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Sioux Falls Sports Scene

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  • #16
    Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

    As a Sioux Falls resident, I think the decision to put the Events Center downtown is a poor one. Why not put it on the edge of town near the Interstates and let the city "grow into it"? Why spend the money to completely redo the Zip Feed Area, tear down buildings, move a switching station, when we could just build it on a new site which would cost much less and be much easier to design. Downtown Sioux Falls is already bordering a "rough" neighborhood to it's East. Anyone every been down by that park at night? Traffic is going to be a nightmare downtown during events.

    I can also tell you that this train switchyard is not a done deal. I live in the NorthEast side/edge of town, and there is no way anyone in my neighborhood is going to let any traintracks be built nearby, let alone a switchyard. People move out from the center of town to get away from this kind of stuff. If they can keep the switchyard and new tracks out of the way and in the country, no problem, but I guarantee you if they put it anywhere near a residential neighborhood they are going to have one big fight on their hands......


    • #17
      Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

      I agree with those comments. Those that don't have ties to the downtown area are all in favor of what you described. Edge of town/interstate access. It's no coincidence that the buisiest intersection in the state is a few blocks from I-29.

      As for the size of the arena, I would like 15+ to pull in bigger entertainment shows and sporting events.


      • #18
        Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

        Originally posted by TK22867
        As a Sioux Falls resident, I think the decision to put the Events Center downtown is a poor one.  Why not put it on the edge of town near the Interstates and let the city "grow into it"?  Why spend the money to completely redo the Zip Feed Area, tear down buildings, move a switching station, when we could just build it on a new site which would cost much less and be much easier to design.  Downtown Sioux Falls is already bordering a "rough" neighborhood to it's East.  Anyone every been down by that park at night?  Traffic is going to be a nightmare downtown during events.

        I can also tell you that this train switchyard is not a done deal.  I live in the NorthEast side/edge of town, and there is no way anyone in my neighborhood is going to let any traintracks be built nearby, let alone a switchyard.  People move out from the center of town to get away from this kind of stuff.  If they can keep the switchyard and new tracks out of the way and in the country, no problem, but I guarantee you if they put it anywhere near a residential neighborhood they are going to have one big fight on their hands......
        The Zip Feed Building is going to be torn down and that area developed regardless of whether the new arena goes there or not. I'm not sure what other worthwhile buildings you are referring too that will have to be torn down. The area of the Zip Feed building is an eyesore and a state of the art arena will spur development of restaurants, condos and retail like the city has never seen. The last thing Sioux Falls needs is more suburban sprawl.
        The largest parcel on the east side of the river is Schoenaman's and they will be moving to Harrisburg and developing their own property. If you think the neighborhood east of the river is rough you haven't ventured very far from Sioux Falls


        • #19
          Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

          I think his point is that it is dramatically less money to develop - undeveloped land on the edge of town, than it is to re-develop existing land downtown, including parking ramps and such.

          As a taxpayer I prefer the private sector to improve that property if they wish.

          Abundant land is one thing Sioux Falls has.


          • #20
            Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

            If you price some of that undeveloped land on the edge of town your taking about you will find there are no bargains out there. I agree 40 million is a lot of money to spend on moving tracks, but again now that the money has been allocated it will be spent for that purpose regardless of what ends up on the Zip Feed site. The private sector will embrace that area a lot more if there is a magnet (arena) that brings the masses into downtown. If you look at new sports complexes nationally and regionally (Sioux City, Omaha,Des Moines) and they are all going dowtown for a reason and that is a city is only as strong as it's dowtown.


            • #21
              Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

              I don't disagree, it would be great for the downtown.

              It's personal opinion what makes a great city. If extra money is spent there, it's getting cut somewhere else. Let's face it, the downtown was nothing when Sioux Falls made the top of the list in the 90's.

              I'll exept it wherever it goes and can't wait to see a long time tradition of SDSU and big sports names coming to SF.


              • #22
                Re: Sioux Falls Sports Scene

                If the entertaiment tax is passed much of the new arena would be paid by visitors staying in hotels in Sioux Falls and rental cars. I pay enough of those taxes when I travel and it would be nice to see these dollars captured when people are visiting Sioux Falls and fund needed projects.

