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Nebraska - Equestrian

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  • Nebraska - Equestrian

    Here is an equestrian story from the Argus, I know this is one of Chris' favorite sports to cover.  I love the smell of horse pooh in the morning, it smell like victory

    Sioux Falls hosts equestrian meet

    Competition today at fairgrounds

    Chris Solari

    Article Published: 03/25/06, 3:09 am

    An equestrian meet today will continue South Dakota State's push to bring its Division I events to Sioux Falls.

    The Jackrabbit riders, in their first year of competition, will face Nebraska at the Expo Building on the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds. The event begins at 11 a.m. and is free to the public.

    "I think with baseball and football and basketball this year, we wanted to promote as many sports as possible," SDSU equestrian coach Megan McGee said. "We wanted to have at least one meet in Sioux Falls for spectators and to generate interest in each program."

    The Expo Building hosted the horse fair last weekend, and McGee said it allowed her program to piggyback the dirt-floor setup.

    "It works out great for us," McGee said. "It's a nice facility at the fairgrounds to host a competition."  .  .  .

    The Jacks will also hold a 4-H Day with today's meet for high school students. McGee said it's a perfect fit for a team that has helped SDSU continue growth with its equine management program and is trying to sell the sport of equestrian to the horse community in a state that's more familiar with rodeo competitions.

    "I would say at least 90 percent of the athletes on our team have a background in 4-H and competed in 4-H competitions," McGee said. "That's a very strong recruiting base for us. The majority of riders we recruit in future years will probably have a 4-H background. We'd like to have them come out and see what the competition is about."

    Go State!  ;D

  • #2
    Re: Nebraska - Equestrian

    I told you Chris loves this sport!

    A return to horseback

    Lennox native transferred schools to ride equestrian for SDSU


    Article Published: 03/27/06, 2:55 am

    Perched high atop her saddle, blue and yellow sequins flickering on her blouse like strobe lights, Katie Hendrickson rides out her equestrian patterns with the poise and posture of a lifelong horse lover.

    Hendrickson wanted to join South Dakota State University's embryonic equestrian experiment as soon as she heard about it - even though she had already finished two years at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota.

    "A lot of us girls grew up around horses and never thought we could integrate riding and putting horses with academics and school," the Lennox native said. "The more that I found out about this program, the more that it convinced me that I had to come back to South Dakota and go to SDSU." . . .

    Rob Peterson, SDSU's assistant athletic director, said part of the reason for adding equestrian was to give girls like Hendrickson an athletic option to sway them from leaving the state.

    "This program helps girls stay around and do the things they want to do while continuing their college education," he said.

    Hendrickson, a junior mass communications major, has two years of eligibility remaining. . . .

    "I never would have guessed that I would have come back to SDSU honestly until this came around," she said with a big smile. "Coming home, to Brookings, has been one of my best years with riding horses."

    Go State! ;D


    • #3
      Re: Nebraska - Equestrian

      He just likes hangin' with the pretty girls in cowboy hats . . . ;D
      "I think we'll be OK"

