Re: Lujon or Christion?
OK. well Lujan won at UNI last year, Sumner never won there, I dont think Berry ever did either. Sumner never beat NDSU, and ZZ never did either. The only game we were upset in last year I think was Youngstown beating us but Lujan did really well. Maybe my eyes are bad but ISUb looked like the worst team we have played so far this year. RM defense was much better, Kasnas was an unknown and still webeat an FBS school with Lujan at the helm. SUU was looking to get us back. SUU is doing pretty well since we steam rolled them. RM has some tough luck losses this year. Frankly I dont know if its that clear to me. He is more atheltic, but knowing the playbook, game mangement, etc count for something and those all favor Lujan. even if you dont like stats, Lujan stats are pretty impressive. He doesnt get rattled in the pocket, he prolongs the play long enough to give them a change, he usually puts the ball in good position for the WR to catch and make the play. I think if we play TC we will have more growing pains as a team, right now we are in a great position to get a top 8 seed and we have never been there before. People are asking a lot of a true freshman who barely played as a senior to beat youngstown, UNI, ISUr and a USD team who would love nothing more then to ruin our season or affect our seeding. Fans always think a back up comes in and is the 2nd coming of christ, Remember Matt Flynn. Anyway I dont get paid to make the choices so I guess I will cheer who ever is in there but I dont see why Lujan should lose his job when he has played really well all season.
Originally posted by CappinHard
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