What to do. The football game at WIU starts at 1pm and the mens basketball game against Western Mich starts at 1pm according to the schedule at gojacks.com. Hmm. how is wnax handling, I know gojacks will have the video of the basketball game and the mvfc will have free video of the football game so shouldnt be a problem there or just open up a kazillion windows and go with gojacks video of bb and audio of fb or ..... my head is exploding. what is Tyler going to do my god*
help me please.
*in this pc world if the reference to god offends you please insert the deity or nonentity that you worship or dont worship in place of god. thank you for your patience.
help me please.
*in this pc world if the reference to god offends you please insert the deity or nonentity that you worship or dont worship in place of god. thank you for your patience.