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GDT: @ North Dakota State (10/19/24)

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  • Originally posted by JackFan96 View Post
    Listen, for fans who say NDSU supporters blame the officials whenever they lose, there's a lot of blaming the officials here. Seems like there's plenty to work on in-house.
    i will not try to speak for others, also, I have never said anything about what bison fans say. i cannot say if others think the officials were the cause of the loss or not. as a coach, I am telling myself and my players that ONE SECOND of time spent worrying about the reffing is a second of time totally wasted!!

    i have ZERO control over the refs. the coaches and the players need to focus 100% on the things that they CAN control. they have PLENTY of things that they do control that they can make better. i have ZERO worry about this team wasting time on the officials. i know that they will put their focus in the correct place and i know that we will see them improve!!

    this was a VERY close loss IN FARGO in a game that we did not play nearly as well as we are able to, so there should be no worries about being able to play them again, EVEN if it has to be in Fargo again. if it is or not, at this point, is another thing that we probably cannot control

    but as a fan, I can allow myself a few moments to be frustrated with the reffing.
    am i wrong? did we get called for holding at least once on EVERY possession of the second half? not to mention plenty in the first half?

    someone tell me did you get a good look at how many of them? did they all look like clear holding to you? i am sure some were clear, but those that i was actually able to see looked very 50 /50. if they want to call it VERY TIGHT, ok fine but call it tight both ways
    do you really think the bison were not guilty of the same things many times? of course they were. many many many people who know the game very well tell you that holding could be called on EVERY play

    obviously that would make the game horrible to watch, but the only thing worse than that is calling a LOT of marginal holding calls on one team and very few on the other

    the other call that i would like clarified was the unsportsmanlike on the bison missed kick

    our guy was engaged with their guy when the kick was struck AND he was in the air. after the kick was struck his momentum carried him to the ground and the player he was engaged with came down with him

    did someone see more? that is definitely not a personal foul. more than that people on here are screaming that our players are undisciplined WELL the player did NOTHING undisciplined on that play!! he was trying to make a play. his momentum took him to the ground after he leapt and the player he was engaged came to the ground with him

    same thing on all the holding calls i saw
    one example, in the second half maybe it was even 4th Q, Mark made a run up the middle. Mark veered to his left. one of our linemen was engaged with a defender facing the direction Mark was running. Mark made a move and veered to his right
    the blocker and defender NEVER disengaged but the defender turned so that his back was to the blocker and in the process both of them went to the ground.

    from what i saw that is NOT a hold
    if it is a hold then you are calling the game VERY TIGHT and make sure you call it equally tight in both directions

    but it is DEFINITELY NOT a jackrabbit player being undisciplined OR as another person here said it is not a lineman who cannot block without CHEATING

    go back to the very beginning of the game. watch their first down up the left sideline. based on the way holding was called on us, one of their receivers was VERY clearly holding a defender, which allowed them to gain significant more ground

    AGAIN, i am NOT saying the refs cost us the game. but in a tough loss in a very close game, as a fan, i do not feel bad pointing out that there were plenty of questionable calls

    WHY did the catch interference against Beanum get overturned. was it a bang bang call YOU BET IT WAS!!!! and if they had NOT called it a penalty on the field I would have never expected it to be overturned. but the replay VERY CLEARLY does show that the defender DID make contact with Beanum before he touched the ball AND that is what was called on the field

    i have no idea why it was overturned
    obviously the catch interference against us was clearly a good call

    so anyway the officiating was questionable in a lot of ways. time to move on. i know the team will move on!!! i believe they will learn and improve!! i believe this team is going to be a lot better before the final chapters of this season are written. i hope we get to play ndsu again and i dont care where we have to play them

    one last thing just to end on a very positive note
    after our point after was blocked, what a GREAT GREAT play by Bryce Johnson to bust his tail all the way down the field!! he did not assume the play was over or wait for someone else to make it!! he showed INCREDIBLE speed and great character and effort in never giving up on the play and saving his team from giving up 2 points!!


    • Originally posted by LetsGoRabbits View Post

      i have not read any other comments yet. this is the most recent comment when i opened up. dont like to be on here during the game any way and Jacks and Yanks playing at the same time (the ONLY teams i care about in all of sport. i dont even watch games if one of the 2 are not playing) no chance i am gonna be on the internet

      came here to make a different initial comment and i am NOT saying Mark or the team played great. they have plenty of things to work on before the next time they see ndsu (and i feel MORE than confident that they will improve a LOT), but the criticism feels a lot more hollow when it comes from a source that almost strictly makes post that are critical

      again Mark was far from perfect today. i have posted multiple theories about the source of his struggles, but he is a Senior, 2x champ, WP award winner, he NEEDS to get it straightened out. either he needs to coach his pass catchers to do what he is expecting them to do OR he needs to change what he is expecting. i am a bit surprised it is not looking better by this time of the season BUT I still believe they will figure it out

      room for improvement does not belong strictly to Mark. maybe someone believes (and could explain something different) but on the interception Griffin faded up the field giving the DB room to undercut the pass. if Griffin runs straight across OR even comes slightly back toward the LOS then there is NO CHANCE for the DB to get between him and the ball

      not trying to put the loss on any ONE or few players. they win and lose as a team and i still have all the faith in the world that this team will make huge improvements

      the thing i wanted to say before reading the comments- the loss is on the team. they need to take care of the things that are WITHIN THEIR CONTROL, but am i wrong or did we get called for holding at least once on EVERY drive we had in the second half? i believe we did

      if we held we held, FINE
      but the replays that i could see were 50 / 50 calls
      did the bison NOT do the same thing on every series? i know that they did

      we can and will take care of our own business, but the reffing was grossly in favor of one team. not to mention the one play that they did get called for holding- the RB picking up our blitzer with a full wrap tackle, the announcer complimented him and said he did a great job

      anyway reffing was gross. we will take care of our own business going forward. this was a VERY BAD day for USD. it will not be pretty for them next week
      Hoping that you'll tell me you watch the Yankees hoping they'll lose

      Regarding Wilde, I'd have to watch the replay, but I thought he was trying to move to spot between two defenders. That's not to say you might not be right about the route.

      Regarding officiating, that, and the difference in the "independent" replay review frequency, are a couple reasons I'd hate to see Jacks have to return to Fargo in playoffs.

      Plus, I'd likely have to read all week from a couple naysayers, whom I'm beginning to wonder if they might be the same person or someone Jimmy Rogers embarrassed in HS in AZ, about everything that's wrong with Jacks.

      Now's the time to make even more noise versus mangy 'Yotes and let Jacks know we still have their backs


      • Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post

        He's missed throws all season that he's made in the past. Overthrowing receivers and short-arming throws into the ground. And it's not all on the receivers.
        I wish my memory were more photographic because I'd like to be able to have encyclopedic recall of how many of the throws he "made" in prior seasons involved adjustments by WR, TEs, and RBs and how his mechanics have changed.

        Having said that, I'm struggling with understanding why the Jacks don't dial up a few more slant passes like those the Bison used to sustain drives. Any theories on why those are so infrequent these days?


        • Originally posted by RahRahRabbits View Post

          I meant UC Davis might have the best shot to knock off Montana State, though looking now, UCD is undefeated vs FCS as well. One thing's for sure I guess --- the next few weeks will sure be interesting now that we no longer hold our own destiny in our hands for seeding.

          Even if we win out, I don't think it's at all reasonable to say we'd be a lock for the 3-seed. Nova/Mercer losing helps, but it seems there's always another lesser-conference undefeated team to sneak in. Or, if UC Davis's only FCS loss is actually to what would likely be an undefeated Montana State, they'd most certainly be in the conversation for the 3 seed as well. Heck - maybe even SEMO gets a nod as a potential FCS undefeated.

          Top-4 is absolutely not guaranteed even if we win out. Realistically we'll need quite a bit of help to even get that.
          If the Jacks win out, they are a lock for a top 4 seed. Only one FCS loss (which at this point of the season is the " best " FCS loss that anyone has ) plus a great strength of schedule.


          • Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post

            If the Jacks win out, they are a lock for a top 4 seed. Only one FCS loss (which at this point of the season is the " best " FCS loss that anyone has ) plus a great strength of schedule.
            Hopefully Montana State drops at least two vs EWU, Sac State, Davis, or Montana, and this all becomes moot


            • Tough loss. We didn’t play well. Sloppy, too many penalties in a game this close.

              it fans down to Miller outplaying Gronowski. As much as I hate to admit it, Miller is better this year and Mark hasn’t played as well. He is drifting back or taking off before the medium/long passing game even develops. Honestly, that NDSU def isn’t elite and is playing with lots of backups. There is no reason that we shouldn’t have had a better offensive showing.

              I question the game plan or play calling a bit. If we aren’t even going to try to throw the ball, honestly Chase should be in there more. As Jimmy eluded to in His radio show, 50/50 balls are not 50/50 anymore with the way def PI is called. Why not give our WRs a chance? We all know they are stacked in the box to stop the run at times, that is what you get paid as an OC to do. Catch them in man and take a shot.
              Defense plays so well and then gives up a back breaking long drive with the game on the line.
              Offense still gets a chance to win it and throws an INT.

              offense, defense and special teams all failed at times today.

              This team is very good but it’s not last year where we could play bad and still win against even the best competition.

              let’s get back on track next week and I hope we get another shot at them in the playoffs. It’s a tough turnaround so we will see what this team is made of with some adversity. This team has never been in this situation. Let’s see how the coaches and team responds.


              • Everyone who is trying to put the majority of the blame on Gronowski has obviously never played the quarterback position before.

                Rhythm is a huge part of the position and impact accuracy tremendously.

                A good play caller ensures that his QB gets easy completions early (even if you can run it for 4 yards every play) and mixes in medium-long throws each drive to keep the arm and footwork loose.

                Our play callers do none of that. Where is the play action? Where are the easy throws early on? Where are the TEs in the receiving game?

                I would encourage everyone to study the rhythm NDSU had on their last drive. That’s how you call a drive.


                • On the topic of penalties, particularly what seemed to be inconsistency of calling holding by the refs. I recall SDSU’s Lynn Boden playing his first year with the Detroit Lions. (The offensive guard was selected by the Lions in the first round of the 1975 draft.) Sommerall and Madden were calling the game. When Boden was flagged for what I recall was his third holding in a fairly short period of time, Madden noted the rookie “was going to have to learn to hide that a little better.”
                  On Saturday, the Bison hid it better. Part of the game. We didn’t adjust very well when it was clear the refs were watching.


                  • Don’t panic…… get the tight-ends involved and find one or two receivers besides Wilde…..The D is great…..


                    • This was a hard fought battle between two really good football teams. I was up in Fargo with some family and then came home and re-watched the game. Especially after the re-watch I just came away impressed with Cam Miller. He made magnificent throws and had a few key runs for first downs. There is a reason this dude has a 77% completion percentage on the season and we got to see if on that last drive.

                      The Jackrabbit offense will improve and we will be more productive in the passing game. Like coach Rogers said, all the team goals are still in front of them.
                      The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'


                      • One thing I hope they change is trying to turn the qb into a running back. The staff has made this mistake before and its only led to injuries and a crappy passing game.


                        • Originally posted by JackrabbitGuy View Post
                          This was a hard fought battle between two really good football teams. I was up in Fargo with some family and then came home and re-watched the game. Especially after the re-watch I just came away impressed with Cam Miller. He made magnificent throws and had a few key runs for first downs. There is a reason this dude has a 77% completion percentage on the season and we got to see if on that last drive.

                          The Jackrabbit offense will improve and we will be more productive in the passing game. Like coach Rogers said, all the team goals are still in front of them.
                          Fans and coaches have been saying that for 7 games and improvement week. At some point what the offense currently is becomes who they are
                          "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." -Tyler Durden


                          • Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post

                            I wish my memory were more photographic because I'd like to be able to have encyclopedic recall of how many of the throws he "made" in prior seasons involved adjustments by WR, TEs, and RBs and how his mechanics have changed.

                            Having said that, I'm struggling with understanding why the Jacks don't dial up a few more slant passes like those the Bison used to sustain drives. Any theories on why those are so infrequent these days?
                            I have vivid memories of the Jankes making great catches. But I'm not sure how to quantify or qualify any kind of statistic. That said, I know that Mark was told that he megs to work on a number of things for the pro-game, one of which was hitting receivers in stride and putting the ball in a place to maximize YAC. What I see this year, when Mark isn't throwing a check down over a running back's head or one hopping a pass to a reciever, are balls thrown behind the reciever. My memories of the Jankes are of the Jankes coming back to make great catches in coverage.


                            • That is a catch.Thank you to Dave for the good photo. Pretty easy to see how the call was missed with the big green body in the line of sight. image_1000.jpg IMG_4999.jpeg
                              Attached Files
                              You know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill. - L. George


                              • Originally posted by Prairiehaas View Post
                                That is a catch.Thank you to Dave for the good photo. Pretty easy to see how the call was missed with the big green body in the line of sight. image_1000.jpg IMG_4999.jpeg
                                I think the debate is more about if he maintained control of the ball when he hit the ground.

