So who needs approached, Mr. Larson from Larson Manufacturing or Kurtenbach from Daktronics. I imagine those are the only two businesses in Brookings that are locally owned and have 10 Million in sales. Those two may even have more than that. Tell me something, how can the people up in fundraising miss a possible donor like that for that many years. I pray that they are not that dumb. I can't imagine VJ Smith missing someone like that!
No announcement yet.
Re: Fundraising
Re: Fundraising
As far as I know you can't have Basketeball Season Tickets without being a member of the Jackrabbit club. That being said, no need to wait until you are asked. I joined the Jackrabbit club because I wanted to support my school. No one every asked me to join. I would encourage everyone to do the same.
Jackrabbit Club
Jackrabbit Club members play a vital role in the current and future success of student-athletes at South Dakota State University. They provide scholarship opportunities for athletes at SDSU that ultimately last a lifetime and their past financial support has created a tradition of Jackrabbit excellence.
The young men and women of South Dakota State are known for their outstanding accomplishments. They have consistently set the standards for athletic performance and academic achievement. Their opportunities at State have resulted in personal growth and professional development.
Join us as we assist our best and brightest realize their dreams. Please consider continuing the Jackrabbit Club legacy. Become a member of the group dedicated to the on- and off-field success of student-athletes at South Dakota State University. Help perpetuate the proud tradition of private support for those who wear the yellow and blue.
For more information, contact the Athletic Development Office at (605) 688-6746.
Finally I know that the Athletic Department is always looking for volunteers to help in the quest of soliciting donations. One can also get involved by donating their time. It would be great news for SDSU if their are lots of people with big bucks just waiting for SDSU to ask. I know the Sid Bostic is working hard to contact them but everyone can help in one way or another. The Jackrabbit Club is one of those ways and you don't have to be a millionaire to join this club. Although millionaires are welcome!
Go State! ;D
Re: Fundraising
Couple things. First, jack100...send the name of whoever you talked to to Keith Mahlum, that would be a good start. Secondly, if he's bought tickets through the athletic department he's been asked for money, trust me, I've sent those letters out. Thirdly, people do buy season tickets without donating, it's called buying them from a friend. There's someone on this board who buys tickets and has friends who get them through him.
I know that Keith and Julie and their volunteers ask and ask and ask (and ask) and people still don't volunteer to give. Some of it is due to timing, some due to not wanting to give, some due to the right person not asking.
I would say that if someone in Brookings has a business that is that successful, graduated from State, and has season tickets they have been asked. Like I said, send Kieth Mahlum the person's name, or call him, or volunteer to be a JRC fund raiser and ask the person yourself. Or ask the individual who needs to ask and how much are they willing to give. Maybe they just don't want to give. I don't know, but if anyone on this board has this situation again go to, click on Athletic Staff Directory, get Kieth's email address or phone number and send him the name. Guarantee that person will be asked.
Re: Fundraising
Originally posted by JackVJ Smith isn't that sharp -- he could have missed it. Maybe he needs to spend a few more hours in research.
jack100 - I respect not wanting to hurt a business relationship. But at the same time, if this person truly wants to give (I emphasize WANTS to give) it can't hurt to either, a) anonymously let someone in the athletic dept know or b) next time SDSU athletics comes up ask if the person has talked to anyone about giving or would be open to it. Put the onus on them to make it known they want to support SDSU. Again, tricky situation since it's a business contact for you, but if this person has some $$ and wants to give, then it has to be known by those that do the asking. Chances are good that if this person has been in Brookings for a lifetime that he's been asked at some point.
Re: Fundraising
Originally posted by JackVJ Smith isn't that sharp -- he could have missed it. Maybe he needs to spend a few more hours in research.
We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Re: Fundraising
That comment about VJ was uncalled for. VJ is the Executive Director for the SDSU Alum Association and puts in more than 8 hr day, that I know for a fact. He is always looking for sucessful alums and stories. Granted fund raising may not be a direct duty in his current function, but he is probably the hardest worker on campus. I am thankful for his research and the large book about SDSU stories, College on the Hill. He is expected to do a bunch of things with a staff of 3 so give VJ a break. He is a great guy working his tail off.
Its unfortunate that Jack1oo's business associate was not contacted, but I think we all need to pull together and make sure that this does not happen again. Those alums and boosters in the business community could probably help out in the future with a canvassing of the business community in Brookings and the surrounding area, which technically is the entire state. what I remember from reading in the Carr Report, they had recommended a set up to increase fund raising. I think this recommendation has not offically been put into use, but I look for it to happen soon.
This is no time to be pointing fingers, but rather looking for ways to pull the wagon in the same direction.