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  • #61

    It's not too unusual for a Jr. to verbally commit to a School. This kid is barely 17 he still may grow 1"-2", and I guarantee he will put on weight at that age. especially with a sound weight program.


    • #62

      Some comments that I've seen to describe new Jacks Basketball recruit Mark Engen. True 6'10, very bright and coachable. Not a banger but face the basket type player who has a nice shot from out to 15 feet. Needs to put on some muscle to keep from being pushed around in college. Evidently both of his parents went to SDSU. Sounds like if he can put on some weight he could be a factor for us down the road.


      • #63

        Only two days left in the late signing period and only two recriuts this season? I'd love to hear the excuse for this one, because there isn't any reason to not have signed at least three recruits this year, except nobody wants to play at cellar dwelling D-I team thats not even tournament eligible, and couldn't even win a D-2 conference title with all that "D-I Freshman Talent". Maybe you guys should take a look a what a real recruiting class looks like at USD (notice theres more than 2 players on the list). Its too bad we're not playing next year, I'd love to see you get pounded again. Good luck in D-I, I'm sure you'll make the tournament real soon with recruiting like this.


        • #64

          There is nothing in your recruiting class to be envious of. The sign of a good recruiting class is not the number but rather quality of the recruits. The Jacks got two outstanding guards and will continue to seek a big guy. Nobody said recruiting would be easy this year. As for playing each other. Its Boots and your chicken shi* administration that chose not to play us. It's called envy and jealousy.


          • #65

            There is nothing in your recruiting class to be envious of. The sign of a good recruiting class is not the number but rather quality of the recruits. The Jacks got two outstanding guards and will continue to seek a big guy. Nobody said recruiting would be easy this year. As for playing each other. Its Boots and your chicken shi* administration that chose not to play us. It's called envy and jealousy.
            I guess your right about the quality over quantity. I mean you guys did get the first team metro player and we only got the second team metro player from minneapolis. Oh wait, we got the first team player. Lets face it guys you have a real problem if you don't sign another decent player. You would be crazy not to, just to keep the classes even. It truly amazes me how you can look past the obvious with your athletics. I mean last year you got the crap beat out of you by D-2 teams, then you lose some decent players, then add two D-2 prospects and all of a sudden your going to be beating the crap out D-I teams (with real D-I recruits)? Get real. Man I am envious of the 6-18 seasons your going to be having for the next 20 years. Its a great time to be a jackrabbit LOL.


            • #66

              Red and Whine...
              I wouldnt be too concerned about our recruiting class. I have a feeling that coach Nagy knows what he is doing. It really is a great time to be a Jackrabbit. Ive never been more enthusiastic about our future and athletic Dept. but lets discuss your future, a mediocre D2 school, no resources, Title IX issues, cutting programs, and an embarassing facitity in the grain bin. The excitement of our D1 move has made me (and many other fans borderline fanatics). Read our board- we have posters from Georgia Southern, Montana St. Cal-Davis, NDSU, U of Montana, Appalachin St. and Univ. Wyoming. It is fun and exciting, SDSU is raising a ton of private money, and we play in a great arena, look at our schedules- pretty cool huh?? Look at your schedules- not so cool huh?
              I understand your feilings, If my school was being left behind I'd be pissed about it too. Have fun in the NCC and competing for that National Championship that no one will ever know (or care) you won.  


              • #67

                Originally posted by redandwhite
                Only two days left in the late signing period and only two recriuts this season?  I'd love to hear the excuse for this one, because there isn't any reason to not have signed at least three recruits this year, except nobody wants to play at cellar dwelling D-I team thats not even tournament eligible, and couldn't even win a D-2 conference title with all that "D-I Freshman Talent".  Maybe you guys should take a look a what a real recruiting class looks like at USD (notice theres more than 2 players on the list).  Its too bad we're not playing next year, I'd love to see you get pounded again.   Good luck in D-I, I'm sure you'll make the tournament real soon with recruiting like this.
                Did you hear that your Alma Mater dropped baseball?

                I dont think what we would have done under any scenerio would be above criticizm by these guests who like to smart off and leave. If you want to send a private email to red and whine his email address is:


                I think these guys that want to come here and make noise should be exposed. Hope werewererw gets some mail as he needs to vent about USD.


                • #68
                  Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                  I dont think what we would have done under any scenerio would be above criticizm by these guests who like to smart off and leave. If you want to send a private email to red and whine his email address is:
                  Yeah there is, just sign a decent third player and I wouldn't have said anything. Seriously, you have to admit that your predictions of a twenty win season are WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY off since you'll be playing a team that struggled in the NCC last season with the loss of three starters, and you've only got two freshman coming in, neither of which is amazing. It boggles my mind that you guys would even think of saying something like that. Just so you know that i'm not just harassing you, I'll admit that you're women are probably going to do pretty well in the next couple of years with the players they have coming in.

                  and an embarassing facitity in the grain bin.
                  Lets talk about your football stadium. I think I would rather be in the Dakota Dome over Coughlin-Alumni stadium and day of the week. Man if you want to talk about an embarrasment go out the door of Frost and look at that dump. And don't reply by saying "I like the outdoor atmosphere" or "its old fashioned" blah blah blah. Its a dump, period. Everyone knows it. I think that the problem you have there is that you need a good football team to get support for a new stadium, and everyone knows that isn't going to happen. If any of you seriously think that your going to win more than 3 games next season, your delusional.

                  Did you hear that your Alma Mater dropped baseball
                  Hear that your teams record was 12-36 ? At least their ready for the jump to D-I!


                  • #69
                    Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                    12 - 36 is bad we will give you that, but when your head coach is in a life or death situation, 5 of your teamates almost die in a house fire, and you only have three seniors on the team i don't think the season can be called a total loss. I don't want to make excuses though we did have a bad season. It has only been said one million times since we started talking about Division1 that the teams on the fields now are not what the move is about. We didn't recruit baseball players four years ago to a Division 1 program. Its like saying a first year pre med student isn't ready for surgery next year. They have to go through a process in order to get there. By the way,  I forgot USD's team is playing for that Division 2 national championship that we will be missing out on though once we move up.  Yeah right :-/

                    What a joke, you drop your team and you can still insult ours.  At least we have something to watch even if they are 12-36.  
                    "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


                    • #70
                      Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                      We should all go a little easy on red and whine, If SDSU were staying D2 and the u was moving up I'd be really pissed off and venting and insulting too. Seriously what do these "fans" have to look forward to? We just witnesed a coyote fan defend the grain bin! With all of the problems at the athletic dept. at usd. I'd be on suicide watch if I were a usd fan! Look at whats ahead for them...NOTHING to look forward to, or be excited about. Our first couple of years at D1 will be a challenge, I think we'll do quite well - probably get some pretty nice surprise wins along the way. but you know what- If we don't win a game next year I will take that and twice on Sunday over d2 usd's future. Just think how depressed we would all be if it were us that was being left behind.


                      • #71
                        Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                        At least we have something to watch even if they are 12-36.
                        I couldn't have asked for any more of a perfect opinion of your guys position. "At least we have a D-I team, even though they suck, and will suck for the next 20 years". Its pathetic you guys. Seriously, I hope your ready for a lot of metro style beatings next season in all of your sports.

                        If we don't win a game next year I will take that and twice on Sunday over d2 usd's future
                        Maybe YOU would take that, but I don't think that most of your fans will, and you have to remember where the bills for your little adventure are going to be payed from. What are you going to do when its five years from now, and you can't pay the bills because nobody wants to see another 4-25 season of bball? You'll come crying to the state for money, and I hope they laugh you out of pierre.

                        It has only been said one million times since we started talking about Division1 that the teams on the fields now are not what the move is about.
                        Fine, I only brought it up because of this obviously drunken banter.


                        Doesn't anybody have a defense of coughlin or your doomed football team. Yeah, I didn't think so.


                        • #72
                          Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                          Originally posted by redandwhite

                          I couldn't have asked for any more of a perfect opinion of your guys position.  "At least we have a D-I team, even though they suck, and will suck for the next 20 years".  Its pathetic you guys.  Seriously, I hope your ready for a lot of metro style beatings next season in all of your sports.

                          Maybe YOU would take that, but I don't think that most of your fans will, and you have to remember where the bills for your little adventure are going to be payed from.  What are you going to do when its five years from now, and you can't pay the bills because nobody wants to see another 4-25 season of bball?  You'll come crying to the state for money, and I hope they laugh you out of pierre.

                          Doesn't anybody have a defense of coughlin or your doomed football team.  Yeah, I didn't think so.
                          Red and White has no clue about what has been going on at SDSU the last 5 years and the study supporting the move to D1.  
                          No I dont think we will ever be asking the state for money.  They will save their money to pay legal damages created by your former AD Jack Doyle who fired people without following proper procedures.  The state will probably have to pony up another 5 million  for roof repairs to the dome the next time we have tornado or wind storm go through Vermillion.

                          Its wonderful how you have predicated our sucess before we have even started the D1AA transition period.

                          I admit Coughlin does need renovations but since we took care of the yotes for the past few years, I dont  see how you can complain about SDSU football program.  Is that the best you can do? Since USD has beat SDSU ONLY THREE TIMES SINCE 1990, AND SDSU has won 14, I dont see how you should be critical of SDSU program.  You have fired at least five coaches since Dave Triblett left for Iowa in the late 1980's so you have very little to brag about. You need not worry about Coughlin nor our program, take time to worry about your own program.  It really stinks.

                          You dont seem to pay any attention about what is going on USD. Instead of shooting your mouth off here maybe you send your alma mater some cash, they need it bad.


                          • #73
                            Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                            Red and White,
                            When i said in my above post we would atleast have a team to watch I was talking about a team in general (be it D1, D2, or Naia for all i care), not necessarily a bad d1 team. We will at least be watching baseball at SDSU. How many games will you catch down in the armpit of the state. Your great "i couldn't have said it any better" from the above post just doesn't make sense. I would rather watch a poor team from my alma mater than no team at all. How about you? I will defend Coughlin for you. I wouldn't trade the atmosphere in the Dakota Dome for 2 skunked beers and watching table tennis on tv. Football games are horrible there unless the place is packed, which it never is, and basketball in that venue is just wrong. Put more than 3000 in the stands for any USD sporting event in the past 5 years besides when you have played SDSU and start talking about facilites. Why the hell would we want to go inside on Sat. afternoon or evening to watch a football game in Sept. or Oct. or hell even Nov. when we have to be inside for 7 months in South Dakota anyway. What a waste. Its kinda like watching baseball at the Metrodome, real fun. If coughlin is lacking, which i admit it is, maybe we could take some of that five million the state forked over for improvements to the Dome and put it in to one of our facilities. Nah, we will just use our own money.

                            p.s. why dont you sign in as a member so you can come back this fall during football season and predict some of our games for us expert. Ahh nevermind, just go away.
                            "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


                            • #74
                              Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                              The point was Red and Whine - that we dont have rose colored glasses on. We are in this for the long haul, and for future students, it may take a couple of years- but we will get back to getting used to winning, and when we do we will be winning against D1 schools, not the d2 competition you will be facing. As an alumni and doner I will have patience as will most other Jack fans. and as far as us not winning a game next year It was said to make a point that you obviously did'nt pick up on.
                              I cant believe you throw around football predictions for SDSU...(We're 14-3 against you since '90) Your FB team has enough problems that you should concern yourself with. (although you may eek out a win on the road at Upper Iowa or Peru St).worry about your own situation. and again I empathize with your ever increasing inferiority.


                              • #75
                                Re: BASKETBALL RECRUITING

                                usd has a hellava freshman class coming in for baseball don't they? Oh, never mind . Here's a question for ya you ever get sick of watching--at best--a sh***y football program?

