Sort of back on topic. I'm not too anxious about an 0-9 SUU team coming into CAS to face our guys who have won 4-5 and seem to be on a roll. I am concerned about our men's BB team that barely beat DWU. Many of you seem to think contrary. Perhaps I'm peculiar. I'm alright with that.
I think SUU presents a challenge which is completely different than the challenge NDSU presents. I believe Stig recognized that and has asked his guys to appreciate the same and rise to the occasion. I look forward to a good game but expect The Jacks to dominate. I think each guy will challenge his teammates to play their best regardless of the opponent. I haven't seen a game in person for 5 weeks, I can't wait for Saturday.
We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Wow, football talk has given way to dance and cheer. We're a sorry lot. I sure hope the football team is more focused than we are.
I want to apologize to the forum for leading this thread off-topic, but I am more than a little disappointed that I cannot attend the game Saturday.
Back to the game, I am concerned about a 0-9 team coming here with nothing to lose. They have played several teams very close this season. They could have beat Youngstown and I believe their last three loses have been by a touchdown or less. They may be the best 0-9 team around. I know Stig plays each game on its own merits and I hope the team can stay focused to the task at hand. We should be able to handle them, but stranger things have happened. Hang in there Jacks and stay focused. Let's win this one and then start thinking about NDSU.
I still need to get signed up for video for the game...
The same cannot be said for the SDSU fan base: Ticket sales for this Saturday have not been good despite coach John Stiegelmeier’s YouTube appearance. So let me get this straight: Having lost three in a row, the Jacks drew 14K for a non-conference game earlier this season and now, riding a three-game win streak, they may not draw half of that for a conference game on a day when temps are supposed to be in the low 60s?
Don't give up hope yet. My wife and I will be in the stands but we will just purchase tickets when we get there. I hope many others will do the same when they see how nice the weather will be.
With the weather being good the walk up number should be good for the game. Hopefully the student numbers aren't too bad with the three day weekend. West river deer season opens up this weekend, could hurt attendance a little.
I've been debating with myself all morning. Should I stay home, get some badly needed chores done, and save myself a 7 hour round trip plus the expense of $3.09 gas? Or should I say what the... and go to the game? I finally won the argument and I might even make it in time for the volleyball match tonight. Women's basketball for sure.
I'm outta here.
An ardent supporter of the hometown team should go to a game prepared to take offense, no matter what happens.Robert Benchley US actor, author, & humorist (1889 - 1945)
I'm not nervous. Although most games on the radio seem to be very nerve wracking.
SDSU has not lost to a team that should beat in the last three + years (save the game not to be mentioned). I would think that upsets or let downs are more likely earlier in the year. A well coached and disciplined team should not have any problems with the second to last game at home with the conference on the line.
I expect a thrashing and SUU to get cheap and dirty early.
Rabbits over 38
Dirty Birds 10 or less
I won't make the trip back for this one, but my season tickets will be filled. With good weather I would consider 6,000 + to be a success.
Got my gratuitous call from JackMD as he pulled into Brookings tonight to remind me that I wasn't going to make it to the game tomorrow. I was at the Yankton-Watertown volleyball match when he called. I think I might be getting the short end of the stick this weekend. High school VB v. Jacks WBB; Cheer and Dance v. Jacks FB.
Unlike Jacks99, I am still concerned about this game. We really need to stay focused. I hate playing teams with no wins and I think that SUU is a pretty good team. Hope I am proved wrong tomorrow.