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  • #46
    Re: NDSU

    Originally posted by LakeJack View Post
    That is an easy one. Because one Yote fan, is one too many, duh.
    You really are frightened by what could happen aren't you? Don't want a single USD fan to witness the game? INSECURITY............."THE WORD OF THE DAY"


    • #47
      Re: NDSU

      Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
      Have to throw a flag here on my good friend Prariehaas for smack in a non-smack thread.

      I am sure it will only result in a mild and phony wrist slap but none the less, being a former official, I have to throw the flag.

      p.s. If there are so few fans of USD, why are you all clammoring and plotting to buy excess tickets to keep us out? That is todays "QUESTION OF THE DAY"
      I do hope that as many USD Fans travel as do our neighbors from the North. Hopefully we will have a lovely day like we had on Oct 22. The weather not the score made me appreciate this video. I for one will hardly be pushing and shoving at the ticket booth to keep USD fans away. The more USD fans, the sooner we replace CAS.


      • #48
        Re: NDSU

        Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
        You really are frightened by what could happen aren't you? Don't want a single USD fan to witness the game? INSECURITY............."THE WORD OF THE DAY"
        Nah, your type just lowers the class of our venues, and sometimes make them smell funny.


        • #49
          Re: NDSU

          Okay. mild and phony wrist slaps all around for smack in non-smack thread. Take it outside, guys.
          Last edited by JackJD; 11-08-2011, 07:16 PM.


          • #50
            Re: NDSU

            Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
            p.s. If there are so few fans of USD, why are you all clammoring and plotting to buy excess tickets to keep us out? That is todays "QUESTION OF THE DAY"
            You've tried this one before. BSF for you.
            We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

            We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


            • #51
              Re: NDSU

              I wouldn't have considered my little piece of sarcasm smack, no more than TAB's. Me thinks someones smack-O-meter may be out of calibration.
              You know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill. - L. George


              • #52
                Re: NDSU

                Originally posted by Prairiehaas View Post
                I wouldn't have considered my little piece of sarcasm smack, no more than TAB's. Me thinks someones smack-O-meter may be out of calibration.
                Bah, people get too uptight about smack sometimes. Think of it like this: A good drama is serious but it has sprinkles of humor. A good serious thread can be sprinkled with smack/humor...the main thing is just not to overtake the thread with teh smack. Thus endeth todays lesson. Tune in tomorrow for TAB's math lesson. (We will count the USD fans...all two of them)

                You see, I took it one step too far. A little less than this post and everything should be fine.


                • #53
                  Re: NDSU

                  I see your point here, thank you.

                  I would correct your egregious error in counting the number of Yote fans. But, I will not do it in this thread because it could be misconstrued as smack.
                  You know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill. - L. George


                  • #54
                    Re: NDSU

                    I won't comment on the gameplay since everyone else has done so, but I do have a comment on the entertainment. Maybe I missed something, but was this the first time they have played the intro to Bon Jovi's "Cowboy" over the sound system on 3rd down?

                    Regardless, I LOVED it and actually thought the crowd really got into it too.

                    In additon, I would have liked to see something different for the tunnel walk music. I don't like the combo of the tunnel walk song and "Enter Sandman". I'd prefer just Enter Sandman. But then again, I always thought playing Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" would be a great fit for the tunnel walk too, especially the beginning. That probably wouldn't play well with the younger crowd though.

                    P.S....Isn't the Enter Sandman entrance also used at Virginia Tech?


                    • #55
                      Re: NDSU

                      Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
                      I won't comment on the gameplay since everyone else has done so, but I do have a comment on the entertainment. Maybe I missed something, but was this the first time they have played the intro to Bon Jovi's "Cowboy" over the sound system on 3rd down?

                      Regardless, I LOVED it and actually thought the crowd really got into it too.

                      In additon, I would have liked to see something different for the tunnel walk music. I don't like the combo of the tunnel walk song and "Enter Sandman". I'd prefer just Enter Sandman. But then again, I always thought playing Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" would be a great fit for the tunnel walk too, especially the beginning. That probably wouldn't play well with the younger crowd though.

                      P.S....Isn't the Enter Sandman entrance also used at Virginia Tech?
                      Must just be personal preference, because I loved the tunnel walk music, video and music, smoke, and pride playing this year. I thought they did a good job orchestrating that whole entrance this season.
                      "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


                      • #56
                        Re: NDSU

                        Originally posted by Prairiehaas View Post
                        I see your point here, thank you.

                        I would correct your egregious error in counting the number of Yote fans. But, I will not do it in this thread because it could be misconstrued as smack.
                        I believe you have found a smack loophole, sir; declare, attack, and innoculate yourself against smack charges by saying smack is not your intention. Brilliant. Rep points for loophole creativity.


                        • #57
                          Re: NDSU

                          Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
                          Bah, people get too uptight about smack sometimes. Think of it like this: A good drama is serious but it has sprinkles of humor. A good serious thread can be sprinkled with smack/humor...the main thing is just not to overtake the thread with teh smack. Thus endeth todays lesson. Tune in tomorrow for TAB's math lesson. (We will count the USD fans...all two of them)

                          You see, I took it one step too far. A little less than this post and everything should be fine.
                          I get disoriented when your lessons come without a picture. Like Archie without the illustrations. Not smack, just a declaration. (PrairieHaas loophole employed).

