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Frost Arena

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  • Frost Arena

    Thought that I would let everyone know that the basketball floor is being repainted. The baseline is now a checkerboard design. The blue and yellow colors are now a brighter shade, at this time they are coloring the SD at center court the letters will be yellow and I hope the center portion iwill be blue. I hope they put pictures up to see the new color. It looks really impressive.

  • #2
    Re: Frost Arena

    Does anyone know if they plan to paint or replace the plywood around the lower parts of the bleachers (ends and student sections). Doing that would make Frost look a lot better fairly easily.

    Also, any word on the scoreboards in Frost or Coughlin. I had heard last week that the video/replay part of the new scoreboard for Coughlin will be larger than the whole scoreboard is now.
    "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


    • #3
      Re: Frost Arena

      I had heard they had ordered a blue covering to go over the wood underneath the new seats on both ends. Evidently it never arrived before the end of the season.


      • #4
        Re: Frost Arena

        A friend and I had a discussion about reapainting the floor during the bball season.  We thought it would look pretty nice if the center court was a huge Jackrabbit logo (much like the one heading  Similar to what Kansas has with their Jayhawk.  But I'm sure this will look nice as well.  I'm excited to see the updates...does anyone know what they're planning on doing with the GA section upstairs?  Are they going to replace the old wood bleachers with the blue bleaches like they now have in the student section?


        • #5
          Re: Frost Arena

          Originally posted by JACKGUYII
          I had heard they had ordered a blue covering to go over the wood underneath the new seats on both ends.
          Ditto. I have also heard that the the installation of the new scoreboards should be starting soon (if it hasn't started already).

          Go State!  ;D


          • #6
            Re: Frost Arena

            Originally posted by 89rabbit

            Ditto.  I have also heard that the the installation of the new scoreboards should be starting soon (if it hasn't started already).  

            Go State!  ;D
            It hasn't started yet, i was over at HPER this afternoon so i peeked my head in Frost to look at the new floor. The baselines look sweet with the checkerboard design, personally i think the center could be better but it did look good with fresh, bright yellow and blue. I love the idea of the huge jackrabbit in the center(AKA Kansas Jayhawks). Plywood was still visible around the bleachers. No new Scoreboards in sight.

            "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


            • #7
              Re: Frost Arena

              My bad, I didn't make myself clear. I was told that the football scoreboard would be first then the one for Frost, so that is what I meant by they should be starting soon. Sorry. :-[

              Go State! ;D

              P.S. If I understood correctly the covers for the plywood would only be on for games.


              • #8
                Re: Frost Arena

                Don't consider this inside trading but I haven't seen the contract go through yet for the new scoreboards from Daktronics. I know we will be working on them but I don't know when yet. I'll be interested to see the drawings. I'll ask a friend at work is she knows anything else.
                Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                • #9
                  Re: Frost Arena

                  jackrabbit1979 has the color logo that is found at center court for the SD. What I dont understand is that around those letters they filled it in with white. I dont like the looks of that part.


                  • #10
                    Re: Frost Arena

                    Originally posted by bub94
                    Don't consider this inside trading but I haven't seen the contract go through yet for the new scoreboards from Daktronics.  I know we will be working on them but I don't know when yet.  I'll be interested to see the drawings.  I'll ask a friend at work is she knows anything else.
                    I hope there is not a delay of another year for the new scoreboards. I don't know how long the process of  constructing the new equipment takes but it would seem if the final purchase orders are not done we may be waiting. With 7 home games at Coughlin and a host of DI Events at Frost it would be nice to have these new amenities in place for the 2005/2006 season.


                    • #11
                      Re: Frost Arena

                      My dad sent me a picture of the newly-painted Frost Arena floor. I really like the checkerboard thing. I haven't seen that anywhere else. It's the sort of thing (like Indiana's clown-outfit warmup pants) that could become sort of a trademark SDSU thing.


                      • #12
                        Re: Frost Arena

                        I'm not 100% sure but I think Tennessee has the checkerboard for basketball as well as football. I also think i've seen it other places. I do like the look of it though.


                        • #13
                          Re: Frost Arena

                          Originally posted by twism
                          I'm not 100% sure but I think Tennessee has the checkerboard for basketball as well as football. I also think i've seen it other places. I do like the look of it though.
                          Yes, the Summitt has checkerboard endlines. As you note, it's a Tennessee thing both for basketball and football.

                          Add me to the list of people who'd like to see a 30-foot Running Rabbit at mid-court. It makes me smile to even think about it.
                          "I think we'll be OK"


                          • #14
                            Re: Frost Arena

                            Originally posted by OK_Jackrabbit
                            My dad sent me a picture of the newly-painted Frost Arena floor. I really like the checkerboard thing. I haven't seen that anywhere else. It's the sort of thing (like Indiana's clown-outfit warmup pants) that could become sort of a trademark SDSU thing.

                            looks good!


                            • #15
                              Re: Frost Arena

                              Nice picture and I am looking forward to having D1 teams come to Frost next season.

