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Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

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  • #16
    Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

    Originally posted by witness View Post
    Watching the press conference I actually liked what Kim M. Sure she complained about the refs and didn't care if she got fined because why should she? She has no more Brittney Griner ever so why not go out with a bang. She also said not to put one ounce of blame on the players and if was completely her fault. That charge call was ridiculous and if the saying act like you've been there before is just dumb. She seems to get the best out of her players and players like playing for her. If I have a daughter that is good at basketball, I would send my kid there.
    Baylor had the lead with 9 seconds to go and let a player drive the entire length of the floor and then fouled her. That was both bad coaching and not good performance/judgement by her players.


    • #17
      Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

      Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
      Here you go folks.

      Just like with any 2 year old, if they throw a tantrum like that above and get what they want (SDSU game among I'm sure others) They will continue to do so until they can MATURE enough to relize how childish they look. Obviously this woman is not mature, mentally.


      • #18
        Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

        I am curious to know what Coach Walz said to earn his technical on the charging call made on his end. Coach Mulkey does not seem to be making comments about the weather. It may have been comments about the ref's character, but it appears to be a reflection of her character. Every team has major disappointment in elimination so this is not new territory. Also, we could go back a few years and dig up the stories involving the recruitment of Griner. I am sure there might be some shadows over that behavior as well. She does get an A+ for energy though.
        Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


        • #19
          Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

          Originally posted by witness View Post
          If I have a daughter that is good at basketball, I would send my kid there.
          You are probably one of the handful on this board that would do so. If you want your daughter to throw child-like tantrums when she doesn't get her way, by all means......

          Nobody would have a problem with Mulkey berating an official. Everyone does it. It is the manner that she does it that is completely ridiculous.

          I will admit I watched the entire game and loved every stinking minute of it. The Louisville women played with reckless abandon and deserved to win that game. Baylor deserved to lose - Griner was no-where to be found and her guards were wide open and clanging threes.


          • #20
            Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

            Louisville led for all but 5 seconds. That was David taking out Goliath, on Easter. Louisville played a nearly perfect game, was running on fumes at the end, and needed a sub/4th scoring threat to knock down both halves of a 1&1 to pull the victory out with 1.1 seconds left.

            Louisville deserved the W.


            • #21
              Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

              That was an impressive tantrum on her part. Almost a wardrobe malfunction. I like a gal with a little trailer to her. Appears to have a little stripper in her too. Not for a coach of my kid however.

              Hopefully Baylor will fade away after Griner's exit.



              • #22
                Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

                As I like to review the numbers, Baylor had 14 fouls to the Cards 24 fouls, Baylor 40 boards vs 27 boards, Baylor 16 TO vs. 21 TO for the Cards, Baylor 28-67(.418) vs 27-56(.482), Baylor 12 steals vs 6 steals, and 9100+ spectators to witness that 64% 3 pt shooting(16-25) can take down the #1 team in the tourney. Louisville was not a #14 seed, but the task was no less an underdog in this situation. It was fun basketball.
                Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


                • #23
                  Re: Baylor faltering,major upset brewing?

                  I wish we would have gone for the NCAA record for any games against TCU during the NCAA tournament.We were hot shooting three's that game and had time to possibly do it.The NCAA record for three point shots made in a game is still 21 i believe.I admire AJ's compassion though in trying not to embarrass TCU any further,so I'm mixed about it.

