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State of Men's Basketball

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  • #16
    Re: State of Men's Basketball

    Originally posted by Cadsev
    Ray and Foye as freshman were still better than the current guards at SDSU.........  Why does it take a new coach at a new school at least 4 to 5 years to make an impact, in most cases?  It takes the coaching staff that long to recruit their own athletes and give those athletes time to mature and develop.  SDSU is in a similar situation and will make steady progress in the next 3 to 5 years, however they need to address glaring problems.  Most notibly they do not currently have a Division I calibar piont guard on the roster.  Until that is address they will struggle against quality opponents.
    You are correct Cadsev, and the Big East schedule they played as freshman is twice the schedule SDSU will ever have to face. I would hope Villanova could recruit better freshman guards than what SDSU has as freshman guards this year. First, they play in a BCS conference thought by some to be the best BBALL conference in the nation. Second, they have a fairly strong Basketball tradition. Finally, they aren't in the second year of a transition to D1. What's your point.

    Just curious, have you seen Cam Hornby play? i must admit i have not, and i have my doubts, but i won't discredit him or Nagy's choice of him until i do see him compete against D1 schools. I wonder how you can do that?
    "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


    • #17
      Re: State of Men's Basketball

      My point is that even with time and maturity I doubt the current pt guards at SDSU will develop into DI calibar guards.

      The Big East is a solid conference made more so by the addition of several outstanding programs this season. I agree that they should be able to recruit better athletes than SDSU, but SDSU should also be able to get better athletes than they currently have at some positions.

      BTW.........not trying to start an arguement here but the BCS, if I'm not mistaken only applies to College Football and not college hoops. Still the Big East is considered a high major Power Conference.


      • #18
        Re: State of Men's Basketball

        Originally posted by Rabbitden
        I'm not here to harp on you but you seem to have all the answers and nobody else does.

        Why dont you apply for the state job since you have such great insight and knowledge on talent levels, recruiting, other institutions, etc...?

        If you are so sure of yourself as far as point guards or lack of?  Why are you not in the administrations ears
        steering them in the right direction?

        I have stayed away from here lately because I do not know you and can not figure out who you are.  Eventhough I do not agree with some of the things you have to say, I have no facts to discredit you so I will not.  My problem is that you never cease to correct everyone else.  

        I am begining to believe I should be contacting you before I make all of my college picks because the way it sounds you have a leg up on everyone...maybe I can become a rich man using you as my muse?
        Dang I have the same impressions. Cadsev says I have a comprehension problem but I believe Cadsev has an ego problem. Its a lot easier for me to say I dont know than it is for Cadsev.


        • #19
          Re: State of Men's Basketball

          What is your guys opinion of Cadwell as a starting point guard. I know he is better suited to play shooting guard, but with Holdren in place at that position, Cadwell will probally be the starting point guard the next couple years.
          Personally, I think he is athletic enough to compete at point guard at DI. Right now he is counted on to be our leading scorer, but with Steve back in the line-up he would be able to concentrate more on being a true point guard and distribute the ball. I've always thought Casey would be a good point guard too. Some have said he is too small, but size doesn't have a lot to do in basketball if your a point guard.


          • #20
            Re: State of Men's Basketball

            Originally posted by mitchell
            What is your guys opinion of Cadwell as a starting point guard. I know he is better suited to play shooting guard, but with Holdren in place at that position, Cadwell will probally be the starting point guard the next couple years.
            Personally, I think he is athletic enough to compete at point guard at DI. Right now he is counted on to be our leading scorer, but with Steve back in the line-up he would be able to concentrate more on being a true point guard and distribute the ball. I've always thought Casey would be a good point guard too. Some have said he is too small, but size doesn't have a lot to do in basketball if your a point guard.
            I think Cadwell could do anything Nagy asked him to do. In his senior year at Cretin Derham Hall in St. Paul he played all 5 positions. I think his more natural postion in college is the 2 or shooting guard. I have not heard how Hornby is competing against him teamates, but my gut feeling is he will eventually be our starting point guard. You could then put Holdren at the 3, Beran at the 4 and Berte at the 5. Gilbert seems to be playing better coming off the bench. I would think if someone leaves we would persue another guard in 2006 and for sure add some guards in 2007. Will Frias give us more next year in his(senior season) after a year under Nagy? I really like many of the things Casey does on the floor, but I don't know how far he can take us.


            • #21
              Re: State of Men's Basketball

              Originally posted by Rabbitden
              I'm not here to harp on you but you seem to have all the answers and nobody else does.

              Why dont you apply for the state job since you have such great insight and knowledge on talent levels, recruiting, other institutions, etc...?

              If you are so sure of yourself as far as point guards or lack of?  Why are you not in the administrations ears steering them in the right direction?

              I have stayed away from here lately because I do not know you and can not figure out who you are.  Eventhough I do not agree with some of the things you have to say, I have no facts to discredit you so I will not.  My problem is that you never cease to correct everyone else.  

              I am begining to believe I should be contacting you before I make all of my college picks because the way it sounds you have a leg up on everyone...maybe I can become a rich man using you as my muse?

              Sorry I didn't know that everyone on this site was required to agree with every post. Keep up the good work with your postings especially you SDSUFAN. Your insight and knowledge of happenings around the SDSU team have been far valuable than any information that I could provide. Farewell!


              • #22
                Re: State of Men's Basketball

                My profession does not involve evaluating high school basketball players and their potential as future college players like Cadsevs does so I appreciate his input.

                I might not be quite so sure that Cadwell can't hold his own at this level and perhaps no "DI caliber" was too much to say but I would agree that guards with better resumes are on different teams.

                That said, we have our players and need to develop them while continuing to recruit the best. I think its safe to say that ball handling is a major problem this season and guards are primarily responsible for this. Holdren would prefer not bring the ball up the court or set the offense. Cadwell can do this and I think relatively well, but don't doubt that there are many guards out there better at it than him. I hope Hornby can contribute next year but really have no idea.

                Therefore, I agree, recruiting a premier point guard (and signing one) should be a priority as ball handling, turnovers, and starting/finishing on the offensive end have been a glaring weakness for this team this year.

                I certainly hope a couple of diehard Jacks fans who feel a little intimidated by the opinions of Cadsev won't displace an individual with such close ties to local high school talent from this forum. The info he provides even inlight of the somewhat abrasive nature with which he presents it is potentially valuable. The caveat, of course, is how accurate it is.
                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                • #23
                  Re: State of Men's Basketball

                  i dont think you should piss cadsev off to the point he doesnt post here anymore.  i enjoy his posts and most of the time i agree with his posts even though they might be a little negative towards sdsu. i think we all know , like he says, its gonna be 3 to 5 yrs before things start happening with sdsu basketball.  we need to be patient.  I know who cadsev isand he knows basketball so i guess he is a know it all. ;D


                  • #24
                    Re: State of Men's Basketball

                    The point has been made that we do not have a true Division I point gaurd on our team and that will continue to be a problem in the future. This may very well be true and only time will tell. I do believe that we have some basketball players on our roster who cannot compete at the Division I level after watching a number of games this year. I would rather we have an "open scholarship" than make an offer of a scholarship to a young man who cannot compete at this level. It is not fair to that particular young man or the Jackrabbit Team as a whole. Usually it ends in some sort of a bad outcome for both.
                    Go State!!!


                    • #25
                      Re: State of Men's Basketball

                      Why does everyone get so mad whenever someone else calls their position into question? :

                      I like reading everyone's posts, even if I don't agree. I do wish that when someone gives direct information they would at least give us an idea of who they are (like el presidente, Mike H do) so we can get an understanding of where their information is coming from.

                      I know when I post, sometimes people are going to respond. When others post, sometimes I respond. That is what makes this site so fun. If anyone wants a forum to display their opinions openly without rebuttal, I suggest getting your own web site. I think these are called blogs?

                      If you can dish it out, you should be able to take it.

                      Cadsev, I like your posts and what you have to say, even if I sometimes disagree. If us "amatuers" on this board bother you that much, then you probably should go back to just reading. That way, no one can question your insight, and you can still enjoy checking the board.

                      As for the team, for the time being, we will have to play with the hand we've been dealt, for better ;D or worse .
                      “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


                      • #26
                        Re: State of Men's Basketball

                        Cadsev, was that whole comment directed at me or just the first line and the rest to SDSUFan?

                        Like I said before I had no intention on harping on you, I was merely trying to get an answer on where all of your untouchable knowledge comes from?  My purpose was not to piss you off as Mitchellrabbit suggest.

                        Dont anyone forget there is a lot of posters on here that have been around recruiting, coaching and administrating not just high school level athletes but college too.

                        I have also said many times to let the Rabbit staffs do their jobs and give it some time during this transition.  

                        To support and not point out every thing wrong all the time.  That is my only mission right now...not how we f*#k everything up but how close are we truely getting to the next goal set.

                        In time we will be fine...GO JACKS!


                        • #27
                          Re: State of Men's Basketball

                          Was anyone else watching the halftime show on ESPN today. They were discussing the undefeated teams and were discussing Illinois. They mentioned "the Jackrabbits know something everyone else didn't". I only heard that part so I'm hoping someone else heard the whole conversation.
                          Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                          • #28
                            Re: State of Men's Basketball

                            it had to do with the fact that the jackrabbits have scored the most points against undefeated illinois this year


                            • #29
                              Re: State of Men's Basketball

                              Originally posted by jackmd

                              I might not be quite so sure that Cadwell can't hold his own at this level and perhaps no "DI caliber" was too much to say but I would agree that guards with better resumes are on different teams.  
                              I don't think Cadsev ever said anything about Cadwell being less than DI caliber. What he said is we don't have a DI caliber point guard on our roster, and from what I've seen this year we don't. Cadwell isn't a point guard, he is a shooting gaurd, and a darn good one at that. Hornby is probably the closest thing we have to a point guard on our roster, but until we actually get to see him play its hard to say what he'll bring to the table, but I've heard good things about him.


                              • #30
                                Re: State of Men's Basketball

                                Originally posted by Cadsev


                                Sorry I didn't know that everyone on this site was required to agree with every post. Keep up the good work with your postings especially you SDSUFAN. Your insight and knowledge of happenings around the SDSU team have been far valuable than any information that I could provide. Farewell!

                                I hope that's not meant as a final farewell, Cadsev. You've provided by far and away the best basketball info and analysis posted out here. I generally just skip to your posts.

