Well, this will be the last JBB word on the subject, though I'll continue to read the thread as it has shown itself to be something of a rather curious spectacle.
Comments, scathing, scornful, or the like are welcome.
However, I would like to know the whereabouts of "AlumGuy" as his comment was what I was replying to in the very beginning -- back when the earth was cooling on day seven.
As far as the writer goes, we've instituted a rather heavy tranquilizer regiment here. 2cc of Rompun will stop even the most errant beast.
I'm not sure how to interpret your mention, somewhat ominous, of the reference to a seven year time at SDSU, with particular interest in the "be more careful" thing.
I will dispel such curiosity by saying that one needn't be a student or faculty to enjoy the Jacks. There's a number of support staff who take great joy in affairs of the university, though it's often completely downplayed and underappreciated.
People in this world need to learn to take some things a little less seriously. Too many people get too worked up over nothing. There are just some passionate people out there that care about the well being of Jackrabbit athletic programs. It is called being a FAN. Relax people. Let some passionate fans have some fun and let them write some clever and funny articles. They are not professional journalists reporting for the Argus Leader or Keloland news. They are Jacks fans, they are going to be a little bias by nature. My props to the jacksbasketball.com guys!
People in this world need to learn to take some things a little less seriously. Too many people get too worked up over nothing. There are just some passionate people out there that care about the well being of Jackrabbit athletic programs. It is called being a FAN. Relax people. Let some passionate fans have some fun and let them write some clever and funny articles. They are not professional journalists reporting for the Argus Leader or Keloland news. They are Jacks fans, they are going to be a little bias by nature. My props to the jacksbasketball.com guys!
Exactly, to each his own. This board should be more about having fun while expressing opinions that in some way support SDSU or if your not a fan of the Jackrabbits an opportunity to make your voice heard. Just be prepared for the repercussions.
We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Funny, all I did was ask for examples of where SDSU was arrogant. The reason for my doing this was Buster's remark on February 18 which stated, "But the fact is that the university, like it loves to do, conducted too much in secret and with great arrogance. But its the arrogance part that bothers people. And there's plenty of people like that."
Let's look at some facts. The issue of Division I was studied for two years. Then, the athletic department commissioned a study to contact 1200 fans/alumni/students to gain their opinion on such a move. When it was determined that there was some sentiment to go Division I, Dr. Oien did the unthinkable. He went to the Student Senate and asked for their support for the move. The students voted to support the move. Dr. Oien went to the Academic Senate and asked for their support. The Academic Senate voted in support of the move. Dr. Oien went to the SDSU Foundation Board of Directors and asked them to support the move. They voted unanimously in favor of the move. Dr. Oien went to the Alumni Council and asked for their support. The Alumni Council gave unanimous support for the move. Dr. Oien went to the Athletic Advisory Council (consisting of former athletes, alumni, and fans) and asked them to support the move.
Then, Dr. Oien went on the road. He gave presentations in many cities throughout the state. He explained why the move was being considered. It was at the event in Brookings when he made the now infamous statement about rivalries. In every location Dr. Oien asked for input.
Did Dr. Oien have a goal in mind all during this time? Absolutely! But, people had a multitude of oppportunities to provide their thoughts and concerns. It was a very open process.
This is my bottom line. Buster accused SDSU with being arrogant. I asked him for examples. He gave none.
Buster has the right to make any statement he wants. And, I reserve the right to challenge those statements which I believe are wrong. On this issue, I believe he is dead wrong.
Thanks for clearing that up. I've been diligently trying to reconcile the arguments on this post with the JBB.com posts and it wasn't working. Now we know that the initial quote in question had nothing to do with JBB.com since they have no 2/18/04 post. SDSUfan seemed to have gotten the JBB.com involved.
This has been great. I've read these posts with a smile on my face the entire time. I've also noticed new people posting, myself included, which is fantastic.