Re: The Craig and Mike Show KWSN SIOUX FALLS
I apoligize for the personal attack. It was not called for.
Mike is correct when he says their show covers SDSU. They have many SDSU guests on their show. However, their coverage is for the most part slanted. They are against the move to D1.
Listened to one of their shows in February - they were interviewing Fred Oien. They were cordial with Fred and asked him tough questions - just like they should. After the interview, Craig and Mike discussed Fred's comments. Both questioned some of Fred's comments and SDSU's move to D1. They have their opinions but it is their show.
Within a week of this interview - they had Sen. Frank Kloucek on the show. Either the Thursday or Friday the week of SDSU's basketball game at USD. Of course Klouceck is against the move. They basically gave Kloucek a free ride - no tough questions. Kloucek did not even know that State was playing USD that week - they had to tell him.
If you ask tough questions from individuals that are in favor of the move - ask tough questions from the other side too.
I apoligize for the personal attack. It was not called for.
Mike is correct when he says their show covers SDSU. They have many SDSU guests on their show. However, their coverage is for the most part slanted. They are against the move to D1.
Listened to one of their shows in February - they were interviewing Fred Oien. They were cordial with Fred and asked him tough questions - just like they should. After the interview, Craig and Mike discussed Fred's comments. Both questioned some of Fred's comments and SDSU's move to D1. They have their opinions but it is their show.
Within a week of this interview - they had Sen. Frank Kloucek on the show. Either the Thursday or Friday the week of SDSU's basketball game at USD. Of course Klouceck is against the move. They basically gave Kloucek a free ride - no tough questions. Kloucek did not even know that State was playing USD that week - they had to tell him.
If you ask tough questions from individuals that are in favor of the move - ask tough questions from the other side too.