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AD Oien in some legal troubles

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  • #16
    Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

    Equating Kelly Higgins' professional incompetence with Oien's problems takes the cake. The law got involved with Fred. That's the difference. And, though I completely.....completely!.....agree that the Argus has been tough on Oien to date, I have to say -- if this Solori fellow would not have written the stories about Fred for the newspaper, somebody else would have. I don't know Soleri, , but he didn't create this situation. Some of the posts I've read seem to blame him and the Argus for Fred's problems. I think that's off-base. Please tell me why Oien's family issues are the fault of the media. I just don't see it. I think it's time to lay off the media. We're going Division I and there's nothing any of them can do about it. But let's all collectively get a life with this media thing. Let's use some of the same reasoning powers that give us cause to defend the DI thing in the first place. The media didn't cause Oien's problems and anything they do in reaction to it is just that -- a reaction. Not an action. I love this board, but there are a lot of people who read it daily who laugh at the lack of logic in some of the posts. I admit I've been on the other side recently, but I thought it over and decided on something different. The media has very little to do with our move to DI.


    • #17
      Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

      Originally posted by luvthosejacks
      Equating Kelly Higgins' professional incompetence with Oien's problems takes the cake. The law got involved with Fred. That's the difference. And, though I completely.....completely!.....agree that the Argus has been tough on Oien to date, I have to say -- if this Solori fellow would not have written the stories about Fred for the newspaper, somebody else would have. I don't know Soleri, , but he didn't create this situation. Some of the posts I've read seem to blame him and the Argus for Fred's problems. I think that's off-base. Please tell me why Oien's family issues are the fault of the media. I just don't see it. I think it's time to lay off the media. We're going Division I and there's nothing any of them can do about it. But let's all collectively get a life with this media thing. Let's use some of the same reasoning  powers that give us cause to defend the DI thing in the first place. The media didn't cause Oien's problems and anything they do in reaction to it is just that -- a reaction. Not an action. I love this board, but there are a lot of people who read it daily who laugh at the lack of logic in some of the posts. I admit I've been on the other side recently, but I thought it over and decided on something different. The media has very little to do with our move to DI.
      The law was involved!!!!! BFD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Fred has been charged with a class 1 misdeameanor and it would not be reported in any newspaper the size of the Argus. Please direct me to the page that prints court records and cases that end in judgement that are class 1 misdeameanors. I dont think you will even find it. Even the worthless Brookings Register has scaled down on what going on in it's county court. It is not news to hear about some underage student being caught with beer. If Fred had not been doing his job of moving our athletic department forward, this transgression that he is charged with would not be news either.

      In case you have forgotten Luv, we have a high divorce rate and if the law is involved its not news. Breaking a telephone is not front page news. Now a homicide is.

      Domestic violence happens way too much, but does putting the couple involved on the front page help? I dont think it does.

      We have media that now days loves to over do things that are not news in order to keep ratings and empty newpaper stands. This is my point. I not saying they caused Fred's problem. Freds problems are his and his wife Mary. I gotten to know both and they are my friends and I dont like fools like you putting words in my mouth. I dont like to see them destroyed in the press before they have had the opportunity to work through their problems.

      I have my doubts that Fred will be fired and if the President refused his resignation what does that say about his job security.

      Being a retired Fed Employee, and the State of South Dakota seems to emulate the fed in terms of benefits and rights for employees, Fred has a number of ways to work through his problems. Most of the uninformed seem to want to deny Fred these opportunities. He has not been given those opportunities. This is important also. Why destroy one person who has accompolished a great deal in the 14 years he has been AD?

      As I am typing this reply, Fred'S Attorney, Clyde Calhoun, the County Attorney and maybe Mary's attorney are probably conferring and trying to reach an out of court settlement so this uneeded publicty is avoided.

      Fred Oien is not Bill Janklow. He did not run a stop sign and kill a motorcyclist. South Dakotans seem to have one track mind. With Janklow conviction, these uninformed readers are looking for more red meat and Fred is it. Thats what I am saying.

      The imcomptence of the past USD AD's have been ignored by the Argus and that is news too. They are the reason that USD is not in position to move up to D1. If the same track records of Higgins and Doyle had been identical at SDSU with the trackthe record of Fred Oien and Harry Forsysth, I dont think Peggy Miller would have wanted to make the move to D1.

      You need to read College on Hill and you will find out many instances in the past where USD has tried to tear down SDSU for being progressive. This publicty is just part of it as I see it.

      Now that really shows the true colors of USD show when you lay the employement records of Oien side by side with those of Jack Doyle and Kelly Higgins. They are very jealous. I have subscribed and continue to post over on D2 There are two USD posters over there who I constantly battle over the now dead rivalry. One actually admitted that SDSU adminstration of the athletic department was better at SDSU than at USD. The comparison may not be part of the Class I misdeameanor charge, but its a major part of the bigger issues.

      Since you said you were until recently on the other side, I am wondering why did you feel the urge to take Fred down in your first post on this subject? I bet you really enjoyed that huh?


      • #18
        Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

        Myself, as with probably all who post and read this board have strong distaste for domestic violence. Dr. Oien and his family deserve our respect as well as the media's in a time like this. Let us all reserve our judgement and let the Oien's figure this out. If the argus leader and usd would like to use this as a way to tear down what SDSU and Dr. Oien have created. Let them. It just goes to show that they lack class and respect. And what a great way to "raise awareness for domestic violence." At the game this past weekend I wanted to pull 3 young female usd students wearing those shirts and ask them to pick which one will be a victim of domestic violence in their life. Nothing better that usd president Abbot sitting courtside next to a young man wearing a red "Beat State" t-shirt--CLASSY, and the "crazies" changing their "Hate State, f##*k the bunnies" cheer into "Beat State, not your wife." I'm sure all victims of DV were thanking them for raising awareness...nice work usd've reached a whole new level.


        • #19
          Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

          An update on the T shirts

          From the Argus today. Perhaps the students might hang on to the donation. They could need some legal help in their own defense. Lawyers cost money.

          Group refuses money after T-shirt controversy
          By Dana Gross-Rhode
          For the Argus Leader

          published: 3/3/2004

          VERMILLION - The Vermillion Coalition Against Domestic Violence turned down a $200 donation from three University of South Dakota students who sold T-shirts with the message "Beat State ... Not Your Wife."

          A USD alumnus had offered to match the students' donation if the organization declined their offer.

          The shirts, sold last week before Saturday's basketball game between USD and South Dakota State University, alluded to the legal troubles facing Fred Oien, SDSU athletic director. Oien is charged with two misdemeanor counts of assaulting his wife and trying to stop her from calling authorities.

          Administrators from both schools called the shirts inappropriate, but the publicity helped USD students Adam Bernard, Shaun Powers and Chris Knight sell hundreds of them.

          The three students, who said the shirts were meant only to raise awareness of domestic abuse, declined to say how much money they made from the sales.

          Ro Ann Redlin, executive director of the coalition, said the board of directors met Saturday. After much discussion, the board decided to accept a portion of the profits.

          But on Monday, an alumnus who wished to remain anonymous contacted Redlin and offered to match the students' donation if Redlin turned down their offer.

          "The alumnus was very passionate about how they felt," Redlin said. "They were very sincere."

          Redlin said she felt bad turning down the students' offer, but she and the board agreed it was the right decision.

          "We believe the message (of the shirts) is wrong," she said. "We've decided to take the moral high ground."

          Board member Roberta Rasmussen said accepting money from the students would give the wrong impression.

          "We felt that we didn't want to take any funds from the proceeds because then we would look like we fully support what they did," Rasmussen said.

          Bernard, Powers and Knight see it differently.

          "I don't understand why they would turn down any money," Bernard said. "To me, it's like them saying they agree with what happened."

          As of Tuesday afternoon, the three students were looking for another organization that would accept the donation.
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          • #20
            Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

            What's the story on the March 15th hearing??? He must have gotten some kind of continuance due to the women's regional final?


            • #21
              Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

              Waiting for some bad news? Go back to your National Enquirer then go to bed.


              • #22
                Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles

                I don't know if we ever closed this topic or not.  I'm sure Fred has put this in the past as most of us have. The last comment is the most important.  Any further comments from the peanut gallery?

                Oien is sentenced to pay $300 plus court costs and receives 30 days suspended jail time on the charge of interfering with emergency services. He is also sentenced to pay $200 plus court costs and receives 30 days suspended jail time on the charge of disorderly conduct.

                The jail time is suspended on the grounds that Oien will have an alcohol evaluation and undergo the resulting recommended treatment, participate in anger management classes, remain a law-abiding citizen and be monitored by court services for a year.

                Oien position as athetic director, and as a key figure in SDSU's move to Division I, is not directly affected.
                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                • #23
                  Re: AD Oien in some legal troubles


                  This was the end in terms of the court system, unless Fred makes a mistake and is picked up for a alchohol related offense. None has happen that I know about so I think we can put it in the past and leave it there after a few more months. He has to be a law biding citizen for one year and when the year started, I have no idea. Is it Jan 29 or is it his final court appearence date in April, 2004.

                  I think the fact that he offered to resign kind of tells you how he feels about being AD at institution that he loves very much.

                  I am sure Fred realizes his job is on the line and he has control over his own behavior. I think Fred can take care of Fred. ;D

