If we could, what would be the best improvements that we could make to Coughlin. Is there any plans in the works for when the funding does become available? It seems to me that the wellness center is a priority but why don't we build that into Coughlin on the current visitor side. We could have the center, new weight room for athletes, athletic offices, everything right next to the field. There could be luxury boxes attatched to the wellness center that overlook the field, chairbacks were the current visitor bleachers are coming down from the building (similar to UNO's stadium), locker rooms below the seats, etc. I see it as opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Then eventuallly we could close in the south side of coughlin, and leave the north end as is with picturesque pine trees. Sometime Daktronics would finally pony up some scoreboards for all the student workers the university produces for them. It would be a huge improvement and be one of the nicest looking stadiums around. I may be dreaming, but hey, we need to do something. It would be pretty nice for recruits to have everything in one facility and be able to sit down with Stig in his office and look over the field during their recruiting visit. How much would something like this run?
No announcement yet.
Coughlin Alumni
Re: Coughlin Alumni
These are all good points and the orignal plan was to do exactly what you describe, but somewhere along the line of waiting 10 years, the Wellness Center got separated from Coughlin-Alumni and the last I heard the wellness center would be connected to Frost. Not what I want to hear, but unless some one can tell me different than thats what is going to happen.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
When I was a high school senior being recruited I was told by my second year all the new facilities would be built. Then four winters ago, coach Stig. "guraenteed" that in the spring, ground would be broken for the new wellness center that was described above. It has become a long running joke among Jacks football players for many-a year. I don't want to sound negative, but I will believe it when I see it.
About the scoreboards, I think SDSU and Daktronics should be embarrased with what they have. I played football at SDSU AND worked at Daktronics for a year so I have heard the rumors from both sides on this one. After hearing what I have heard, I think Daktronics has offered SDSU some pretty sweet deals, but the University is to cheap to spend the money.
Along with funding all the scholarships, improving our facilities is the most important thing that SDSU can do to improve the FB program.
Just my two cents.
Go Jacks!!!!!
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Rabbit_FB_Alum: I made reference to those facts about the wellness center and locker rooms on this board about a month ago and got ripped because I did not know what I was talking about. Thanks for validating my point.
jacrabbit1979: I think that would be the only way to go. However, that has all gotten changed in the "master plan" that folks have thrown their trust into.
By the way, the Sioux Falls School District has approved the plans for $1.4 million in improvements to Howard Wood Field. There is a story in the online edition of the Argus Leader.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Regarding scoreboards, I suspect SDSU would prefer not to get into one of those very long-term deals where Daktronics "gives" the university a video board and controls the advertising panels on the structure. I worked at Daktronics during graduate school, and they do a lot of those deals. There is nothing inherently wrong with that arrangement, but it has to be more profitable, long-term, for SDSU to find another way so the athletic department can control the advertising.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Originally posted by Mike_HRabbit_FB_Alum: I made reference to those facts about the wellness center and locker rooms on this board about a month ago and got ripped because I did not know what I was talking about. Thanks for validating my point.
jacrabbit1979: I think that would be the only way to go. However, that has all gotten changed in the "master plan" that folks have thrown their trust into.
By the way, the Sioux Falls School District has approved the plans for $1.4 million in improvements to Howard Wood Field. There is a story in the online edition of the Argus Leader.
The master plan was changed because we did not get 5 million of the tobacco trust money like the Yotes at USD.
Again you like to throw this Sioux Falls superiority at us. So as to blunt the put down I am inserted this article that appeared today in the Argus. I should point out that the restroom facilities were updated two years ago at Coughlin Alumni. Concession stands seem to be adequate as they are. What is learned from this article is that you dont get much for 1.4 million dollars. Mike you have spent too much time in Vermillion and thats why you are little behind in the progress at SDSU. ;D
Howard Wood update OK'd
Brenda Wade Schmidt
published: 9/14/2004
School board approves $1.4M for expansion
Fans at Howard Wood Field will spend less time waiting in line for snacks and bathroom breaks with $1.4 million in improvements approved Monday night.
The Sioux Falls School Board voted to expand the concession area and restrooms, accepting the low bid on the project from Swift Contractors of Sioux Falls. The board originally had projected the cost at $1.2 million.
The board took action after hearing from two representatives of the task force studying new events and recreation centers for the city. Initially, the task force considered Howard Wood as a possible site for a 10,000-seat events center. But that site is no longer a contender, and the task force instead is looking at a site southwest of the Sioux Falls Convention Center, representatives said.
A downtown site along the Big Sioux River also is being considered.
Linda Barker, co-chairperson of the task force, said the school district still would be an important player if the events center is built near the convention center and Howard Wood.
"You're really a partner, and we want to keep you up to speed," she said.
Dick Dempster of Architecture Inc. said that if an events center is built near Howard Wood, the two venues might have events at the same time. But there would be little impact on Howard Wood, he said.
The roughly 275 parking spaces that would be eaten up by the project would be replaced in the area, although the exact site hasn't been decided, he said. For concurrent events, about 900 more parking spaces would be needed, he said.
"There is a possibility all the parking lots would be full and people would have to park in the neighborhoods," he said.
The school district owns Howard Wood Field and a practice area near Western Avenue, but the city owns the parking lots at the site. Additional parking would be paid for by the events center budget, Dempster said.
During the discussion of Howard Wood improvements, Jeff Kreiter, director of operations for the school district, said even with the added facilities at the field, the district isn't providing as many restrooms as required by the city's latest code.
But the district would increase the number of toilets and urinals from 30 to 70, he said. That includes an additional 34 women's restrooms.
The district has only a handful of events a year in which the field is used by 10,000 people, and portable restrooms have been rented in previous years.
The improvements also include a new sound system and an updated sewer system.
Construction could begin this year and finish by May, Kreiter said.
Board member Kevin Lampe said it is good for the district to recognize the field's potential shortcomings. The district must continue to evaluate the field to make sure it meets future needs, he said.
Reach reporter Brenda Wade Schmidt at 331-2321.
Copyright 2004 Argus Leader. All rights reserved
Re: Coughlin Alumni
I say they need to start with small things this year and following:
Sell merchandise at the games. Even if they are getting a big profit, it allows out of town fans to get gear and advertise the team and show pride.
Paint the field! I sat in the 6 row last week and we can't tell where the sideline was, it's no wonder the refs can miss close calls.
Better turf maintenence. Anyone should be able to tell that the turf is subpar, especially this early in the year.
I have no problem waiting a few years for other larger changes, but these little things should be low cost and change the atmosphere.
I do recognize the improvements so far. The bathrooms, new parking lot, tailgaiting, uniforms... They are making changes.
Just curious, but will the current stands last another 10-15 years without structural remodeling? When was it built.
My .03 cents
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Jacks99 is right about merchandizing. Go to Scheel's in Sioux Falls and what do you find? You find lots of stuff with USD's new logos (despite my dislike of that "university," I have to admit their new branding is really good).
You'll also find some SDSU stuff, but it isn't of the same quality. The designs are dated, lack originality, don't appear to have been created by a professional designer, and don't inspire much excitement. SDSU needs to update its athletic merchandise. While we're at it, let's get the rabbit on more of the stuff. Why are we hiding the rabbit? It's one of the most unique mascots in the country. Every time I tell my students here at OU that I graduated from SDSU, home of the Jackrabbits, they love it. I get frequent comments about the Jackrabbit banner hanging in my office window. Once they see the rabbit, nobody here can forget where I went to school.
It kills me to admit that USD's branding and athletic merchandise is currently better than ours. From a design and branding standpoint, it is no contest. You can hate the school, hate the town, hate the coyote, hate their ridiculous "South Dakota's team" slogan, but you have to admit the logos and merchandise are of high quality. I know SDSU can do better, but they have to spend a little money, hire a designer, and create dynamic merchandise.
I don't think there is any shortage of people in the region (and elsewhere... I can speak for Norman, Oklahoma) who would jump at the chance to proudly wear and display cool SDSU merchandise.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Once again, I must revisit my previous comments about BHS playing at CAS given Jacks99's concerns about poor turf conditions and SDSUFAN saying "the only problem that I see with the arrangement is the wear and tear of the natural turf". Once again, I ask you: what other D1 schools allow high schools to play on their grass fields? Now that we are D1, isn't asking BHS to go back to their high school a simple way to show that we mean business? I think that would we a step in the right direction. I know, I know...they paid for the lights. But how important is a nice field worth come Saturday?
Re: Coughlin Alumni
SDSUFAN: Slow down. News is news, and this is relevant to this thread. There is nothing superior about it. I enjoy the new restrooms at Coughlin. I pee much more comfortably there.
Something to keep in mind concerning the improvements at Howard Wood. Much of the money is being spent to fully meet the ADA codes. How does Coughlin stack up? I know there are some ramps, etc., but does it fully meet code? I don't know the answer. Also, you say the concession stand is adequate as they are. For a program that averages 6000 or so fans, or for a program that is expecting to increase attendance? Those are some questions that go into the planning for future facilities.
Jacks99: Great points! I'll add a couple of more: a broom and a pressure washer. Maybe it is better this year, but in years past those two items would have gone a long way in improving the overall look of the facility. As for when it was built, I believe the plaque by the main entrance says the early 60's.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
LOL about the broom and pressure washer. But good point.
I agree we should figure out a deal with the HS, just not ruin our reputation at the same time.
I also totally agree with the comments about the apparel at Scheels. I've always looked at it and thought it was sub par. But can't say I've payed much attention to the U's. Some of their bookstore items are great, but who out of town has access to it?
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Originally posted by Jacks99Thanks.
I also totally agree with the comments about the apparel at Scheels. I've always looked at it and thought it was sub par. But can't say I've payed much attention to the U's. Some of their bookstore items are great, but who out of town has access to it?
We need to get out and market this team. Plenty of people in the correct geographic location are interested.
We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Originally posted by Mike_HSDSUFAN: Slow down. News is news, and this is relevant to this thread. There is nothing superior about it. I enjoy the new restrooms at Coughlin. I pee much more comfortably there.
Something to keep in mind concerning the improvements at Howard Wood. Much of the money is being spent to fully meet the ADA codes. How does Coughlin stack up? I know there are some ramps, etc., but does it fully meet code? I don't know the answer. Also, you say the concession stand is adequate as they are. For a program that averages 6000 or so fans, or for a program that is expecting to increase attendance? Those are some questions that go into the planning for future facilities.
Jacks99: Great points! I'll add a couple of more: a broom and a pressure washer. Maybe it is better this year, but in years past those two items would have gone a long way in improving the overall look of the facility. As for when it was built, I believe the plaque by the main entrance says the early 60's.
That said yes Coughlin does need more hand rails in the isles especially beyond the tunnel. Also the isles are very narrow, so some of the codes are probably not up todate. Yes expanding the concessions is needed, but a private vendor has had this exclusive right for years. The admin needs to visit this area and see what can be done to expand the concessions.
Re: Coughlin Alumni
Originally posted by 91rabbitOnce again, I must revisit my previous comments about BHS playing at CAS given Jacks99's concerns about poor turf conditions and SDSUFAN saying "the only problem that I see with the arrangement is the wear and tear of the natural turf". Once again, I ask you: what other D1 schools allow high schools to play on their grass fields? Now that we are D1, isn't asking BHS to go back to their high school a simple way to show that we mean business? I think that would we a step in the right direction. I know, I know...they paid for the lights. But how important is a nice field worth come Saturday?
There are other issues besides that BHS paid for the lights. Part of the arrangement includes that SDSU plays its home soccer games at BHS Bob Sheldon Field.