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NCC is gone

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  • #46
    Re: NCC is gone

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    I do go to Bisonville and watch. You are wrong. They don't regard you as anything other than a conference rival. The truth is, they are more of a player on the national scene than you ever hope to be. They have beaten a BCS team in football. They have beaten a ranked D-I team in basketball on the floor of the ranked team.

    Regarding taking a crap in the showers at USD, I have never heard that. If it happened, then it was tatsteless. But to throw a dead coyote and "knock out" a cheerleader and say that is minor in comparison? Yeah right
    I believe years ago we had a cheerleader get hit and hurt with a dead rabbit from a nice thoughtful usd student. Your right it does go both ways. You act like we think its ok when our fans do something dumb. we hate it too when a few of our students go to far. Your school seems to celebrate the crap usd students pull down there.
    "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

    Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


    • #47
      Re: NCC is gone

      The previous posts are a great example of why I never want to compete in any sport v. Udot!!! Everybody has logic behind their behavior and that is the way it was when we did compete. This thread started out as many threads do about something else and turns into a State v. Udot thread...Let the frickin' rivalry thing die and get on with life. Personally, I never want to compete again, not because of who is better or whatever, just because of the sensless arguments that go on.

      This is an SDSU forum and let's just keep it that way and forget about the other school. SDSU, let's move forward, Udot, do whatever you want, I don't care!


      • #48
        Re: NCC is gone

        I love how the two USD fans try to come onto an SDSU fan board and try and tell SDSU fans how they should think, react, feel, etc. etc.

        Do you realize how many threads/talk there WOULDN'T be about USD if one or two(especially one) of you pinheads would just stay on your board and off this board?????
        Give me a break...anyone, from any school that comes over here and pops off as much as CF does, is going to get railroaded...why??? BECAUSE IT'S AN SDSU FAN BOARD. Anyone with even half a brain can figure this out and it amazes me why the two of you can't.
        Take a look at many UND fans are hanging out over there trying to get them to "pay attention to me, because we know you care" like a bunch of freakin' 5 years olds to their older brothers? I'll answer it for you....none.
        You Yote fans do realize that's how you come off right??

        Bottom can sit there and comment all day that you don't think SDSU's transition will be any better than ours, you're all arrogant, your over-sensitive...Blah, Blah, Blah, but the fact of the matter this is an SDSU Fan board, and when it comes to a USD fan's opinion on anything SDSU...WE DON'T GIVE A S#$T. Deal with it.

        Go Jacks!!
        SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.


        • #49
          Re: NCC is gone

          Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
          They have beaten a BCS team in football.
          And we've beaten them twice in a row.

          This is all stupid and pointless and doesn't do the state any good. My problem is some USD and SDSU fans want to start it up again as it was. I don't think yoteforever is one of those people. If it's going to happen again, the behavior of fans on both sides has to change. And that means the administrations of both institutions need to do everything they can to make it a safe and family-friendly atmosphere where fans root can enjoy the competition on the field or court.

          Unless that happens, I don't want to deal with it. That means no "screw" or "hate" chants. That means no tasteless t-shirts or signs from either side. It means making it a positive experience for the student athletes involved.

          That isn't easy. Maybe a nice 10-year layoff is the best thing that could happen. Then get the student associations and alumni associations involved to assure the old "traditions" aren't renewed (replace them with some new ones.) Involve both administrations to assure that security is sufficient at whatever site is the host.

          THEN maybe it might work. Or it could devolve into the same old stupid crap. In which case, I say the heck with it.
          Holy nutmeg!


          • #50
            Re: NCC is gone

            Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
            Give me a break. Your pride is evident. It is also without merit. I understand being PROUD of your school, but this "unbridled pride" and arrogance is without merit. You act as if SDSU has won national title after national title. You act as if you are inches from being a big time player on the national scene. You are absolutely no differnet than USD in any way. You are a struggling program trying to gain toehold and be recognized nationally, or at minimum regionally.

            If your womens program hadn't cracked the top 25 (and I commend them for doing so), no one outside of the 5 state area would know anymore about you know than they did 5 years ago. You went D-I first...period. I give you that. Now what? Look at your crowds at basketball games and tell me you don't need to spark some "games of interest". So does USD. 200-300 people at either venue watching a game is ridiculous.

            Please don't talk to me about SDSU be so righteous, and the fans of USD so arrogant. That makes me puke. Both sides have their issues and problem fans. But both sides represent something truely good about our great state of South Dakota.
            We have won more National Championships, our Women are in the Top 25. We are differnet from USD - WE ARE BETTER, not arrogant - just a fact. Oh and I like pie.

            National Championships

            SDSU = 8

            USD = 2


            • #51
              Re: NCC is gone

              Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
              Give me a break. Your pride is evident. It is also without merit. I understand being PROUD of your school, but this "unbridled pride" and arrogance is without merit. You act as if SDSU has won national title after national title. You act as if you are inches from being a big time player on the national scene. You are absolutely no differnet than USD in any way. You are a struggling program trying to gain toehold and be recognized nationally, or at minimum regionally.

              If your womens program hadn't cracked the top 25 (and I commend them for doing so), no one outside of the 5 state area would know anymore about you know than they did 5 years ago. You went D-I first...period. I give you that. Now what? Look at your crowds at basketball games and tell me you don't need to spark some "games of interest". So does USD. 200-300 people at either venue watching a game is ridiculous.

              Please don't talk to me about SDSU be so righteous, and the fans of USD so arrogant. That makes me puke. Both sides have their issues and problem fans. But both sides represent something truely good about our great state of South Dakota.
              Fact is the women are in the top 25. Fact is we have a top 25 program at the FCS level of NCAA football. Fact is we don't need to play Udot or worry about them one bit. Can you state any similar facts for Udot?

              You may be mistaking our enthusiasm and love for SDSU as "arrogant" and overly "prideful". You might refer to us as fanatics because we are. I was at a meeting last week just before Christmas with a candidate interviewing for a position at our clinic. There were 10 people at the table. 6 physicians, 3 spouses and the candidate. 9 of the 10 were graduates of SDSU, the other is originally from Ohio but has been in South Dakota for 15 years. 5 of the physicians and the candidate chose USD for medical school after graduating from SDSU.

              Guess how many people at the table considered themselves fans of the Coyotes? You're right, ZERO, not one. 9 of 10 are Jackrabbit fans and are excited to speak about Jackrabbit athletics. The "outsider" felt compelled to comment on how much more passionate and unified SDSU Jackrabbit fans seemed than USD Coyote fans. This is coming from someone in Yankton who is a professor for USD who has no vested interest in either athletic program. He found it quite remarkable how different the alumni and fan bases seemed to be.

              Try to take you narrow mind and narrow vision and broaden it a bit. If there is a fan that only wants to attend the SDSU/USD game than we don't want or need that fan!!

              We need the "real fan" who is there to support SDSU athletics and the institution as we continue to advance in the DI ranks and in our current conferences. We don't waste our time, energy and focus on the past. It was great at one time and perhaps will rise in importance again but the days of the NCC are long gone. Time to move on.

              You can call me arrogant and proud all you want. When I write the checks to SDSU I do it with a sense of great pride and confidence that the money will be used to support a place I truly believe in. I don't write checks to any other public institutions in South Dakota.
              We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

              We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


              • #52
                Re: NCC is gone

                I'm sensing a lot of pent-up hostility in the air . . .
                "I think we'll be OK"


                • #53
                  Re: NCC is gone

                  Originally posted by filbert View Post
                  I'm sensing a lot of pent-up hostility in the air . . .
                  What was your first clue? lol

                  Thank GOD Wyoming is a one-university state! Sheesh!!


                  • #54
                    Re: NCC is gone

                    Originally posted by mango4 View Post
                    I'm not going to argue with you about this anymore, you don't get it, you haven't worked for a paper so things don't make sense to you
                    I do get it. The layout is done by one guy. And that explains why layouts are generally so ugly. One guy trained as a journalist, not a designer, working with what are (at the Argus at least) incredibly lax guidelines for how things SHOULD look.

                    And thus, my graphic design professor's description of newspaper layout as "meatball surgery" is vindicated. I had hopes he was wrong.......


                    • #55
                      Re: NCC is gone

                      Originally posted by OKC_Poke View Post
                      What was your first clue? lol

                      Thank GOD Wyoming is a one-university state! Sheesh!!

                      Filbert: I got called a pinhead in a non-smack thread. Send a "no-no" note to the poster please. Thank you.

                      Blessings to all


                      • #56
                        Re: NCC is gone

                        Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                        Filbert: I got called a pinhead in a non-smack thread. Send a "no-no" note to the poster please. Thank you.

                        Blessings to all

                        And SDSU fans are over over-sensitive???

                        I had MUCH worse in-mind, just so you know. That one started with a "P" also.

                        Go Jacks!!
                        SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.


                        • #57
                          Re: NCC is gone

                          Originally posted by propar80 View Post
                          And SDSU fans are over over-sensitive???

                          I had MUCH worse in-mind, just so you know. That one started with a "P" also.

                          Go Jacks!!
                          Personally speaking, call me whatever it is that you want to call me. Trust me, sensitivity is not an issue.


                          • #58
                            Re: NCC is gone

                            Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                            Filbert: I got called a pinhead in a non-smack thread. Send a "no-no" note to the poster please. Thank you.

                            Blessings to all
                            You would do well to remember that you are a guest here, and comport yourself appropriately. This generally means not going out of your way to give offense.

                            I don't see how "pinhead" is significantly more offensive than "arrogant" in the context of this discussion. Neither is an argument as much as it is an accusation.
                            "I think we'll be OK"


                            • #59
                              Re: NCC is gone

                              Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                              I do get it. The layout is done by one guy. And that explains why layouts are generally so ugly. One guy trained as a journalist, not a designer, working with what are (at the Argus at least) incredibly lax guidelines for how things SHOULD look.

                              And thus, my graphic design professor's description of newspaper layout as "meatball surgery" is vindicated. I had hopes he was wrong.......
                              This is the last thing I am going to say about this because you aren't a journalist, it doesn't make sense to you, but journalists do take design classes. Lyle Olson, one of the best journalist professors at SDSU along with JJ IMHO, teaches a class called Introduction to Digital Media where the students learn how to use InDesign, one of the basic programs journalists use to design pages. Just because a person has a journalist degree doesn't mean that they haven't taken design classes. I'm through arguing with you go troll someplace else.
                              Last edited by mango4; 12-29-2008, 07:05 PM.


                              • #60
                                Re: NCC is gone

                                Originally posted by filbert View Post
                                You would do well to remember that you are a guest here, and comport yourself appropriately. This generally means not going out of your way to give offense.

                                I don't see how "pinhead" is significantly more offensive than "arrogant" in the context of this discussion. Neither is an argument as much as it is an accusation.
                                Ok Ok. I'll behave.

                                What's comport mean by the way? I just might learn something here after all.
                                Last edited by yoteforever; 12-29-2008, 05:54 PM. Reason: addition

