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Board membership

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  • Board membership

    Approaching 300 as the year comes to an end. When I joined the "club" just about 1 year ago there were roughly 35 of us. Mostly made up of hardcore Jackrabbit fans who were in full support of the move to DI. There were a few NDSU guys in the mix, too, can't forget about them. After all, without the NDSU crowd we wouldn't have our own board.

    Now there are a variety (maybe its not a variety but there are more) of opinions presented here. Granted, those in disent to the move or not diehard SDSU fans get bullyied a bit, but what can you expect? Maybe it will get better.

    I hope membership continues to grow. More importantly, I hope more people have the opportunity to understand the potential that the move to DI holds. That being said, it will require continued support from all those involved, including you and me.

    Go Jackrabbits as we near 2005, our first full calender year as a DI university.
    We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

    We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

  • #2
    Re: Board membership


    I remember back when NDSU fans made up 70% of this board (first ten members ;D)

    Glad to see this board doing really well. Keeping alumni and fans in touch with what is going on at SDSU can only be good for the school.

