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2005 Recruits

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  • #76
    Re: 2005 Recruits

    I don't know what you are implying but I kind of resent it, no offense to you sportsbuff. From what I can tell sportsbuff does not seem to be a state supporter. I, on the other hand, am a supporter, I just have questions and concerns. That doesn't make me any less of a supporter. Being a state supporter doesn't mean blind loyalty in whatever decision they make. I hope nothing but the best for my school.


    • #77
      Re: 2005 Recruits

      I think Mike_H actually supported SDhoopfan's posts, not SDsportsfan, but i may be wrong.  

      Not sure if that even matters, but just pointing it out


      • #78
        Re: 2005 Recruits

        Originally posted by SDsportsFan

        I don't want you to think I'm trying to be argumentative here but I do have a question.  Lets say 5 years ago we signed a player that could have played at Tenn. St, Denver, etc. but chose to come to SDSU because he they have had  a successful program and he thought he could win a DII national title.  Would you view that kid as an underachiever? Obviously there is no right or wrong answer there is only opinions, what would yours be in this hypothetical situation?
        I believe that I have made my position clear on this issue.

        Go State!  ;D


        • #79
          Re: 2005 Recruits

          Originally posted by 89rabbit

          I believe that I have made my position clear on this issue.

          Go State!  ;D
          So yes you would.

          Sorry to pose the question again, I just wanted to make sure I was understanding you correctly. I wasn't trying to beat a dead horse.


          • #80
            Re: 2005 Recruits

            I think it is about academics and athletics.  I wouldn't fault a kid for going d2, if the d1 schools he has after him don't have his major.  

            Regarding just going down a level instead of playing to the highest level possible, I don't really know. I can see both points of view. I guess I can't say I would have faulted Bobby Jones for going here instead of choosing Michigan State.


            • #81
              Re: 2005 Recruits

              This thread started out to be about speculation and confirmation of 2005 Jack recruits. I'm not sure what it's about now.


              • #82
                Re: 2005 Recruits


                This is what I said.

                Originally posted by 89rabbit
                Maybe some potential D-I athletes feel that way.  If they would rather play below their abilites just to possibly win a championship then I don't want them here anyway.  I want kids that want to be all they can be.  I want lifelong champions.  My guess is most potential D-I athletes do not feel that way.  Here is a story the Minneapolis StarTrib ran:


                Standing still would have been the comfortable option. The athletic departments, after all, were far from broken at North Dakota State and South Dakota State.

                The schools had been part of the North Central Conference since its inception in 1922. Both were regulars in the NCAA Division II playoffs and won multiple national titles. NDSU led Division II in football attendance in 2003, while SDSU did the same in men's basketball in 2003-04.

                That, however, is in the past.

                This fall, the schools left the NCC and Division II to become independents, taking their first steps toward full Division I status, the NCAA's highest level of competition. They were the final two land grant institutions in the contiguous 48 states to go Division I.  .  .  .

                The benefits

                If you watched carefully on Saturdays this fall, you might have seen an NDSU or SDSU football score scroll across the bottom of your television screen, an event reserved only for playoff games in Division II. The same will be the case with basketball scores this winter. At the national level, a very clear differentiation exists between the divisions. The D-I label attracts more attention from alumni, the media and potential recruits.

                "We tried to carry the flag for Division II," said North Dakota State women's basketball coach Amy Ruley, who led the Bison to five national titles in the 1990s. "But you could win a national title in D-II and hardly anyone knew. Philosophically, we fit better in D-I."

                That belief is shared by NDSU President Joseph Chapman, who since his arrival five years ago has tried to eliminate the idea that NDSU is just a nice little school. Chapman has challenged every department on campus to look for ways to improve, and to him the Division I move is philosophically similar to the addition of 22 doctoral programs and the opening of the Research and Technology Park adjacent to campus.

                "We're a totally different university than we were five years ago," Chapman said. "The athletic department is a window on the institution nationally."

                South Dakota State athletic director Fred Oien said: "Whether you like it or not, there's a perceived difference between Division II and Division I. There's something in the event that changes something in the donor's or ticket buyer's mind."

                South Dakota State President Dr. Peggy Miller would have preferred that the NCC schools move as a group to Division I, making the transition easier for everyone. When that didn't happen, SDSU joined NDSU and Northern Colorado as former NCC schools moving up a class.

                "I like the idea of growth and doing it in a thoughtful way," said Miller, who came to SDSU from Division I Akron.

                Even coaches who figure to take their lumps short term favor the move. SDSU men's basketball coach Scott Nagy built his program into a Division II power, averaging 23.3 victories in nine seasons. This year's schedule, including games at Butler, Marquette, Illinois-Chicago and Colorado, is much more arduous than previous seasons.

                But Nagy is excited about the future, saying his school already is recruiting players it had no chance of landing in Division II. The best example: Nagy recruited one Minnesotan in his first nine seasons at SDSU, but he has two who are freshmen this season and has already signed two for next season.

                "We're already getting kids we never got before," Nagy said. "Obviously, there's going to be some tough things we have to go through. But I think it's a good move for the university."

                Go State!  ;D
                I never called anyone an underachiever.  I said they were playing below their abilites.  In your hypothetical situation, this in fact would be true.  Nothing more nothing less.  Now can we move on?

                Go State!  ;D


                • #83
                  Re: 2005 Recruits

                  I am pretty sure that Bobby Jones was not placed at NDSCS by the Jackrabbits. How many players have they ever tried to get from NDSCS?????? I believe 0. Actually, I don't even know if they even talk to NDSCS about their players. They probably should!

                  Bobby did not qualify out of high school and had to go the JUCO route. I believe when he made the commitment to go to NDSCS, he wanted to get to the highest level he could. JUCO's give student-athletes that opportunity to reach that potential. What would you choose? SDSU or Mich State, K-State, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Oregon, Kansas, Cincinnati. All of those schools offered. I think the decision is pretty easy.

                  Good Luck to Bobby and this individual will definitely be in his corner!

                  Go Spartans!!!!!!!!!


                  • #84
                    Re: 2005 Recruits

                    We're not saying we're mad about it.  I think we are all for him.  I know, when I was up there and he was up on the recruiting visit, it was thought he was going to go to a juco, then afterwards, end up at SDSU.  He got too good, and can move up to even the next level.

                    Also, NDSCS has actually had some very good football programs lately. Not sure where some of those athletes are going after they are done there though


                    • #85
                      Re: 2005 Recruits

                      I had no intent of harming Bobby in any way. I have had a chance to talk to his brother Willie on several occassions and what I reported is what I had gleaned from that. I know that their father is a huge supporter of the Jacks but Bobby got too big for us. I know there isn't a person on the team that has ill will for Bobby. As a matter of fact, I heard that a bunch of players went up to see a game of his during the bye week and to wish him the best.


                      • #86
                        Re: 2005 Recruits

                        Originally posted by 89rabbit

                        This is what I said.

                        I never called anyone an underachiever.  I said they were playing below their abilites.  In your hypothetical situation, this in fact would be true.  Nothing more nothing less.  Now can we move on?

                        Go State!  ;D
                        You mean Nagy and Ruley said it was a good idea to go D-I. Well heck, thats good enough for me. What next, some quotes from Oien and Miller. I guess those were in your story as well. This must be a good move, Nagy wouldn't say it was if he didn't think so. Of course they are going to say that.

                        BY the way, I like how you said you never called anyone an underachiever, you just said they were playing below their abilities. Kind of splitting hairs there aren't we Rabbit. :-/


                        • #87
                          Re: 2005 Recruits

                          Originally posted by sports_buff

                          You mean Nagy and Ruley said it was a good idea to go D-I.  Well heck, thats good enough for me.  What next, some quotes from Oien and Miller.  I guess those were in your story as well.  This must be a good move, Nagy wouldn't say it was if he didn't think so.  Of course they are going to say that.

                          BY the way, I like how you said you never called anyone an underachiever, you just said they were playing below their abilities.  Kind of splitting hairs there aren't we Rabbit. :-/

                          Being that you are USD fan, I thought this would help.

                          Jackmd wrote:

                          "After reading all the posts from concerned USD, UND, UNO, and even timid SDSU fans (hereon referred to as "you&quot, I thought it was time to give all of you your own subject under which to post.  DI envy seems most appropriate, after all it is jealousy that underlies the feelings expressed by those oppossed to SDSU's move.  

                          Sure, there are feeling of inadequacy and inferiority also, but you can't blame us (SDSU supporters) for that.  As a former first lady once said:

                          "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."  
                          Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962, American First

                          So, post away.  Some of us welcome your concern and hope that you keep SDSU in the forefront.  I am certain it also helps you deal with the feelings of inadequacy, inferiority and envy that have resulted from the bad choices you have made thus far in your life.  No worries, I anticipate you'll continue to make the same poor decisions in the future.
                          So, wish us luck if you have the respect and self-esteem to do so.  If you don't, do what you have to do to protect your fragile ego.  We're going to be here regardless."

                          So best of luck to your Coyotes and their D-II aspirations.

                          Go State!  ;D

                          P.S. If a player has D-I ability but chooses to play D-II ball he is in fact playing bellow his ability.  The same would be said about a kid who has D-II ability who goes to play NAIA ball.  Nothing more nothing less, if you define him as an underachiever that is your definition .  Please don't project your thoughts onto me.  


                          • #88
                            Re: 2005 Recruits

                            [quote author=89rabbit

                            P.S. If a player has D-I ability but chooses to play D-II ball he is in fact playing bellow his ability.  The same would be said about a kid who has D-II ability who goes to play NAIA ball.  Nothing more nothing less, if you define him as an underachiever that is your definition .  Please don't project your thoughts onto me.  [/quote]

                            I didn't bother quoting your whole speech because most of it did not pertain to anything I was talking about. I have never said that a player who chooses a DII school, instead of low level D-I school, would be playing below their abilities, that was you who said that. I don't think that would be the case.  All I'm saying is there really isn't a difference between playing below your abilities and underachieving.  In fact one is the definition of the other. I'm not projecting my thoughts onto anyone.  SDSU has had a lot of athletes over the years that could have played at some of the D-I schools on your schedule, just because they weren't I wouldn't say they are underachievers---oh I'm sorry, I wouldn't say they were playing below their abilities.

                            (*Modified by the Moderator for political content)


                            • #89
                              Re: 2005 Recruits

                              Hey we have a new Jack!! I just talked with Jordan Paula's dad and he said Jordan verbally committed to SDSU on Saturday.

                              The coaches figure they can put 20 pounds on him and lower his 40 time. Again we're talking about a kid that is 6'3 or 6'4 and 215 lbs with 4.5 speed. Add 20 pounds and increase his speed. Great Get For SDSU!!!!!

                              They plan to redshirt Jordan and use him at running back.

                              More then anything else Jordan is a great kid and an excellent student from Brookings.

                              Jordan really liked the coaches and Stig.

                              PS Iowa and others were also after Jordan.

                              GO JACKS
                              Go Big, Go Blue, Go Jacks!!!


                              • #90
                                Re: 2005 Recruits

                                That's great news!! I'm glad we could get him away from other d1 offers. He could be a really good player for the Jacks in years to come. Thanks for the update SDSU16

