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The Big Sky

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  • The Big Sky

    I'm kind of hoping that some good will come out of NDSU's tragic loss to SDSU

    I wonder if it will make SDSU more attractive to the Big Sky so maybe they'll take us as a matched set (Ag schools, you just can't stop with one).

    Not only did you win, but your attendance was very good. Man, keep it up. You've only got one home game left... there is no excuse to miss it. Fill that place up and show the Big Sky something about Dakota pride (don't make me come down there).

    This should get you fired up: Grand Forks Herald: "[UND] Closing in on DI".

  • #2
    Re: The Big Sky

    Last home game of the year is Hobo Day so even though it is late it should provide a good crowd. It is funny watching the folks at UND back track after all the stuff they said about NDSU and the move to D-I.

    Go State! ;D


    • #3
      Re: The Big Sky

      Interesting article about UND. I'm fully supportive of the move by SDSU to Division I and think it should have been done years ago. As an SDSU grad and sports fan, it has always bothered me that South Dakota was the only state in the nation that did not have Division I sports. I now live in Nebraska and have season tickets to NE Football and also regularly attend Creighton Men's Basketball (Creighton grad also). It so much more fun to simply have the options and atmosphere of big time college athletics.

      I think it would be great if SDSU and NDSU got in the Big Sky. However, what be wrong with SDSU, NDSU, UND and USD all getting into the Big Sky?? I hate the Coyotes, but you have to admit, SDSU/USD games are great!!. I'm sure the Bison feel the same way about UND. If they were all in the rivalries could be maintained I think it would be even more attractive the Big Sky.

      I suppose the flaw in this is USD does not seem to be willing to even consider DI -- which is too bad.


      • #4
        Re: The Big Sky

        Question: Is UND in a conference for Hockey only. If they are, what other schools are in it. If the rest of the schools in this conference are already DI, would UND want to join this conference for all sports.


        • #5
          Re: The Big Sky

          UND plays hockey in the hockey-only WCHA (H for hockey) with Minn, Wisc, UMD, N Mich, Mich Tech, SCSU, Denver, Colorado College,


          • #6
            Re: The Big Sky

            Time to bring the BSC back into focus. December 13th is the date named by the commish for some preliminary info. My suspicion is that they will announce the schools who applied and report that they are considering a number of them. I don't have nearly enough knowledge to suggest what number that will be but I suspect it will be 2, maybe 4. I highly doubt any of the 4 shools previously mentioned (SDSU, NDSU, SU, and UNC) will be eliminated on this date. Furthermore, I don't expect any other suitors to be announced, at least I hope not.

            Best case scenario, the BSC confirms its plans to expand and gives a firm number of slots available. They then announce who they are considering and we remain one of the teams. Anyone know or expect anything different?
            We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

            We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


            • #7
              Re: The Big Sky

              There's a possiblility that there's another school or two under consideration. I'm guessing that the schools that have met the criteria to date that are under consideration will be announced and will be having a committee tour at the campus, and no exact number of schools will be announced.

              Basically, nothing, other than another school or two being announced that's under consideration.


              • #8
                Re: The Big Sky

                Exactly what I suspected. Just confirms my best case scenario. Any speculation who the teams might be?
                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                • #9
                  Re: The Big Sky


                  GRAND FORKS, N.D. -- The University of North Dakota has formed a committee to gather information on expanding its NCAA Division I athletics and is leaving open the potential for discussions with the Big Sky Conference.

                  It comes two months after university President Charles Kupchella said the school was in no hurry to pursue Division I athletics for all of its programs.

                  The committee is looking at the issue philosophically and financially as part of the university's overall strategic planning, said Athletic Director Roger Thomas.

                  It appears a changing landscape, specifically the Big Sky Conference's decision to consider expansion, has caught UND's attention.

                  "The discussions the Big Sky has had in the last little bit of time have certainly perked things up," Thomas said. "Just a few months ago, that wasn't the case."

                  On Oct. 14, Kupchella said in his State of the University address he was in no hurry to see the school move up in all sports.

                  "When it looks like a good idea, then we'll do it," Kupchella said at the time.

                  He said such a move would require a $70 million endowment to generate $3 million more annually to pay for the athletic program.

                  The Forum, through an open record's request of all documents between UND and the Big Sky Conference, obtained an Aug. 12 letter from Big Sky Commissioner Doug Fullerton to Kupchella inviting UND to open dialogue with the Big Sky.

                  In an Aug. 25 response, Kupchella wrote UND is "constantly monitoring the issue of NCAA classification."

                  "There are a number of 'factors' that we consider in assessing our best interests," Kupchella wrote. "Many of these are dynamic and certainly one of them is the availability of conference affiliation."

                  Thomas said UND will decide in the next 12 days on how it will respond "one way or another."

                  The Big Sky Presidents Council meets Dec. 13 to decide which schools, if any, to formally visit. NDSU, South Dakota State, Northern Colorado and Southern Utah each have returned to the Big Sky a required questionnaire.

                  Thomas said UND would have to do surveys "and other types of mechanical things other people did" before it would proceed with any movement toward Division I.

                  "We've been gathering information, but there are legitimate public steps that schools have done," he said. "We're well aware of those steps. Are we representing our coaches, fans, campus and faculty? If we make a decision, it has to be grounded in some facts."

                  The fact the university is discussing the possibility of an answer other than "no" is a new development to the Division II vs. Division I issue dominating discussions at the state's two major colleges.

                  The Forum's records request revealed one document from Thomas' office -- a revenue and expense comparison of the eight Big Sky schools that was sent to Thomas on Aug. 30.

                  "Other schools that we have been competitive with have done it and there are reasons for that," Thomas said, "and you have to look at those reasons and see how they're applicable to what we do."

                  Thomas and Kupchella met Wednesday morning, partly to discuss the Big Sky issue.

                  "I think we need to tell the Big Sky something," Thomas said.

                  Thomas said UND has looked at the athletic departments at the University of New Hampshire and the University of Maine because both are I-AA football schools with Division I hockey. UND has Division I hockey.

                  "We're trying to look at the pieces and say, 'How would that fit on this campus?' " he said.

                  NDSU Athletic Director Gene Taylor said he's talked with Thomas on the issue. He said he's also taken phone calls from UND head men's basketball coach Rich Glas and head swimming and diving coach Maviael Sampaio.

                  "I know they're looking at it," Taylor said. "But I'm not sure what it is. I just think they're looking at numbers, the very early stages."

                  Taylor said a proposal in January's annual NCAA Convention to reduce the maximum Division II football scholarships from 36 to 24 could be part of UND's discussions.

                  "If something happens in Division II, they need to have a plan in place," he said.

                  UND's committee consists of Glas, Sampaio, Alumni Association development officer Rob Bollinger, head track and field coach Dick Clay, head football coach Dale Lennon, assistant volleyball coach Jason Holt and Ralph Engelstad Arena facility manager Mike Stromberg.

                  "It's more investigative," Bollinger said. "It's very harmless at this point." ...........

