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Tuesday's Nightmare

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  • #76
    Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

    Who cares. Both men's and women's teams are heading to the Big Dance! T-minus 50 minutes until the selection show!

    Also, you guys are discussing the women's basketball fan base. We all know State has some great fan support compared to teams around the NATION (which actually matters)! I wouldn't really worry about how State compares to USD.
    Disclaimer: This post may contain assumptions and/or opinions related to Jackrabbit Athletics.


    • #77
      Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

      To be fair, USD women's basketball fans have to be twice as loud to make the same noise as SDSU fans:
      USD average home WBB attendance: 1,295**
      SDSU average home WBB attendance: 2,028

      **insert smacky USD announced attendance snark here

      (Actually, that's better than I thought it would be...for the men, it's 1,817 vs. 3,625)

      (Dang, this is a silly discussion. Perfect for smack!)
      "I think we'll be OK"


      • #78
        Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

        Well since USD couldn't beat SDSU on the court YF can only fall back on "our fans are louder." Whoop, whoop. There were still less than half as many USD fans as SDSU fans. And State did win.
        You know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill. - L. George


        • #79
          Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

          Yotes fans were nervous and sat the whole game. Hardly made a noise because they knew the summit tourney is based on sdsu. Usd fans were lucky we just let them come and play.
          "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

          Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


          • #80
            Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

            Yotes definitely have the Napoleon complex down well. USD WBB will be competitive again next year. Good addition to the Summit League. So amazed that UMKC decided that the Summit was too tough for them to compete in, and that they needed to hop to an easier league. Gotta love the compact WAC.


            • #81
              Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

              Originally posted by OldHare View Post
              YF; If there was any reality to the support for the women's program in Vermillion, it should show up in attendance or even a bit of chatter in the USD women's thread. I know that the attendance was not great even though it is competitve with the UMKC and NDSU crowd. Without researching, I would guess closer to 1100 average than 1500. I am certain it feels satisfying to poke the Jacks on not being rabid enough in Sioux Falls while knowing what the behavior for misdemeanors might be in Vermillion with a large advantage. The Jacks took the punch from the yote women and played about as bad as they have in a game all year, but they figured out a way to secure the win. That is not a knock on the yotes team, but it is a grit this team has shown to finish games. As far as the noise, the evidence would be in a replay. If you can hear crowd on those, that is an indication it might be hard to hear on the floor. The first half had Amy using timeouts and Amy was trying to get officials attention many times during the game while the decibels rose. If you wish to turn the deaf ear to the evidence, that is your story and you can read it to yourself all you care.
              After your team took the lead. Again, thank you or making my argument.


              • #82
                Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                Originally posted by goon View Post
                Yotes fans were nervous and sat the whole game. Hardly made a noise because they knew the summit tourney is based on sdsu. Usd fans were lucky we just let them come and play.
                Keep your comments confined to the band, something you do understand.


                • #83
                  Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                  Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                  After your team took the lead. Again, thank you or making my argument.
                  Who cares ? They give out trophies and trips to the Big Dance based on who scored the most points , not whose crowd may have made the most noise at a particular point of the game.


                  • #84
                    Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                    Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
                    Who cares ? They give out trophies and trips to the Big Dance based on who scored the most points , not whose crowd may have made the most noise at a particular point of the game.
                    That's the only thing he can argue because we all know who won the game in the end.
                    "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." -Tyler Durden


                    • #85
                      Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                      Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
                      Who cares ? They give out trophies and trips to the Big Dance based on who scored the most points , not whose crowd may have made the most noise at a particular point of the game.
                      Who's going to be making more noise Thursday night?
                      Or either Saturday or Sunday--whenever SDSU's women play?

                      As a wise man *cough, cough* once said: (Dang, this is a silly discussion. Perfect for smack!)

                      We have a new candidate for cliche to go alongside "it wasn't a home game, it doesn't count." It's "your team won, but we were louder than you were."



                      What's that big board up there on the wall, the one with the numbers on it? It isn't measuring decibels.

                      ** Update: I realize that by using the term "decibels" I was using a word more familiar to engineers than perhaps to learned lawyers and physicians, such as educated by the state's more elderly university. A decibel is a logarithmic . . . well, don't believe me, go to the Font Of All Knowledge and see.
                      "I think we'll be OK"


                      • #86
                        Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                        Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                        The awesome reason I like debating with you is your "way" of trying to make anyone that disagrees with you feel foolish or stupid. Such phrases as..."I don't think you thought this out enough" as your the great thinker of all time. Or how about..."you're wrong"...the simple little phrase that attempts to elevate your status amongst your peers because I'm in this lions den by myself. Well the truth of the matter Doc is just what I said, and you confirmed it or me. I said your fans were basically quiet or at lower levels until they took the lead. You confirmed what I said with your "well thought out post". YOU CHEER WHEN YOUR TEAM GIVES YOU REASON TO. Thank you for confirming. My point was your crowd didn't turn the game around, your team did without ALOT of help from the 12 to 1 advantage you had. If you were the dynamic crowd many of you claim to be, then Seekamp and Wilson wouldn't have shut you up. I'm not envious of anything SDSU. I admire your program, I don't discount it in any fashion, but I believe we have the pieces to make a run at you very shortly. When have I once diminished your program? I am just stating a fact, many (not all) believe you are the second coming of Dukes crowd. Get a grip. Give me a head count of how many fans go to the NCAA's. I am proud you got our real degree from USD.
                        I can't make someone feel foolish or stupid, they have to do that themselves. I think I'm correct in my assessment, you disagree. I'd say our crowd is much more like a UNC Tarheel crowd than a Duke crowd, knowledgeable and loyal but not obnoxiously loud at all times.

                        Coyote crowd is tougher to describe. They show up in "relative droves" to watch the Jackrabbits (a program you say they are not envious of) and don't bother to show up at all for most other contests. The behavior aspect of the coyote crowd will not be debated by me today. Lets just say the atmosphere in the arena is much more like Frost than the Ddome. I was waiting for Abbott to walk out on the court and shake his butt or a video of a coyote attempting to "have a good friend for dinner" but those promotions must have been too clever for the Summit League and SFSA.

                        Make sure all you coyote fans tune in to CBS at 6:15 pm Thursday for prime time college BB. I wish I could be in Michigan in person but I'm using those undergraduate degrees I got at SDSU to earn that graduate degree at USD to speak at a meeting in New Orleans. Go Jackrabbits!!
                        We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                        We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                        • #87
                          Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                          Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                          I can't make someone feel foolish or stupid, they have to do that themselves. I think I'm correct in my assessment, you disagree. I'd say our crowd is much more like a UNC Tarheel crowd than a Duke crowd, knowledgeable and loyal but not obnoxiously loud at all times.

                          Coyote crowd is tougher to describe. They show up in "relative droves" to watch the Jackrabbits (a program you say they are not envious of) and don't bother to show up at all for most other contests. The behavior aspect of the coyote crowd will not be debated by me today. Lets just say the atmosphere in the arena is much more like Frost than the Ddome. I was waiting for Abbott to walk out on the court and shake his butt or a video of a coyote attempting to "have a good friend for dinner" but those promotions must have been too clever for the Summit League and SFSA.

                          Make sure all you coyote fans tune in to CBS at 6:15 pm Thursday for prime time college BB. I wish I could be in Michigan in person but I'm using those undergraduate degrees I got at SDSU to earn that graduate degree at USD to speak at a meeting in New Orleans. Go Jackrabbits!!
                          With all due respect why are we lingering over a team that packed it in for the season already? Let's talk about Michigan's crowd and the Big Dance.


                          • #88
                            Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                            Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                            I can't make someone feel foolish or stupid, they have to do that themselves. I think I'm correct in my assessment, you disagree. I'd say our crowd is much more like a UNC Tarheel crowd than a Duke crowd, knowledgeable and loyal but not obnoxiously loud at all times. Coyote crowd is tougher to describe. They show up in "relative droves" to watch the Jackrabbits (a program you say they are not envious of) and don't bother to show up at all for most other contests. The behavior aspect of the coyote crowd will not be debated by me today. Lets just say the atmosphere in the arena is much more like Frost than the Ddome. I was waiting for Abbott to walk out on the court and shake his butt or a video of a coyote attempting to "have a good friend for dinner" but those promotions must have been too clever for the Summit League and SFSA. Make sure all you coyote fans tune in to CBS at 6:15 pm Thursday for prime time college BB. I wish I could be in Michigan in person but I'm using those undergraduate degrees I got at SDSU to earn that graduate degree at USD to speak at a meeting in New Orleans. Go Jackrabbits!!
                            I'm done arguing with you. Safe travels to New Orleans. Good luck Jacks.


                            • #89
                              Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                              Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                              With all due respect why are we lingering over a team that packed it in for the season already? Let's talk about Michigan's crowd and the Big Dance.
                              Respect for your peers, that's all. If I am undeserving, that's fine. Good luck in both games.


                              • #90
                                Re: Tuesday's Nightmare

                                Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                                Respect for your peers, that's all. If I am undeserving, that's fine. Good luck in both games.
                                "Respect is not given. It is earned."

                                Let's talk about respect.

                                It irks SDSU fans that USD fans insist on not giving respect to SDSU that SDSU fans think that they've earned, despite demonstrated on court/field success.

                                It irks USD fans that SDSU fans insist on not giving respect to USD that USD fans think that they've earned, despite not demonstrating consistent on court/field success (beyond occasionally beating SDSU in the dome--I'm talking about sustained success as in conference standings and seriously competing for conference championships.) In that respect, please note the pretty uniform respect that SDSU fans give USD's women's basketball team/program. That program has earned the respect of most SDSU fans (there are always the true h8trs in any school's fan base).

                                Show SDSU fans the same kind of success that the Yote WBB team has had in USD's football and in men's basketball programs, and you'll get the respect you want--the kind of respect SDSU fans usually give to NDSU (except for--usually--good-natured smack. Well, and also except for their truly dreadful WBB program right now).

                                This stereotype of course does not apply to all USD fans, but it is, I think, the general tenor that SDSU fans pick up from some of the loudest and noisiest USD fans. Of such things are stereotypes born.

                                Nobody really respected the SDSU men's basketball program during and just after the lean years--because they didn't give anyone any particular reason to respect them. They had to earn the respect they're getting nationally now--it didn't just happen because SDSU fans wanted it to happen, or thought we somehow deserved it without earning it by going out and winning conference championships and beating major conference, top-20, and NCAA tournament field teams on the road.

                                So, to those USD fans who want to play the "respect" card--take off your vermillion-colored glasses before you ask SDSU fans to take off their yellow-and-blue colored ones. Respect is earned--it is not given.
                                "I think we'll be OK"

