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NO smack

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  • #16
    Re: NO smack

    I mostly agree with MD. I'm tired of all the talk and hysteria about SDSU and USD playing again in football. The game would mean everything to the Coyotes. It would validate them. That's fine. It's flattering for the Jacks. The game would be significant but not nearly as important for SDSU. The game will be played eventually, regardless of the current theatrics. Watching M2U and its self-appointed sword carriers squirm and beg is amusing but tiring.
    This space for lease.


    • #17
      Re: NO smack

      I found picture 5/11 amusing. Seeing a USD band member wearing a Hawkeye hat while performing...hmmm...

      Maybe the dude got lost on his way to Iowa City and just said "screw it I guess I will just stay where I am."
      "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
      "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


      • #18
        Re: NO smack

        Originally posted by 1stRowFANatic View Post
        No, futball

        No, fotball


        • #19
          Re: NO smack

          This smack thread proves exactly why the board needs a smack section. Done with humor and without malice, it can be downright hilarious.

          Over the course of a couple of days, this thread started as a NoSmack musing on why it had been quiet on smack lately (hint, hint a certain poster was banned for a week). It has since included observer's playful musings about whether it was about him, caught some spillover from the USD-SDSU FB game scheduling argument elsewhere on the board, and moved on to the proper spelling of fotball, futball or soccer.

          In the midst - some classic signage from SturgisJeff.

          You gotta love it!

          P.S. Anyone want to argue for no smack?


          • #20
            Re: NO smack

            Originally posted by KUlawJack View Post

            I found picture 5/11 amusing. Seeing a USD band member wearing a Hawkeye hat while performing...hmmm...

            Maybe the dude got lost on his way to Iowa City and just said "screw it I guess I will just stay where I am."
            What about picture 8? The Coyote mascot definitely needs an upgrade. Kinda cheesy. Gotta step it up, 'Yotes, for the Summit.
            Holy nutmeg!


            • #21
              Re: NO smack

              Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
              What about picture 8? The Coyote mascot definitely needs an upgrade. Kinda cheesy. Gotta step it up, 'Yotes, for the Summit.
              Yeah he looks like the mascot for Gigglebees, as pointed out previously here:


              EDIT: Searching threads for a random reference to a cartoon dog is not conducive to studying for finals.
              "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
              "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


              • #22
                Re: NO smack

                Originally posted by JackFan96
                Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                • #23
                  Re: NO smack

                  Could they not afford to buy this player a uniform to what looks like to return punts or kickoffs with. Was he the two hundredth player out of 199 on the team and missed out? Or was he a just a simple walk on and not worthy. Geraldo Rivera wants to know.


                  • #24
                    Re: NO smack

                    Originally posted by SturgisJeff View Post

                    Could they not afford to buy this player a uniform to what looks like to return punts or kickoffs with. Was he the two hundredth player out of 199 on the team and missed out? Or was he a just a simple walk on and not worthy. Geraldo Rivera wants to know.
                    Haha! That was good.

                    But on a more serious note, we need to look into the parents of this child for suspected child abuse and neglect. Forcing someone so young to wear those colors and run around, pretending to enjoy being a USD fan is a travesty......
                    "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
                    "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


                    • #25
                      Re: NO smack

                      Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                      I'm not a coyote fan I'm a Jackrabbit fan. I'd prefer we not talk about the coyotes at all on our fan board but I am clearly in the minority. Does that mean I can't express my opinion? The fact that the coyote fans present here and the ones I run into every day want to focus on playing SDSU again makes me sick. The move to DI was never about the rivalry and the focus now should not be on USD.

                      If you want me to be a coyote fan then show me what your program can do. When it was time to move up to DI 5 years ago you balked and you did everything you could to impede our move up. Your president then admitted that you were forced to move up. Now you are here and I'm suppose to welcome the coyotes with open arms? I'm not bitter or stupid, I'm consumed with SDSU and their momentum at the DI level. Adding USD to the schedule just because they have played us for 100 years isn't a good enough reason for me. It isn't a good enough reason for our athletes or coaches either. I don't give a darn if Stu Whitney or some coyote fans on our fan board think its embarassing or not.

                      I'm a Jackrabbit fan.
                      M2U doesn't know what balked means. It has been a number of years since they have had baseball.


                      • #26
                        Re: NO smack

                        Originally posted by KUlawJack View Post
                        I think you misread what he stated. I think he means that USD fans would say the same thing, that if it benefited USD then do it. That, or my sarcasm detector is broken this morning.
                        Sarcasm detector is just fine. I guess I could have stated it more clearly, but just to make sure I will do it this way:

                        SDSU fans would say play the game if it benefits SDSU's program.
                        USD fans would say play the game if it benefits USD's program.

                        (I seriously thought about making that last 'USD' a 'SDSU' for the heck of it.

                        You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                        • #27
                          Re: NO smack

                          Don't ask for trouble, SturgisJack.

                          You got within about three seconds of a timeout tonight.

                          Dial it down.
                          "I think we'll be OK"


                          • #28
                            Re: NO smack

                            Originally posted by filbert View Post
                            Don't ask for trouble, SturgisJack.

                            You got within about three seconds of a timeout tonight.

                            Dial it down.
                            Who is "SturgisJack"?
                            (")_(") Feed the Rabbit!!


                            • #29
                              Re: NO smack

                              Originally posted by NorCalJack View Post
                              Who is "SturgisJack"?
                              So mad I can't type straight. Or something.


                              Dang. Guess I lost a bit of moderator mojo there, huh.

                              Anyway, be good or I'll just ban EVERYONE! You hear? EVERYONE! Take That! Ha.

                              HA HA.

                              HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

                              (falls to floor, foaming at the mouth and convulsing)
                              "I think we'll be OK"


                              • #30
                                Re: NO smack

                                Originally posted by filbert View Post
                                So mad I can't type straight. Or something.


                                Dang. Guess I lost a bit of moderator mojo there, huh.

                                Anyway, be good or I'll just ban EVERYONE! You hear? EVERYONE! Take That! Ha.

                                HA HA.

                                HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

                                (falls to floor, foaming at the mouth and convulsing)
                                If you are foaming and convulsing, go see a doctor from USD

