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Is There A Debate?

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  • Is There A Debate?

    I am not sure if there is a debate here or not. For the most part do we agree that:

    1) this team lacks talent to compete right now
    2) our seniors are leaders just lacking in talent
    3) effort is OK
    4) things SHOULD get better next year with returnees

  • #2
    Re: Is There A Debate?

    Originally posted by rabbit_boy
    I am not sure if there is a debate here or not.  For the most part do we agree that:

    1) this team lacks talent to compete right now
    2) our seniors are leaders just lacking in talent
    3) effort is OK
    4) things SHOULD get better next year with returnees
    Things have to get better and that will depend largely on retaining the current players. The core group we have this year have worked their butts off and they deserve the chance to reap some reward. Everything must be done to keep our guys here.
    We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

    We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


    • #3
      Re: Is There A Debate?

      I think that is pretty much on the money.  It should probably added that having a conference home next year and being post-season eligible the following year has definitely given the coaching staff a lot more to offer a potential recruit.

      Retaining current players is very key but we need to recruit better players going forward! That surely isn't a shock to anyone but I have confidence that they will get the job done if given a few years of time.  These are the same coaches that did such a great job in NCC and they want to get back there worse than anyone else.  The transition has been harder on this sport than any other but it can turn around quickly with a couple of great players (i.e. NDSU).

      Keep the faith!  It's hard, I know, but the reward will be sweet when it comes around!



      • #4
        Re: Is There A Debate?

        They (the team) need to hear lots of positive feedback from everyone


        • #5
          Re: Is There A Debate?

          Originally posted by bballfan54
          They (the team) need to hear lots of positive feedback from everyone
          I agree 100%. This probably isn't the forum for them to get the most positive feedback by it's nature but they do need encouragement.

          What can we do?

          - Show up to the games and cheer them on instead of sitting on our hands!
          - Tell them that we are pulling for them when you see them around town!
          - Anything else you can think of within the rules to keep these guys positive!

          We have a great nucleus of kids that will blossom if they stay in the program and add more talent to the mix in recruits and players coming back, the potential is there to get much better in a hurry. I feel for the players, they have put in such a great effort and want to win so bad and it certainly must be frustrating!

          With players like your son Kai, Cadwell, an Callahan (not trying to leave others out) most people I talk to think that we just need to add a couple of pieces to the puzzle to be competitive. SDSU fans are hard-core basketball fans and when this thing turns around, the support will be there!



          • #6
            Re: Is There A Debate?

            Given the optimism that I profess, I do think we have to be ralistic going ahead. The rest of this year will not be pretty. We have basically started over again this year and it may take 2-3 more before we get to where we are accustomed to being.


            • #7
              Re: Is There A Debate?

              Originally posted by bballfan54
              They (the team) need to hear lots of positive feedback from everyone
              I'll add another positive to the list . . .

              The hard, solid core of Jackrabbit basketball fans are still here, living and dying with the players and the coaches.

              We can be like fans everywhere--a bit too critical, occasionally kinda stupid and unaware of what's going on inside the locker room (and, honestly, we don't always NEED to know what's going on behind closed doors), but we're still here, still rooting for the success of the players and the team, and we're not going anywhere.

              There's the old saying--it's darkest before the dawn.

              If we all stay together, fans, administrators, coaches, players--we'll look back on this year as the start of the climb back towards the SDSU basketball success we all want and expect.

              The guys out there on the court aren't out there alone . . .
              "I think we'll be OK"


              • #8
                Re: Is There A Debate?

                Originally posted by filbert
                [quote author=bballfan54 link=1171643875/0#3 date=1171645686]They (the team) need to hear lots of positive feedback from everyone
                I'll add another positive to the list . . .

                The hard, solid core of Jackrabbit basketball fans are still here, living and dying with the players and the coaches.

                We can be like fans everywhere--a bit too critical, occasionally kinda stupid and unaware of what's going on inside the locker room (and, honestly, we don't always NEED to know what's going on behind closed doors), but we're still here, still rooting for the success of the players and the team, and we're not going anywhere.

                There's the old saying--it's darkest before the dawn.

                If we all stay together, fans, administrators, coaches, players--we'll look back on this year as the start of the climb back towards the SDSU basketball success we all want and expect.

                The guys out there on the court aren't out there alone . . .


                Folks, that is why he is the Global Moderator!!!


