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SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

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  • #31
    Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

    Sick of hearing people speculating/hoping people will leave. Can't make it through a game thread without that subject coming up. So can we just put the axe to wishful thinking of people leaving the program?

    On to the subject of the game. Was there with a great contigent of Jacks fans. Nagy's dad sat down the row from me and you could hear his frustrations throughout the game. Really would be great for us to come out of the gate warm to start a game for once. Also would be nice to shut down opponent's decent shooting from long distance. Thought the team was going to turn it around in the last 10 minutes when it was a back and forth battle for the lead but that didn't happen. Doesn't help that UMKC couldn't miss in almost 2 and a half minutes to end the game. Great games for Callahan and Sargent. It doesn't help that the refs were in love with blowing their whistles for the last 5 minutes of the game. Hopefully next year we can get some consistency in our games and not have long cold shooting sprees. I was impressed with the effort given considering how we started the game out and managing to fight back from being down over 6 points multiple times in the game. Once our shooting is consistant I think we will be able to overtake leads and kind of pull away at times. Was really frustrated with Kai's quiet play throughout the night, seemed almost too hesistant to take the shot at times.


    • #32
      Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

      Well whatever you do Nick please do not tell him how frustrated you were with him, because I for one would not want you to get an earful and you just might ?? do you think he's not frustrated.


      • #33
        Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

        Originally posted by bballfan54 View Post
        Well whatever you do Nick please do not tell him how frustrated you were with him, because I for one would not want you to get an earful and you just might ?? do you think he's not frustrated.
        Right on target Mrs. W...if fans think they are frustrated, how do they think the players and coaches feel? It has been a tough run, especially on the road, and I venture to say that when Michael Loney missed his shot, I know that he was absolutely despondent. And I would remind posters to this board, that they need to keep negative remarks about any players to themselves...they can browse the web too you know. No criticism of individual players by name is needed. Being critical in a general way is fine, but remarks on the board won't do a thing for this team. The UMKC game was a great game to watch...the Jacks played their hearts out and gutted out two big come from behinds. Because things didn't go our way in the last minute doesn't take away the effort they all made during the game.


        • #34
          Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

          I have to agree with Jack#1 about singling out individuals for criticism at this point in the season. I think all of our kids have put forth a great deal of effort. I think its tough to be 100 percent to the end of the season given this year circumstances of being so young. We need to remember most of the guys were in high school not so long ago. I too am frustrated but my frustration adds nothing. Kai Williams is a great athlete in my humble opinion and we have not seen the last of his ability. We are lucky to have him. All the kids that are less than Juniors have something to offer. Add to this, SDSU as institution has not participated in a conference called the Summit prior to this year. Coaches and Adminstrators are learning as much as the players about what its about in competing against the other 9 Summit schools. Even the staff is probably still learning details about travel and lodging. So the Summit is not the NCC where we travel up and down I-29 and know every offical and how they make calls. Maybe we should be gratiful that we have won three conference games given all the new things encountered this season. We could be 0-15 at this point time. How many years has ORU been in the Mid Continent and now the renamed Summit? I think more than one year.

          Time and patience is what we need and if its really so bad, maybe a step out side and absorbation of some of this sub zero cold is needed to clear the head.

          BTW my comment about rumors was not intended to get others speculate about players leaving. In the past they have been out there thats what I was saying and nothing more. I have heard none about people leaving, and with Griffin Callahan being added, that seems to be a big plus.
          Last edited by Nidaros; 02-19-2008, 06:08 AM.


          • #35
            Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

            Frustrations expressed about the team, coaches, or individual players need to be taken with a little context. Blue stating that he was frustrated with Kai's play is far from out-of-line. Posters wondering about Nagy's motivational techniques or defensive strategy add to our discussion here. Fans upset with an obvious lack of progress from the program should be allowed to voice their frustrations if done so in a civil fashion.

            One piece of advice (sometimes I forget this) don't post something about an individual that you wouldn't say to them in person. That said, please don't go back and start reviewing some of my previous posts, I'd be in a load of trouble.
            We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

            We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


            • #36
              Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

              "Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."

              I think for the most part the players have held up pretty well over a long and frustrating season.

              The guys have to know that they're very close--I'm sure that's why this year we're hearing about the frustration, where last year it was pretty much exhaustion.

              Frankly, I much prefer frustration to the kind of desperation many of us were feeling the previous couple of years.

              We're close, so we're frustrated. The answer is for everyone, players, coaches, fans, to raise their game even more.

              Let's all go out and beat some Bison, what do you say?
              "I think we'll be OK"


              • #37
                Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                Win, lose or draw, I'm still in love with this basketball team, call me a homer, or say that I see through Blue and yellow glasses, whatever, that's fine but it's been an amazingly athletic year for us, despite the record. Cally has really stepped up, some of his shots (especially the fade-aways), have just left me in awe. Kai has probably the biggest vertical I've ever seen in person, I just love watching him elevate over the defenders to get a shot off or grab a board. Moss is absolutely ridiculous. That man has flaunted his athleticism every game I've seen, getting massive air out of nowhere to try to pull down a board or a put back dunk. Sarge has a gorgeous shot and will only get more consistent, Loney seems like he's been around FOREVER and I have grown to love his game and will really miss seeing him on the court....I could go on and on.....

                I'm looking forward to the rest of the games this year as well as seeing all the guys ('cept for the seniors of course) back on the court next year!
                "Life is short so make sure you spend as much time as possible arguing with strangers on the Internet." - Person


                • #38
                  Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                  Well said, filbert and rodrawks. We know we're oh-so-close. My wife and I were coming back from SDSU's track meet Saturday evening, straining to listen to WNAX as we were on the edge of the coverage range. When the final seconds ran off the clock, we talked about how exciting the next few years are going to be with this team. We want these kids and these coaches to win and they well.

                  I remain very proud of the men's basketball team.


                  • #39
                    Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                    We definitely are headed in the right direction. We could have folded up, as it appears NJIT has. They are 0-28 with 1 game remaining. They lost 2 games by 9 points and 3 by ten points, nothing else has even gave them a whiff of a win.


                    • #40
                      Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                      I agree with filbert. Would it be nice to win some of the close games? Yes! How many of us wouldn't put this team against any team that SDSU's had since the move to DI? I think if we put together an All Star team of the players that have left since then, this team would WIN. Would that include Cadwell, Holdren and Gilbert? I think if you have Cadwell's freshman year, it could be tougher. He struggled his sophomore year. Last I heard Gilbert was suspended again. This "team" has showed signs of turning it around. We should be better each of the next 2 years. I see better things to come. (I wrote about the 3 players that left here to get to my point.)
                      We are better than we have been. We will be better the next couple of years.
                      I hope talking about a year or 2 down the road isn't taken as a shot at Mo, Ben and Michael. They are good players that stuck by SDSU during the tough times. I just see SDSU's young talent and see better times ahead for this team.


                      • #41
                        Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                        Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
                        Right on target Mrs. W...if fans think they are frustrated, how do they think the players and coaches feel? It has been a tough run, especially on the road, and I venture to say that when Michael Loney missed his shot, I know that he was absolutely despondent. And I would remind posters to this board, that they need to keep negative remarks about any players to themselves...they can browse the web too you know. No criticism of individual players by name is needed. Being critical in a general way is fine, but remarks on the board won't do a thing for this team. The UMKC game was a great game to watch...the Jacks played their hearts out and gutted out two big come from behinds. Because things didn't go our way in the last minute doesn't take away the effort they all made during the game.
                        I don't think it's too much to expect effort out of our players. I'm not speaking about the UMKC game or any game in particular, just that I think it's warranted to expect effort out of any SDSU athlete. I would guess, however, that the coaches probably expect more effort than even the most die-hard fan.

                        I was speaking with a couple relatives of mine within the last week about the Jacks basketball team. Both relatives count basketball as their main means of employment. They said effort with SDSU is generally not an issue from what they've seen. Specifically, they made great points to me when talking about Kai and how it seems he sometimes takes it easy on the offensive side.

                        Night in, night out Kai sees the other teams best defenders. He is the one guy opponents have to stop every night so they throw the boat at him. Without much by way of offensive help, he's not going to get any break in that regard. A team is going to be content to let Callahan get his 10-15 and occasional 20 as long as Kai doesn't get 30. Even as blessed athletically as Kai is, he's playing a ton of minutes and is facing the best defenders in the league every night. He's going to have inconsistent numbers as a result of that alone.

                        However, one of the truest tests of effort lies in rebounding. Ask any good rebounder throughout the history of basketball and their one common trait is effort. Dennis Rodman was a tremendous rebounder because he worked hard at it. Kai is leading the league in rebounding as a 6'6" wing player. That requires a lot of effort. Anyone who has played any amount of organized b-ball knows how much effort goes into getting double digits on any given night. He's averaging that. The offense will even out when the team gets better. Until then, his numbers are going to ebb and flow. Just my nickel minus a couple pennies worth.
                        "You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica


                        • #42
                          Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                          Originally posted by MilwaukeeJacksAlum View Post
                          However, one of the truest tests of effort lies in rebounding. Ask any good rebounder throughout the history of basketball and their one common trait is effort. Dennis Rodman was a tremendous rebounder because he worked hard at it. Kai is leading the league in rebounding as a 6'6" wing player. That requires a lot of effort.
                          I remember hearing a story about HS coach asking Coach Nagy how he was able to get his teams to rebound so well. Coach Nagy responded, "It's easy. If you don't rebound you don't play." Rebounding IS all about effort. And for a 6'6" fella to lead the team in rebouding (2nd in league behind Winkelman of NDSU by 8 boards) is pretty darn good.


                          • #43
                            Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                            Thankyou for the two posts above.


                            • #44
                              Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                              Originally posted by Rabbitlivinginverm View Post
                              I remember hearing a story about HS coach asking Coach Nagy how he was able to get his teams to rebound so well. Coach Nagy responded, "It's easy. If you don't rebound you don't play." Rebounding IS all about effort. And for a 6'6" fella to lead the team in rebouding (2nd in league behind Winkelman of NDSU by 8 boards) is pretty darn good.

                              And when you realize he is that close to leading the league and he plays with other players who rebound, you know he is fighting for those rebounds. Has anyone else ever noticed how freaking high Kai gets on this 3-point shoots. Holy Sheet. And MJA is right about who teams best defender is usually on. I don't want to take anything away from Clint or Garrett. I think they are both very good shooters.

                              I think the other item you have to pay attention to is the amount of minutes these guys play. You see the three of them out there for the majority of the game, every game. I don't care how young you are and how many days off are between each game. These guys are getting worn out at the end of the year.

                              Can't wait for the NDSU games this weekend!
                              Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                              • #45
                                Re: SDSU-UMKC in Kemper Arena

                                It's been discussed at great length what kind of ability Kai has and how he might be capable of even more. We might be trying to put a bit much on his shoulders. All he does now is lead the team in scoring, rebounding, and not turn the ball over. Not bad for a sophomore. The next two years with Kai are going to be amazing!

                                I was talking to a coach from another university and he asked me about Kai and I told him how in a recent game he had a quiet 20+ point and 10+ rebound game. He just looked at me and said, "How do you have a quiet 20 and 10?" It's hard to describe with Kai. The game just goes along and then you look at the scoreboard with several minutes to go in the second half and there he is with 10, 12, 15, 18 points. I'm never left with the feeling that he really "went off" in a game. He just puts in consistenly strong efforts on the glass which help him get easy buckets and free throws. Just imagine if he really "went off"?

                                I'll take production like that every day of the week! He has been a consistent producer at a high level. Kai is one of the more gifted athletes we have ever had play basketball at SDSU. He may get more aggressive but his current style fits in with Coach Nagy's. If he continues to improve there is no question that he will be one of the all-time greats at SDSU!

                                MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!

