The US Open is April 27-May 1, streaming is available on Flowrestling. Registered for SDSU so far:
Senior Division
Gabe Tagg 61KG
U20 Division
Derek Cardinal 61KG
Cael Swenson 70KG
Jack Thomsen 74KG
South Dakota high school kids that are also registered in the U17 division are Ayson Rice & Alex Mentzer both at 60KG. Not sure when registration closes but I’ll try to update if any of the 2022 recruits sign up, didn’t see any but I could have missed it too.
Senior Division
Gabe Tagg 61KG
U20 Division
Derek Cardinal 61KG
Cael Swenson 70KG
Jack Thomsen 74KG
South Dakota high school kids that are also registered in the U17 division are Ayson Rice & Alex Mentzer both at 60KG. Not sure when registration closes but I’ll try to update if any of the 2022 recruits sign up, didn’t see any but I could have missed it too.