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  • Salaries

    Does anyone know how much the coaches make at SDSU?

  • #2
    Re: Salaries

    The Brookings Register has printed the entire salary list for faculty but I either missed it or it was not printed this year. The number I remember seeing by Coach Stig name was 65,000 and most of his his assistants are in the 25 to 40k group. They teach besides so they are not overpaid and this is an area that needs improvement. NDSU has been very generous in this area for decades and we have a ways to go to catch up.


    • #3
      Re: Salaries

      It is funny that this topic came up on our board at this time. We where just talking about it on the board. It looks like across the country head coaches range from *$90K-$135K, assistance range from $35K-$60K. So we will need to step it up a little as we move up.

      Go SDSU!

      *completely unscientific, based on responses by fans who may have no idea.


      • #4
        Re: Salaries

        I asked the same questions on bisonville and here's NDSU salaries:
        Coach Salaries

        Bohl- $113,000
        Enos- $64,000
        Burrows- $55,000
        Bradley - $55,000
        Malone- $30,000
        Perles- $50,000
        McInerney- $45,000

        I'm surprised how big of gap it is between them and us. This is definately an area that needs to be adressed in the move up to DI. I wonder how we compare for pay in other sports.


        • #5
          Re: Salaries

          The gap is probably reversed when discussing basketball. I would think Coach Nagy is up there pretty high.

