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  • #46
    Re: UMKC

    Clint: 29
    Wolters 16
    White 12
    Dykstra 11
    Fiegen 9
    Grif 8
    Moss 6

    Post game is with Clint


    • #47
      Re: UMKC

      One of the big factors for our success tonight was our length. We were able to get almost any shot we wanted, even when guarded, because of our length. Clint took many turnaround jumpers with a shorter guy on him. White had a few opportunities like that as well. Wolters too.
      Has anyone paid attention as to how hard Jordan runs the floor on offense? It's impressive.


      • #48
        Re: UMKC

        Credits our impoved guarding and blocking out in the second half.
        Clint was being a senior tonight. If he plays aggressive like that, we're going to be a tremendous team.
        Tony really started to come and that's going to be really big for us.

        Southern Utah is gonna be huge so Dwight, Marcus and those guys will see (more) minutes [Nagy talking about his lineup adjustments depending on whether the other team is big or not.]

        Nagy: "We're a good road team, Steve" ... goes back to our leadership (mentions Clint, Dale, Griff)...

        Is it just me or did Nagy sound like maybe he had a little fun tonight?


        • #49
          Re: UMKC

          You have to love the way the men have finished games strong this year. We're used to that out of the women.

          Great confidence building win. Went in and won by 20 against a team that beat NDSU a few days ago. Great to see Clint getting his score on and hitting from beyond the arc.

          Thanks all for the updates! Happy New Year!



          • #50
            Re: UMKC

            Griff continues to impress. The guy puts on his workclothes and plays all aspects of the game well.


            • #51
              Re: UMKC

              Originally posted by JackJD View Post
              Credits our impoved guarding and blocking out in the second half.
              Clint was being a senior tonight. If he plays aggressive like that, we're going to be a tremendous team.
              Tony really started to come and that's going to be really big for us.

              Southern Utah is gonna be huge so Dwight, Marcus and those guys will see (more) minutes [Nagy talking about his lineup adjustments depending on whether the other team is big or not.]

              Nagy: "We're a good road team, Steve" ... goes back to our leadership (mentions Clint, Dale, Griff)...

              Is it just me or did Nagy sound like maybe he had a little fun tonight?
              Nagy always seems more relaxed on the road. He needs to have more fun at home. Heck, they're 9-4, something tells me he is having fun.



              • #52
                Re: UMKC

                Humped Ones down by 5 at halftime in Cedar City. Loss there could really hurt.
                Now everyone go votefor the Jackrabbit mascot. We are behind again:



                • #53
                  Re: UMKC

                  Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                  Griff continues to impress. The guy puts on his workclothes and plays all aspects of the game well.

                  I know his brother put up better stats, and I know Clint has bigger numbers this years, but Griff is going to be harder to replace than both of them in my opinion.

                  He is the best rebounder on the team despite his size. He is best defender on the team - he can guard players bigger and smaller than him. Not to mention he is an absolutely great three point shooter and free throw shooter. Gonna be sad to see him go, but watching him play is a blast; I love his game.
                  Originally posted by JackFan96
                  Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                  • #54
                    Re: UMKC

                    Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post

                    I know his brother put up better stats, and I know Clint has bigger numbers this years, but Griff is going to be harder to replace than both of them in my opinion.

                    He is the best rebounder on the team despite his size. He is best defender on the team - he can guard players bigger and smaller than him. Not to mention he is an absolutely great three point shooter and free throw shooter. Gonna be sad to see him go, but watching him play is a blast; I love his game.
                    He's only a junior, right? Got another season and three quarters...


                    • #55
                      Re: UMKC

                      That's because Griff always had to get around his 6'8" 300lb brother!! :-) It was like moving a mountain but sometimes he did it and really caught Brennan off guard! Gotta love it


                      • #56
                        Re: UMKC

                        Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                        He's only a junior, right? Got another season and three quarters...
                        Wow. I have no idea why I thought he was a senior. Glad I was wrong
                        Originally posted by JackFan96
                        Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                        • #57
                          Re: UMKC

                          Bizon lose in Cedar City to finish 0-2... Jacks gotta put the hammer down there. We're 9-4! We're pretty good, maybe getting to be really good? Discuss.


                          • #58
                            Re: UMKC

                            No question: We've got the tools to be in the "real good" category. But, we're relatively young and can stumble too. Every game has the potential to be a blowout or a barn-burner.


                            • #59
                              Re: UMKC

                              What a performance, especially in the 2nd half! 29, 16, 12, 11, 9, 8, 6 (pts)...doesn't get much better than that. A senior dominated performance with balanced scoring thereafter. Dykstra/Fiegen with 20 pts in 30 minutes is a stat line I'll take every game here on only little gripe is that Dykstra/Fiegen need more than a combined 3 rebounds...
                              "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad


                              • #60
                                Re: UMKC

                                Very impressive win by the Jacks. It's great to see Clint getting hot again. Tony F. apparently had a nice game, too, except for the fouls. Wolters, well, it's gotten so that you just expect him to come up big every game, and he does. Griff, too. Way to go, Jacks. Now go take down those big guys in Cedar City.
                                This space for lease.

