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Coughlin Alumni

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  • #31
    Re: Coughlin Alumni


    Heat the nail on the head here---it's all about the $$$$...That is one of the main agurements for many of the D1 oppents is...Where the hell is this money coming from....The Alums are going to be the first to be hit up....Yes Brookings does have some major Corps...but they have all been hit up and most of them do what they can if you want to send me any $$$ I will get it to the right sopt ;D ;D ;D----LOL

    I predict a Jacks rout this weekend---55-3


    • #32
      Re: Coughlin Alumni

      Catch Em All Guy:

      Thanks for putting things in perspective. I get impatient at times too, but I think you have hit the nail on the head. If we have complaints, maybe we should find a way to be part of the solution. Good Idea ;D ;D


      • #33
        Re: Coughlin Alumni

        CatchEmAll_Guy wrote "My final thought, if this upgrading Coughlin Alumni Stadium is such a priority for you, you feel so strongly about it, stop complaining on a chatboard and figure out a realistic way to solve the problem.  Complaining on here does nothing, rounding up your teammates, putting together some funding, or talking to Keith and Fred about how you can help does something."

        I don't think it's fair to criticize people for discussing issues on a discussion board. That's what it is here for. And I also don't think your implication that the people who frequent this board are just complainers who don't support SDSU athletics financially is fair either. In fact, I suspect there are a great many donors participating in this discussion. I would also argue that "complaining about it" on a discussion board does help us understand the problems better and could even result in solutions that are communicated to Fred and Keith (who I suspect monitor this board anyway... and if they don't, somebody there should.)

        Regarding merchandise: I've seen the merchandise at the bookstore, and it is awful, too. (You can find the exact same stuff at 100 other universities... just insert SDSU into a template instead of NDSU or OSU or DSU or whatever, and you have the SDSU bookstore version of a given sweatshirt.) Good merchandise actually builds the university's identity rather than diluting it with generic designs and slogans.

        Whether we're talking about lousy unlicensed merchandise at Scheel's or lousy licensed merchandise at the Student Union Bookstore, my points about branding and identity stand. SDSU's branding and merchandise doesn't measure up even to "South Dakota's team"... and it makes me sick to admit it.

        Athletics needs to have control of athletic merchandise. It makes no sense for the bookstore to control that. And once athletics gets control of merchandise, they need to hire professionals to hone SDSU's athletics identity. If SDSU could provide Scheel's with decent, licensed merchandise that would sell (as USD apparently has) they'll gladly sell it and the university will profit.


        • #34
          Re: Coughlin Alumni

          Ok Jackrabbit

          Good points too, about merchandise and raising issues on this board. Now I dont know whose side I am on. I guess I am on my own side, but both CatchemAll and you have made good points. Criticism should be constructive, but not withheld. I can't vouch for the monitoring. I would hope they would look in now and then.

          What CatchEm All said about the constraints on the budget is correct and has been common knowledge among users of the board.

          I bought some power ball tickets again this week and not even close on the numbers. Winning the power ball would and a generous donation to SDSU would work in my tax plan. ;D ;D


          • #35
            Re: Coughlin Alumni

            Originally posted by OK_Jackrabbit
            I don't think it's fair to criticize people for discussing issues on a discussion board. That's what it is here for. And I also don't think your implication that the people who frequent this board are just complainers who don't support SDSU athletics financially is fair either. In fact, I suspect there are a great many donors participating in this discussion. I would also argue that "complaining about it" on a discussion board does help us understand the problems better and could even result in solutions that are communicated to Fred and Keith (who I suspect monitor this board anyway... and if they don't, somebody there should.)
            I'm not trying to imply that the people on this board are chronic complainers and I have never insinuated that people on this board don't donate. In fact, it's obvious from numerous posts and personal knowledge that there are some very generous donors on this board. My point is that nameless, faceless comments on a chatboard carry little weight, whereas talking to Fred/Keith face to face or calling them or sending them an email with your thoughts and ways you can help actually sends the message that you believe changes need to be made and that you want to help. I've talked to Fred about the stadium, listened to his ideas, told him I support any moves he makes, and told him that if I had the financial capabilities (which I don't) to help I would. It's got to be hard enough for him to move the whole athletic department forward with every coach as important as the next, every program as important as the next. He knows that the "revenue" sports need to have showcase facilities, but he also knows that every sport needs facilities and legally all sports need to be treated on some level of equality. And we all know money is the issue.

            I'm glad discussions like these take place. It's good for growth. I also know that I'm entitled to point things out and call people out to make change. It's one thing to express your opinions on a chat board. It's an entirely different matter if you grab the bull by the horns and do something about it. By that I mean if you have the means to donate, volunteer, even spread the word of our move to DI then do it. Not everyone can give thousands of dollars to help, but if you are a supporter you can talk to others about the good that's going on and have faith that everything (including facilities) will move in the right direction.

            I played football for State. I heard the same promises about new lockerrroom facilities. I also worked in the athletic department, have sat through discussions on facilities and know budget constraints. I've also realized that it takes time, money and effort to get these things done. Personally, I've realized that to support this transition one of the most important things I've done is talked to Fred about issues that affect my sport, listened to what's going on, and believing that Fred is doing everything in his power to make changes. I can't make the financial contributions to make big change, but each person who vocalizes their support to Fred (and the rest of the staff) is one less person they have to worry about jumping down their throat about "why did you ruin SDSU".

            I'm off my soap box. Savage as you will.


            • #36
              Re: Coughlin Alumni

              Very good points. I have sent Dr. Oien E-mails letting him know that I think the move to D-I was a great one. I have also talked to him personally, as recently as last Saturday. Everyone at State really appreciates hearing from those who support the move.

              I also have faith that our facilities will get better. I and many others have called for patience with our move to D-I. It has been said sooooo many time but, "it is a marathon not a sprint". So keep the faith and be patient. Good things are coming.

              Go State! ;D


              • #37
                Re: Coughlin Alumni

                While I won't go back down the BHS @ CAS path, let me confirm that while I think that CAS needs significant improvements, I do maintain that it is a decent and, in some respects, superior facility to those at comparable institutions. As I stated earlier, I believe that CAS was the best field in the NCC because of the natural grass and the fact that nobody else played on it. The latter is no longer a relevant point, but I do think that natural grass is still a very strong asset. Therefore, discussions about $800,000 for the latest turf technology are irrelevant. What is wrong with a grass field?


                • #38
                  Re: Coughlin Alumni

                  Permanent seating on the east side along with new scoreboards is what is needed most at Coughlin Alumni. If the wellness center could be incorporated even better. I do not think that SDSU needs turf. What is so great about turf? Sure a big rain would rip up the grass but how often does that happen? Even with SDSU & BHS games, 10-11 football games/ year is not that many.

                  The folks up at NDSU are fond of their dome. But - I would take an outdoor game on a grass field at Coughlin over the Fargodome nearly every day of the week. The only exception being a very cold and windy day in November.


                  • #39
                    Re: Coughlin Alumni

                    I agree with OKJackrabbit's merchandising comments. With better merchandise, more would sell, better advertisement for state and hey the Athletic dept. would have more cash flow.

                    Most of us understand the changes will come, in time. However I hope that some of the smaller things can start to change now.


                    • #40
                      Re: Coughlin Alumni

                      For the fans coming to town this weekend, their is plenty of "JACKS" merchandise at a local sports store--The Sports Connection in downtown Brookings has a very nice selection.  I was in their earlier today.  Hopefully this will help any of you that need "Jacks" wear.  


                      • #41
                        Re: Coughlin Alumni

                        I think Sports Connection is owned by an old high school classmate of mine (BHS, 1983). I'll bet Scott has some good stuff there. I'd also bet he'd like to be able to get better merchandise so that he'd sell even more of it.


                        • #42
                          Re: Coughlin Alumni

                          Thanks for the tip. Just have to get up there during their hours.


                          • #43
                            Re: Coughlin Alumni

                            For those of you wondering about turf:

                            I have played on all three kinds (natural, astro turf, and field turf). Before playing on field turf I was convinced that there was nothing better. I absolutely hated astro turf. However, after playing a few games on field turf I can say without a doubt it is the best surface to play on. It would be perfect for CAS because it doesn't get torn up because of too many games. Also, somone mentionied it costing $800,000. You might be right, I am not well informed about the cost. But what I heard from Coach Eidsness (who was a strong supporter of it before he left) it would be a lot less than $800 K.


                            • #44
                              Re: Coughlin Alumni

                              Originally posted by SDSU/BHS-FAN
                              For the fans coming to town this weekend, their is plenty of "JACKS" merchandise at a local sports store--The Sports Connection in downtown Brookings has a very nice selection.  I was in their earlier today.  Hopefully this will help any of you that need "Jacks" wear.  
                              My wife's sister is also a classmate of Scotts (BHS). I will definitely stop in at the connection tomorrow and purchase some items. My wife is currently making an SDSU sweatshirt for my daughter as I type this message. That won't stop be from buying plenty of others, however.
                              We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                              We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                              • #45
                                Re: Coughlin Alumni

                                re: field turf. I pulled the $800,000 figure out of the air. That was about what the Metrodome refit cost, but that is a much larger project (baseball field) than CAS would be. I just googled field turf cost and most of the sites I found quote about $500,000 or so for a football field only. That's for Field Turf (TM) brand. There are other similar kinds that seem to cost less.

                                Does anybody know what the turf at Howard Wood Field went for?

