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GDT: South Dakota (10/8/22)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by JackJD View Post

    I keep laughing about jakejc’s naming of the “Headless Yote-man”.

    (Think about Washington Irving’s creation of the Headless horseman in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. That guy threw his unattached pumpkin head at the terrified Ichabod Crane and then disappeared into thin air.)

    As this season continues, we’ll have to watch for news of the Headless Yote-man.
    "Helmetless," while more accurate, seemed less linguistically appealing


    • #47
      WSRs Rant 22 minute wait for a beer? can't believe we are letting that happen Those $ add up!


      • #48
        Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post

        "Helmetless," while more accurate, seemed less linguistically appealing
        Lol. That’s classic.

        I am am watching the replay. The Headless Yote-man came into being at about 12:20 in the fourth quarter. He was formerly known as #23, Jonathan Joanis, a senior linebacker out of Florida. (He’s actually a good player but he forgot a rule and cost his team 15 yards).

        Here’s what happened (thanks for the explanation by the Midco guys covering the game, particularly the color commentator Curtis Riggs): Headless Yote-man (HYM) lines up on on the left end of the Yote defensive line. When the ball is snapped, SDSU’s Mike Morgan #34, TE/FB blocks HYM and in the process, HYM losses his hat. The penalty then occurs when HYM ran to the scrum to join the effort to tackle SDSU’s ball carrier. The refs throw a flag for personal foul rejoining the action after losing one’s hat (that may not be the official rule wording).

        I was at the game and wondered if the penalty was due to what appeared to be HYM refusing to sit out a play because he bared his head. It’s possible he thought he wasn’t required to leave because his hat was peeled off by Morgan.


        • #49
          Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post

          Used to park south of Daktronics Engineering Building, and it's even easier, but that's not an option now given one family member's mobility issues.
          At one time, a few years ago when most of the roads through campus were closed, there was talk of a campus shuttle to facilitate crossing the campus. As I get older, and after a knee replacement last spring, that would be a welcome service. Though I can't imagine route across campus for a shuttle with significant capacity.
          You know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill. - L. George


          • #50
            Originally posted by Prairiehaas View Post

            At one time, a few years ago when most of the roads through campus were closed, there was talk of a campus shuttle to facilitate crossing the campus. As I get older, and after a knee replacement last spring, that would be a welcome service. Though I can't imagine route across campus for a shuttle with significant capacity.
            There are more than a couple carts running from the stadium on west side going north and back. One of those has larger capacity like 6 or 7 with driver. I am not sure if those would have other routes.
            Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


            • #51
              I checked the official USD Athletic website,, to see how they reported the game. Here's the opening sentence about a game played at "Dykstra" stadium:

              ​​​​​​BROOKINGS, S.D.—South Dakota State running back Isaiah Davis ran for 108 yards and three touchdowns, more than enough offense in a 28-3 win against South Dakota Saturday at Dykstra Stadium.

              Last edited by JackJD; 10-09-2022, 01:02 PM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Prairiehaas View Post

                At one time, a few years ago when most of the roads through campus were closed, there was talk of a campus shuttle to facilitate crossing the campus. As I get older, and after a knee replacement last spring, that would be a welcome service. Though I can't imagine route across campus for a shuttle with significant capacity.
                I could see the wider sidewalks around Rotunda, Library, and sidewalk adjacent to green north of Frost as options in such a shuttle circuit.


                • #53
                  Yesterday's game wea a fabulous showcase for SDSU. The stadium was packed with enthusiastic fans, the Pride of the Dakotas was in great form with its 400 band members and our team played like champions - while wearing blue jerseys and yellow pants. It was quite a day.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Cowbell View Post
                    Yesterday's game wea a fabulous showcase for SDSU. The stadium was packed with enthusiastic fans, the Pride of the Dakotas was in great form with its 400 band members and our team played like champions - while wearing blue jerseys and yellow pants. It was quite a day.
                    was the band bigger than normal, i would think NOT?

                    but i do have to say, i had to listen to the beginning of the game on the radio, and WOW i do not think i have ever gotten chills before when i was listening on the radio

                    BUT when the team came out and the band started up the school song i truly did get chills
                    i was wondering if the radio crew had a microphone closer to the band or something but for a band that, in my mind, is ALWAYS GREAT!!!, yesterday they seemed even better

                    AND yet as loud as the band was, i could also EASILY hear a giant ROAR of the crowd

                    and i am NOT exaggerating, listening on the radio, hearing the AMAZING BAND and the roar of my fellow jackrabbits, i was pretty overwhelmed with pride in my school


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by WestSideRabbit View Post
                      Victory Sunday is the best and the best way to start it is by reading the Rants & Raves. #GoJacks
                      Thank You for pointing out that the offense would have looked, at least fine, if maybe not straight up good in the first quarter if the ref, who WAS directly on top of the play!!, would have made the very VERY obvious interference call. Nieman on the midco broadcast attempted to say they got their feet tangled. Riggs called him out immediately saying it was an obvious penalty that should have been called. then they showed the replay, and Riggs said that was NOT getting their feet tangled

                      plenty of complaining on HERE about the offense during the first quarter. but that call would have made a very big difference (I am not saying they were PERFECT early and i hope and would LOVE to see them come out HOT next week!!!) but they continue to deal with the absence of one of the best players in the country and on top of that, just as Hiens looked like him and Grono had found a good chemistry and rhythm, he was questionable for yesterday also

                      another thing that would have made a difference:

                      the first drive that we did get something going, Amar gets an unsportsmanlike call after we move the ball into usd territory. NOW there was NEVER any replay of the play, SO.....? i cannot say if it was a decent call or not???? but it moved us our of usd territory and made it 1st and 20 and the drive died
                      (so i am not sure how fans can blame OC and QB and play calling for either a bonehead penalty or a bad call??)

                      again we were never able to see the action that drew the penalty, but i did think that the penalties were still concerning. they just give good teams a foothold to turn momentum. you cannot afford to give away momentum and put yourself behind the chains against good teams

                      it is a strange development in the last few years that the jacks are getting more penalties and have not been excellent on special teams. maybe with some rare exceptions, i feel like special teams and penalties have been areas where Stigs teams have almost always had an advantage during his tenure.

                      special teams, in recent years has improved as the year has gone on. HOPEFULLY that will happen this year also!! OBVIOUSLY we have made some BIG plays on special teams!! but hopefully there will be more consistency

                      games like this are absolutely perfect for coaches. HUGE win and lots of reasons to PRAISE your team!!!! and yet plenty of material where you can give them an honest and deserved kick in the butt and keep them from getting lazy, but motivated and working hard to improve

                      i VERY MUCH TRUST these coaches and players to keep working hard and keep improving!! with some good breaks on the injury front i think they have a chance to be an absolute steam rolling machine come playoff time


                      • #56
                        The Pride numbers 345 this year compared to 265 a year ago.
                        Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


                        • #57
                          i think the usd game thread is the appropriate place for this
                          anyone who has been watching on here for any amount of time, KNOWS that i REALLY dislike usd

                          but that said, maybe it has not been seen on here so often, i still do appreciate their good players and have even had a few yote players over the years who i would have loved to see switch sides

                          the easiest ones-
                          i had a LOT of respect for Dave Boots
                          would have loved to have Randy Rosenquist and Tim Hatchett wear the yellow and blue

                          and probably the most blatant one of all Chloe Lamb
                          there have been a few others who were not quite as big of stars but i appreciated how they played

                          anyway what i am getting around to, even though i HATE usd and would happily have the whole place fall into a sink hole and disappear forever, i do think that when the individuals associated with the school do things well they still deserve to be recognized

                          and i have ALWAYS wished that fans would be just as quick to applaud good play from their opponents as they are to celebrate their failures

                          and in regard to yesterday and the usd football game, i TRULY think they deserve some credit

                          they were NOT as bad as the final stats show!!
                          they are much better than their record shows (WOW what an insane convergence of events that has led to the unbelievable schedule they have faced to begin this season!!!!) i mean they start the conference season by playing the number 1 and 2 or 1 and 3 teams in the country and that is after facing the other FCS school ranked in the top 3 in the ooc schedule along with a ranked FBS team

                          BOTH Stig and Riggs pointed out before the game that their running back or running backs are good or at least dangerous. the starter does not go down with arm tackles and he has very good feet, very similar to Davis the way he makes people miss in small spaces. AND that they had a solid D

                          their defense is very sound and generally has 11 guys doing their assignment. we missed a big play to begn the game! Davis made a huge play out of what should have been simply a nice gain and we did hit a few other plays as the day progressed, but they are a team that largely appears that they will not give up a lot of big plays and you will NEED to go down the field making a bunch of 3-6 yard plays

                          i DEFINITELY thought that Stig and Riggs were shown to be very accurate as the game went along. they did get worn down but i think they showed to be a team VERY worthy of respect and the FACT that the jacks beat them SO DRASTICALLY both statistically and on the scoreboard REALLY showed the jacks to be a very special football team

                          but i think the yotes will have a chance now to win some games and develop some momentum going into the end of the year

                          and of course every game they win at this point ONLY helps the jacks so hopefully they can regroup and continue to play well now that they do not have to play the rest of the schedule against teams rated in the top 5

                          side note

                          it is very disappointing how missouri state has fallen apart since playing the jacks

                          and ultimately that is ON missouri state
                          but i think i did say something about it after the game
                          i had some fear they might have been shaken by the dominant way the jacks beat them and Riggs pointed it out last week also

                          they have SO MANY transfers and i think they really thought they were good when things were going good

                          but after the terrible 4th Q against arkansas and getting dominated by the jacks

                          my fear was they would begin to wonder if they actually were good and they might start to have questions about the guys next to them since they came from all over

                          MAYBE that is not what is happening? i am not in the locker room OF COURSE i cannot say for sure?? but it seems a valid possibility. whatever it is they are not playing well and they are making the victory by the jacks look less meaningful with every additional loss- but that team came into the jacks game with LOTS of confidence and the jacks punched them in the mouth and made them question who and what they are

                          of course one good side of that

                          i think the most dangerous team for the jacks will be a team with a great QB and or playmaking receivers
                          a team that can get the ball out quick and let playmakers make plays OR
                          a QB who extends plays and then makes plays (although the d line and LBs and rest of the D is making it really tough for plays to be extended and maybe nobody will be able to??

                          but the bears seem to have maybe the QB and playmaker (scott) who best fit those descriptions and they might not be a threat for another meeting with the jacks


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by OldHare View Post
                            The Pride numbers 345 this year compared to 265 a year ago.

                            any reason for the change or for small number last year or big number this year

                            regardless of numbers they have always been INCREDIBLE!!
                            they represent the school well (i guess at least in my opinion. i know there have been a few questions over the years)
                            they have always added a lot to every game day and they are a great asset


                            • #59
                              The Pride. the crowd involvement and team play yesterday would make any wanna be rival question the future.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by LetsGoRabbits View Post


                                any reason for the change or for small number last year or big number this year

                                regardless of numbers they have always been INCREDIBLE!!
                                they represent the school well (i guess at least in my opinion. i know there have been a few questions over the years)
                                they have always added a lot to every game day and they are a great asset
                                The Macy’s Parade trip to NYC certainly is the main driver for the increased number of members this year. Regardless, they look and sound great. They stretched across the entire field from end to end in three rows yesterday at halftime. That was amazing. The student section and turnout, most stayed until the very end, also cannot be understated. It was a great day all around. Our program is continually moving up!

