Thinking a little more about LED tvs...Someone from the board and I were talking about this last night the conclusion we came up with is. When you get something that small the resolution of the pixels gets worse. Eventually sometime in the future you could see LED tvs, and they quite possible could be cheaper then Plasma TVs and most tvs. Maybe, since I work at Dak, propose this happening I'm sure it would be worth the risk.
OK, I'm way out of my knowledge base here, so if I am completely wrong, some of you that work with this can post that I'm an idiot and everyone should ignore the following.
I remember reading an article while in a doctor's waiting room that LED's as currently able to be manufactured are too big for personal TV's because the distance between the viewer and the screen is not great enough. Think of looking at pictures in the newspaper under a magnifying glass. The size of the pixel (I might be wrong on this terminology) is much smaller in LCD's and plasma than LED's, so when you sit only 6 - 10 feet away the LCD & plasmas looks very sharp.
My uncle lived in LA many, many years ago and used to go to Dodgers games alot. He was able to get a tour of the stadium shortly after they installed their first "video" board in the early 70's I think. He may have been telling a good story to a wide-eyed lad, but I remember him saying that there were clusters of three standard 60-watt light bulbs for the color, and a general white behind them if all were off. Not sure what colors the 60 watters were, but probably not too far from rgb. Computerized as to what lights switched on and off. HEAT was brutal, and that was the biggest limitation on how much they could use it. Very short scenes, then off to cool down. don't remember what he said the size was, but I'm sure it was very small by today's standards.
I know my uncle told me many tales, and if this was one of them, I have no problem learning that now. He was, and still is, a great man.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.
The $2.8 million display, measuring 30 feet tall by 74 feet wide, is for Auburn’s Jordan-Hare football stadium, Daktronics said in a statement.
The new screen will have the capability to show a single, wide-screen image, and can also be split into multiple windows to show lineups, game statistics, out-of-town game information and more.
The active area of the new display, with more than one million individual LEDs, will exceed 2,200 square feet.
Is there any other company that does the work Daktronics does?
If you go into any small town gym as long as the scoreboard is less then 25 years old its Daktronics if you watch any college or NBA game the scoreboard on the top of the board says Daktronics on it... My friends brother use to fix them and he said all the arena's he was in and I was like in awwww.
Is there any other company that does the work Daktronics does?
If you go into any small town gym as long as the scoreboard is less then 25 years old its Daktronics if you watch any college or NBA game the scoreboard on the top of the board says Daktronics on it... My friends brother use to fix them and he said all the arena's he was in and I was like in awwww.
Is there a topic you don't have a friend's relative associated with. I mean seriously, you know it all. Try stating your arguments in half the words you currently do, just a suggestion. It would make your many, many useless posts much more readable. Some may consider this a personal attack, rather I'm just trying to give you some advice on how to make you more popular and credible with the others on this board.
[quote author=joeboo22 link=1170207125/15#23 date=1175472267]Is there any other company that does the work Daktronics does?
If you go into any small town gym as long as the scoreboard is less then 25 years old its Daktronics if you watch any college or NBA game the scoreboard on the top of the board says Daktronics on it... My friends brother use to fix them and he said all the arena's he was in and I was like in awwww.
Is there a topic you don't have a friend's relative associated with. I mean seriously, you know it all. Try stating your arguments in half the words you currently do, just a suggestion. It would make your many, many useless posts much more readable. Some may consider this a personal attack, rather I'm just trying to give you some advice on how to make you more popular and credible with the others on this board. [/quote]
How chivalrous of you. That does not sound like a personal attack at all.
[quote author=joeboo22 link=1170207125/15#23 date=1175472267]Is there any other company that does the work Daktronics does?
If you go into any small town gym as long as the scoreboard is less then 25 years old its Daktronics if you watch any college or NBA game the scoreboard on the top of the board says Daktronics on it... My friends brother use to fix them and he said all the arena's he was in and I was like in awwww.
Is there a topic you don't have a friend's relative associated with. I mean seriously, you know it all. Try stating your arguments in half the words you currently do, just a suggestion. It would make your many, many useless posts much more readable. Some may consider this a personal attack, rather I'm just trying to give you some advice on how to make you more popular and credible with the others on this board. [/quote]
I didn't even make an argument, I really think you need to calm down I asked if anybody else makes scoreboards... And just stated that true my best friends brother was a repair man for daktronics for a number of years and went all over the place... I know alot of people all over the state, I went to boys state and met alot of people I have family spaced out through out the state I go to college with people through out the state.. I go to alot of high school basketball events and meet people there... Is the fact that I stated that my friends brother worked for Daktronics and worked in many arenas that bad? yes it may of bee useless but I thought it was necesary.
Is there any other company that does the work Daktronics does?
If you go into any small town gym as long as the scoreboard is less then 25 years old its Daktronics if you watch any college or NBA game the scoreboard on the top of the board says Daktronics on it... My friends brother use to fix them and he said all the arena's he was in and I was like in awwww.
Why not just go to or and type in scoreboard manufacturer's? Do some research for once.
[quote author=BTownJack link=1170207125/15#24 date=1175472880][quote author=joeboo22 link=1170207125/15#23 date=1175472267]Is there any other company that does the work Daktronics does?
If you go into any small town gym as long as the scoreboard is less then 25 years old its Daktronics if you watch any college or NBA game the scoreboard on the top of the board says Daktronics on it... My friends brother use to fix them and he said all the arena's he was in and I was like in awwww.
Is there a topic you don't have a friend's relative associated with. I mean seriously, you know it all. Try stating your arguments in half the words you currently do, just a suggestion. It would make your many, many useless posts much more readable. Some may consider this a personal attack, rather I'm just trying to give you some advice on how to make you more popular and credible with the others on this board. [/quote]
How chivalrous of you. That does not sound like a personal attack at all.
I will admit I post alot of stuff on here that I expect people to get heated about its fun to watch yes alot of my post are different and alot of people don't agree with, but when people are getting upset because im talking about my friends brother working for daktronics I get alil upset..
Yesterday's press conference where Dana Altman was named head hog for Arkansas men's bb was conducted in front of a large Dak board. If you stumbled onto the press conf., which was shown live on all the Omaha stations, you'd have swore Altman was announcing that he was going to work for Dak. Above his head throughout the press conference in huge letters was DAKTRONICS.