • #57
                          Re: IPFW

                          Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                          " You got to please the fans." Does this bias really enter into the minds of the refs? If it does they should not be out there. Fans are not rational so we should not even go there.
                          True, none the less, something I think everyone suspects and is tucked away deep in their subconscious mind

