It looks like these were set up as part of their summer camp promotion, but it does create some concern for me since this was discussed a few years ago when football started their own web site back then. The Sports Information department and the university work hard to control the content that is released to the public. Does anyone know if the athletic department has a say on what the coaches will be able to put out on their sites? If not this could create a whole new can of worms with the type of information that is available to the public.
It looks to me that there is a working relationship between the University and these new web sites. If you go to the camp and clinics section of the offical athletics site you can register on line for the Women's Basketball camps and it sends to to camppros. is an online registration site that specializes in HS and College camps. They give camp athletes the opportunity to register for respective camps on line. They have quite a few colleges and universities that utilize their service and have only been around for about a year. Some fairly big name schools such as U of Memphis, Louisville etc. Here is their website: