This was on KELO's website. It made me laugh. :,31336
Metli: "At this intersection, we're at right now, most people know as East 10th Street and Powder House Road, the South Dakota Department of Transportation and City of Sioux Falls are working on major street improvements in 2006 and 2007. That will eventually lead to an interstate style street that will eventually lead to I-90 and then wrap around to I-29."
And by I-29 is this open field near Harrisburg.
Metli: "The neighbors will see dirt flying here in a few months."
This will be a 22 acre park and school in the Harrisburg district, opening in September 2005.
Metli: "Those are kind of the great things we in Sioux Falls are excited about that ensures a long quality of life."
And then there's the growing going on in the northwest is by Southeast Tech.
Metli: "Eventually you'll see 10,000 people living in this area of the city."
With building expansions going on around the campus, it will eventually hit an enrollment of 10,000 itself with Southeast and USDSU.
Metli: "Within six or seven years it will be the largest campus in South Dakota."
While Sioux Falls grows on the edges, the challenges officials say is making sure the core of the city is not forgotten.
Metli: "Here we are in what has been an old, delapitated part of the city.",31336
Metli: "At this intersection, we're at right now, most people know as East 10th Street and Powder House Road, the South Dakota Department of Transportation and City of Sioux Falls are working on major street improvements in 2006 and 2007. That will eventually lead to an interstate style street that will eventually lead to I-90 and then wrap around to I-29."
And by I-29 is this open field near Harrisburg.
Metli: "The neighbors will see dirt flying here in a few months."
This will be a 22 acre park and school in the Harrisburg district, opening in September 2005.
Metli: "Those are kind of the great things we in Sioux Falls are excited about that ensures a long quality of life."
And then there's the growing going on in the northwest is by Southeast Tech.
Metli: "Eventually you'll see 10,000 people living in this area of the city."
With building expansions going on around the campus, it will eventually hit an enrollment of 10,000 itself with Southeast and USDSU.
Metli: "Within six or seven years it will be the largest campus in South Dakota."
While Sioux Falls grows on the edges, the challenges officials say is making sure the core of the city is not forgotten.
Metli: "Here we are in what has been an old, delapitated part of the city."