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GDT: USD vs SDSU 6pm Frost Arena Midco/ESPN+

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  • #31
    Originally posted by westernjack View Post
    Don’t understand why some of our starters played until the very end. Up 26 with 3 minutes left bench should have been cleared. Not a very classy move by Hendo in my opinion
    He clearly doesnt want friedel or the end of thr bench in. I get after losing the lead to ndsu last week but yeah, last 3 minutes the wnd of the bench and fridel could hzve milked out the win.
    "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

    Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


    • #32
      Originally posted by GoJacks2011 View Post
      Starting to wonder if we will ever see Freidel on the floor again honestly. Based on some things I heard last year, I was somewhat surprised to see him back. I hope they figure out whatever it is going on now and he plays again for us but time will tell.
      This is looking more and more likely, I guess. I think Midco should have addressed it before it did 30 minutes in to the game. Don't misunderstand that. I don't think Hendo or the team/university are obliged to say anything if they don't want to. But I do think the media has an obligation to be up front about things and ask obvious questions. If you get a no comment (or a basketball decision), that's what you get. So be it. But to imply that the team is somehow better without the leading scorer on the court is kind of silly since this is clearly not a talent issue. All of that said, I hope Noah is doing OK. If he brought this on himself in some way, and I have no idea if that's the case, so be it. But even that is preferable to somebody struggling with emotional or mental health. Nobody deserves that. No idea what's really up.
      Grumbling along and embracing my role. If I didn't care, I wouldn't care. Go Jacks!


      • #33
        Apparently Lee thinks his job during timeouts is to bitch to the refs. Every call against them he complained about. All coaches complain but he takes it to the next level


        • #34
          Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
          Apparently Lee thinks his job during timeouts is to bitch to the refs. Every call against them he complained about. All coaches complain but he takes it to the next level
          Midco showed a clip of him smirking as Scheierman walked by. I wonder if the two were joshing around.

          While Lee does have that air of 'Yoteliness about him, I don't think he's Plitzuweit or Richman-level in his officiating interactions


          • #35
            Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
            Apparently Lee thinks his job during timeouts is to bitch to the refs. Every call against them he complained about. All coaches complain but he takes it to the next level
            Coach Lee had his team set up for failure as he outlined injury, practice, and game fitness pregame. The only card he has left is lobby the officials. The Covid reschedules will test endurance & depth as they play 3 games/week.
            Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


            • #36
              Originally posted by DieselJacks View Post
              Mayo will be Summit League Player of the year during his time here.
              I’m on board. It has been fun to watch him go from mostly deferring to the veterans to getting comfortable with being a primary scorer. Lately it looks like he could get 20 points in about any game he wants.

              It will be interesting to see what would happen with the guard minutes if Friedel comes back.

