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2025 Outlook - Revenge.

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  • jakejc795
    Roehl leaving for Lions opened spot at Iowa State for Landry, which is leading to promotion of Dan Larson (NDSU's former OL coach). Will be interesting to see if that makes their offense more "run heavy"

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  • Cowbell
    When watching the Chiefs vs. Broncos debacle yesterday, I couldn't help but see a parallel to the 2025 version of the Jacks. On the field were second tier players for the Chiefs, good athletes, little experience at that level, yet a noticeable athletic step behind the abilities of the starters. I hope I'm wrong but after witnessing the pillaging and plundering of our football roster it's hard to be optimistic because, frankly, we don't know what the hell we have.

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  • AZjack
    McFooly, Kolpack and Izzo definitely making me want to cancel my Forum Communications subscription with their blatant cheering for the transfer of players.

    Fargo is a crap town and I can see why they are bitter for having to live there.

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  • YanktonJack7
    Multiple national journalists are reporting Jimmy is heading to Washington State to be their HC.

    A place where it’s hard to win but he will get more $$$ himself. He was gutted after the loss in Fargo and then bolts.

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  • jakejc795
    Originally posted by YanktonJack7 View Post
    Or does he call John Stiegelmeier who has mentioned numerous times how much he misses coaching?
    A bridge would allow donors to establish funding necessary to lure an FBS coordinator, if they wanted to go the "Lujan route" in 2026.

    At least one source indicates he's being paid an estimated $200k more than Rogers, although he was also listed among coaches on hot seat.

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  • jakejc795
    Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
    So IF this happens and I used capital letters for a reason, does Justin Sell dial up Zach Lujan ?
    I wondered that myself.

    The way WSU is handling this suggests Rogers isn't the head coach but is DC; otherwise, why not just announce it.

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  • YanktonJack7
    Or does he call John Stiegelmeier who has mentioned numerous times how much he misses coaching?

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  • bigticket1
    So IF this happens and I used capital letters for a reason, does Justin Sell dial up Zach Lujan ?

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  • jakejc795
    Thank you, mango.

    That definitely puts a damper on a Sat.

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  • mango4
    You do not have permission to view this gallery.
    This gallery has 1 photos.

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  • jakejc795
    Originally posted by salemjack View Post
    Zim’s tweet… not good.
    Any chance folks could link to these nefarious tweets?

    I used to be able to google and find recent tweets, but ol' Elon's changes make that more difficult these days

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  • jakejc795
    Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post

    They are likely flush with $ with what all the schools leaving the PAC 10 had to pay and the TV money that remained. But they still are going to be a level below P4.
    If I'm WSU, and I can swing a Vigen-Rogers HC-DC combo, that'd be a great start to 2025. At this point, who knows, maybe the Twitter following was due to Ukaegbu wanting to bring Bobbit back.

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  • salemjack
    Zim’s tweet… not good.

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  • bigticket1
    Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post

    One of the benefits of CBSSportsline is that it affords folks access to 247. I'd pump the brakes on the WSU Forum thread suggesting Rogers is their new HC. Posts in their speculate that he'd be the DC, based largely on WSU's Deputy AD reportedly following Rogers on Twitter.

    The thread also mentioned that the deputy AD also started following Kirby Moore. There are posts speculating that he's following everyone he interviewed; then again, one response asks if "he" (seemingly Deputy AD Ukaegbu) flew from Bozeman to San Diego, so at least some posters aren't researching Rogers (or Rodgers if you find the poster with repeat surname misspelling convincing).

    Multiple posts express concerns/dissatisfaction with Rogers as their new HC, and a couple are dismissive of him as a DC option due to what they feel would be aneed to double his current salary. One response is optimistic WSU would have the money to pay him $600k as DC.
    They are likely flush with $ with what all the schools leaving the PAC 10 had to pay and the TV money that remained. But they still are going to be a level below P4.

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  • jakejc795
    Originally posted by peavy View Post
    Did a quick google search (haven't used Twitter in a few months) on coaching staff and found this thread (VIP locked) on the Washington State board that was started 10 hours ago asking if the new HC is Jimmy Rogers. The post now has 35 replies and has been more active than any vigen posts.
    One of the benefits of CBSSportsline is that it affords folks access to 247. I'd pump the brakes on the WSU Forum thread suggesting Rogers is their new HC. Posts in their forum speculate that he'd be the DC, based largely on WSU's Deputy AD reportedly following Rogers on Twitter.

    The thread also mentioned that the deputy AD also started following Kirby Moore. There are posts speculating that he's following everyone he interviewed; then again, one response asks if "he" (seemingly Deputy AD Ukaegbu) flew from Bozeman to San Diego, so at least some posters aren't researching Rogers (or Rodgers if you find the poster with repeat surname misspelling convincing).

    Multiple posts express concerns/dissatisfaction with Rogers as their new HC, and a couple are dismissive of him as a DC option due to what they feel would be a need to double his current salary. One response is optimistic WSU would have the money to pay him $600k as DC.

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