just curious to know when practices commence. can't be too far away with 1st exhibition game scheduled for Oct 31. plus, anyone have the latest on how macie is doing with her ankle?
just curious to know when practices commence. can't be too far away with 1st exhibition game scheduled for Oct 31. plus, anyone have the latest on how macie is doing with her ankle?
"Practice, I'm supposed to be a franchise player and we're talking practice, not a game, we're talking practice."
just curious to know when practices commence. can't be too far away with 1st exhibition game scheduled for Oct 31. plus, anyone have the latest on how macie is doing with her ankle?
Went back to last years threads, we had a midnight maddness thing (except earlier) around the 16th of Oct. , I believe.Someone mentioned a date set by the NCAA on that day.When practices officially start?Found link to last years season kick off. http://www.gojacks.com/ViewArticle.d...CLID=204800438