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Iupui - gdt

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  • Re: Iupui - gdt

    Originally posted by JamesJacks View Post
    Getting mad will help? I'm sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense to me. Do you mean you are looking for a level of intensity that you haven't seen yet from the team? That would make more sense. Getting mad would not help one bit. More intensity would.
    That is exactly what I mean. There is no intensity on either of the Jacks teams right now, Men and Women's.


    • Re: Iupui - gdt

      Originally posted by rational thought View Post
      I'm going to only say....players care more about winning.....then who's steering the ship....This is a business that is all about what have you done for me lately
      I disagree. I think coaches care way more than winning than college kids who have class, girlfriends, parties, future careers, etc. If coaches lose their job they have to uproot their families and try to get another job, most likely not near the level they just left.

      Who do you think had a hard time sleeping last night and who do you think slept on the bus ride to Macomb?


      • Re: Iupui - gdt

        Nagy also said last night after the game that these Juniors and Seniors had just been so beat up the past few years. That he looked into their faces last night and wondered if they will EVER be able to put that out of their minds. I made a similar point during the game. These kids might just be damaged goods and might never snap out of it.

        Geez, it was the first conference game and Moss admits they came out flat. That's an issue.

        Tommorow is a very winnable game. NDSU won last night at WIU. We'll see...


        • Re: Iupui - gdt

          I'm not ready to go nuts yet, but we should have beat East Carolina. No excuse for not. None. And we should have beat Denver at home. Again, no excuse. Last night's score was more concerning than the loss. A loss at Western and this season will turn ugly in a hurry, though. I, for one, certainly won't be impressed. It's past time to start turning the corner. Way past time.
          Grumbling along and embracing my role. If I didn't care, I wouldn't care. Go Jacks!


          • Re: Iupui - gdt

            We were at the game last night, and so were some of our friends. I have been reading these posts and I cannot sit here anymore without commenting. This is what I know. What I saw last night was not pretty, and the guys know it. Sure, we all want the guys to score, but to do this, they need to know that they have to set picks and screens to open up our outside shooters. We need this to be done! We also have the new players out there who are trying, but also need the help of the junior and seniors. That happened, but also hindered us because they were trying to help them in certain situations, where maybe they could have been more focused on their own positions. It is the "older players" trying to do their job and still help out the newer players. These seniors want nothing more to win. The look on Garrett and Griffans faces were major disappointment! They are not and will never be used to losing. They have bad nights as does everyone! Don't write them off as if they don't care and are "damaged goods"!!!!! They are proud to be a Jackrabbit and want nothing more then to have a winning season from here on out! It is going to take everyone of our players to step out on the court, be focused, be willing to look for the best shot, be ready to play with their hearts and their heads. It is going to take all of us to support them, yes in good and bad games, and to know that they are not "damaged goods"!!! Sorry, but that really pissed me off!! This is a team that will come together, I really believe that. They will have the best season so far. They will come through. Will all of us out in Jackrabbit Nation try as hard as they will, to weigh all aspects, in all outcomes before commenting? Negativity is always easier ,but where does it get you?


            • Re: Iupui - gdt

              Originally posted by bbalggc View Post
              We were at the game last night, and so were some of our friends. I have been reading these posts and I cannot sit here anymore without commenting. This is what I know. What I saw last night was not pretty, and the guys know it. Sure, we all want the guys to score, but to do this, they need to know that they have to set picks and screens to open up our outside shooters. We need this to be done! We also have the new players out there who are trying, but also need the help of the junior and seniors. That happened, but also hindered us because they were trying to help them in certain situations, where maybe they could have been more focused on their own positions. It is the "older players" trying to do their job and still help out the newer players. These seniors want nothing more to win. The look on Garrett and Griffans faces were major disappointment! They are not and will never be used to losing. They have bad nights as does everyone! Don't write them off as if they don't care and are "damaged goods"!!!!! They are proud to be a Jackrabbit and want nothing more then to have a winning season from here on out! It is going to take everyone of our players to step out on the court, be focused, be willing to look for the best shot, be ready to play with their hearts and their heads. It is going to take all of us to support them, yes in good and bad games, and to know that they are not "damaged goods"!!! Sorry, but that really pissed me off!! This is a team that will come together, I really believe that. They will have the best season so far. They will come through. Will all of us out in Jackrabbit Nation try as hard as they will, to weigh all aspects, in all outcomes before commenting? Negativity is always easier ,but where does it get you?
              Thanks for setting the record straight and surely everyone on this board should stop and think that the roster does have family who love and support them. I do. I just caught a few minutes on the radio and realized things were not going good. I hope and pray, this is the low point of the season.

              We here in SD have heard so much about the Madison boys and how talented they are, and that no doubt this is the truth, but gee wizz, they just left high school last May and did not come fully equipped to play in the Summit League. I think there is a learning curve here for the frosh, and it takes away from the veterans who are trying to help them out. I think the post quoted is very helpful and valid.


              • Re: Iupui - gdt

                Originally posted by bbalggc View Post
                We were at the game last night, and so were some of our friends. I have been reading these posts and I cannot sit here anymore without commenting. This is what I know. What I saw last night was not pretty, and the guys know it. Sure, we all want the guys to score, but to do this, they need to know that they have to set picks and screens to open up our outside shooters. We need this to be done! We also have the new players out there who are trying, but also need the help of the junior and seniors. That happened, but also hindered us because they were trying to help them in certain situations, where maybe they could have been more focused on their own positions. It is the "older players" trying to do their job and still help out the newer players. These seniors want nothing more to win. The look on Garrett and Griffans faces were major disappointment! They are not and will never be used to losing. They have bad nights as does everyone! Don't write them off as if they don't care and are "damaged goods"!!!!! They are proud to be a Jackrabbit and want nothing more then to have a winning season from here on out! It is going to take everyone of our players to step out on the court, be focused, be willing to look for the best shot, be ready to play with their hearts and their heads. It is going to take all of us to support them, yes in good and bad games, and to know that they are not "damaged goods"!!! Sorry, but that really pissed me off!! This is a team that will come together, I really believe that. They will have the best season so far. They will come through. Will all of us out in Jackrabbit Nation try as hard as they will, to weigh all aspects, in all outcomes before commenting? Negativity is always easier ,but where does it get you?
                Well said, thanks. Most of us aren't privy to the inside story. All we can do is judge by what we see on the court and hear from the players and coaches.

                I have to be honest: What I saw in the Denver game didn't make me very happy about the effort issue. And most of us in this thread are just reacting to what the coach and a player said about effort in the IUPUI game since we didn't see it in person.

                I certainly don't subscribe to the idea that our older players are "damaged goods" although the coach (and not somebody here) was the first to suggest that.

                As I said before, I don't so much care if they lose by 22 points so long as they put out 100 percent effort in on the floor. To date, the coach and some of the players (I have talked privately to a couple of them) don't feel like that has been happening consistently enough.

                Like many fans here, I am looking at this roster and am so excited about the potential. We've got great talent on this team, including a couple of great kids named Callahan who I (and many other SDSU fans) love to watch play.

                Some people are definitely being too negative, no doubt. But I think even that comes from the high hopes we all have for these young men.
                Holy nutmeg!


                • Re: Iupui - gdt

                  The guys have to come out on Saturday and pick up their first conference road win, whether it's by 2 or by 30.

                  Then they need to get ready for SMSU at Frost and take care of them handly. This game IMO, isn't so much about getting a good win considering a win against D-II SMSU is actually's more about keeping the Jackrabbit faithful in check as far as the Men's Basketball Program is concerned.

                  If both of these things happen I think they'll start to get their groove back that they had at the beginning of the year.

                  If they lose either of these games or god-forbid both...IMO, it's going to get as ugly for this team as it has ever been...I hate to say.

                  I have a feeling Jackrabbit fans have waited for this year for it probably feels like an eternity...and the excuses for not winning games like the next two are going to fall on deaf ears to even the most patient Jackrabbit supporter, IMO.

                  Go Jacks!!
                  SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.


                  • Re: Iupui - gdt

                    Originally posted by TeaJackrabbit View Post
                    I disagree. I think coaches care way more than winning than college kids who have class, girlfriends, parties, future careers, etc. If coaches lose their job they have to uproot their families and try to get another job, most likely not near the level they just left.

                    Who do you think had a hard time sleeping last night and who do you think slept on the bus ride to Macomb?
                    My comment was about players leaving if the coach far as sleep goes....the coaches sleep in the beds they made
                    Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.
                    Muhammad Ali


                    • Re: Iupui - gdt

                      I am sorry if my "damaged goods" comment was upsetting. Please know that I was pointing out a comment that was made by Head Coach Scott Nagy after last nights game. I will admit it's also something I think about and worry about. The losing over the last few years has been tough and it has taken a toll. How can it not? I would love nothing more than it to change before some of our upperclassman left. Not so much b/c I am that anxious to start winning again, but b/c they deserve it.


                      • Re: Iupui - gdt

                        Originally posted by rational thought View Post
                        My comment was about players leaving if the coach far as sleep goes....the coaches sleep in the beds they made
                        So it's 100% the coaches fault? The move to D1, the rape case that cost us 2 or more players, all the transfers, pulling warm bodies off the football roster....all the fault of Scott Nagy and crew?

                        And if Nagy is to be gone, who replaces him? Let's face it, w/ no guaranteed contracts, a small budget, a low-major conference and a track record 20-loss seasons at the D1 level, who do we get that is so much greater than Nagy? And then there is the question of players leaving, which I would argue has put us in the position we are in today. Nagy is finally getting the players it takes to win at the D1 level. If, by the end of next year we aren't seeing very positive improvements, then I will change my tune.


                        • Re: Iupui - gdt

                          I think the last 3 loses were just tough to take. Some of the negativity might still be from the football teams loss. They had maybe the best season ever. It was their 2nd trip to the playoffs. Their 1st one in 30 years and people want "heads to roll". Playing at the #1 seed with a lead was great but the way the game was lost, killed some people.
                          Losing the big lead to East Carolina, getting beat AT HOME to Denver and now to IUPUI.
                          I don't know much about East Carolina but it's just like the football team. If SDSU gets a lead, fans expect them to hold it. You lose a big lead its tougher. If your good enough to get the lead, you should be good enough to hold on to it. Fans think this year is the year SDSU turns the corner and this reminds them of seasons past.
                          Denver only has 1 loss but I don't know how good they are. Some teams play tough teams and others play cupcakes. SDSU was with them and just had several lapses come crunch time. Other than blowing big leads, that's another scary thing from the past.
                          IUPUI is a good team. Some people had them picked 3rd in the conference. They are something like 5-2(?). Their 2 loses are to Auburn by 15 and Kansas St. by 13. Both those teams are in BCS conferences. It's your 1st conference road and you lose by 22. People just think same-o same-o.
                          I'll give them until after the Cal-Poly game before I judge them. I think they should win 3 of the next 4 and go from there.
                          I think more of the frustration comes from the team. This is the 1st year, their expected to win. Most people have them in the top 4 in the conference. In years past, they didn't have upperclassmen that were solid DI players to give much hope. This year, since Kai and Garrett stayed 4 years, fans have more hope. It's a double edge sword, there's not much complaining if your expected to be bad but if you should be good, the natives get restless.


                          • Re: Iupui - gdt

                            First, I have in no way given up on this year's season, but this makes the fourth year in a row that wait until after next year's recruits has been given as a reason not to decide whether a change needs to be made. That is a BS reason because it means that the seniors spent their entire career without the issue being addressed. Ibelieve a decision to make a change would be made not to improve the program in one year, but will in 5 years will the program be in a better position.

                            I believe that the issue of whether a change needs to be made has been evaluated seriously andeach time the answer was no. I have agreed with those decisions. It is way to early to be evaluating the season. While the fist quarter of the season hasn't been what I thought it would, nearly 3/4 of the season remains. We need to see how the team progresses over the year to see if progress from last year has been made.

                            You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                            • Re: Iupui - gdt

                              Originally posted by TeaJackrabbit View Post
                              So it's 100% the coaches fault? The move to D1, the rape case that cost us 2 or more players, all the transfers, pulling warm bodies off the football roster....all the fault of Scott Nagy and crew?

                              And if Nagy is to be gone, who replaces him? Let's face it, w/ no guaranteed contracts, a small budget, a low-major conference and a track record 20-loss seasons at the D1 level, who do we get that is so much greater than Nagy? And then there is the question of players leaving, which I would argue has put us in the position we are in today. Nagy is finally getting the players it takes to win at the D1 level. If, by the end of next year we aren't seeing very positive improvements, then I will change my tune.
                              you want to open this can of worms lets open it.
                              Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.
                              Muhammad Ali


                              • Re: Iupui - gdt

                                Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                                Thanks for setting the record straight and surely everyone on this board should stop and think that the roster does have family who love and support them. I do. I just caught a few minutes on the radio and realized things were not going good. I hope and pray, this is the low point of the season.

                                We here in SD have heard so much about the Madison boys and how talented they are, and that no doubt this is the truth, but gee wizz, they just left high school last May and did not come fully equipped to play in the Summit League. I think there is a learning curve here for the frosh, and it takes away from the veterans who are trying to help them out. I think the post quoted is very helpful and valid.

                                I understand that some players just left High Shcool, BUT so did half the team at North Carolina and they destroyed an experienced Michigan State team. Teams reload and we added players and have everyone back. If players are not ready to play they call that a red-shirt. I guarantee if we had won half our games last year those boys would not be playing.

