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Montana game thread

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  • Re: Montana game thread

    Internet video choppy now or is it just my service?


    • Re: Montana game thread

      Originally posted by launcher46 View Post
      Why do they continue to rotate Duffy in!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes absolutely no sense... just giving up a series with that stupid rotation.
      Minnet does need some rest. We can't give it to 50 times in 1 game. He needs to have juice left for the 4th.
      Go Big! Go Blue! Go Jacks!


      • Re: Montana game thread

        Mariani is the real deal. Good god we need to tackle.
        "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
        "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


        • Re: Montana game thread

          Mariani is great a breaking out of good tackles. He almost snuck out of the last punt return if that second Jack didn't show up.


          • Re: Montana game thread

            Mariani is good. If we do allow a score, let's force Montana to waste alot of clock. Let's go D.


            • Re: Montana game thread

              Mark Mariani is still very dangerous.


              • Re: Montana game thread

                I am going have an ulcer by the end of this game


                • Re: Montana game thread

                  Originally posted by rabbits64 View Post
                  I am going have an ulcer by the end of this game
                  Ditto. The 4th Quarter can't come soon enough.


                  • Re: Montana game thread

                    Originally posted by Grizzled_Jack View Post
                    Mark Mariani is still very dangerous.

                    Correct me if I'm but a cut block that far down the feild is illegal


                    • Re: Montana game thread

                      That call on Jackson was terrible


                      • Re: Montana game thread

                        I'm getting nervous.


                        • Re: Montana game thread

                          Originally posted by mango4 View Post
                          That call on Jackson was terrible
                          I agree. He was trying to deflect the pass and his hands came down on the QB. Big personal foul on Montana.


                          • Re: Montana game thread

                            Originally posted by rabbits64 View Post
                            I got to give props to the announcers, they are saying some good stuff. Not just about the Jacks, but about the playoff system, etc.
                            I agree... even thought the color guy is about as exciting as watching paint dry.
                            I am Ed. Fear me.


                            • Re: Montana game thread

                              Have I mentioned that I hate the "Duffy System". Nothing against Duff. But we end up in long yardage situations whenever he's in. Montana already has some momentum. Then we give it back to them quickly. What ever happened to playing your best players? Minett can rest when there's 5 minutes left.
                              Holy nutmeg!


                              • Re: Montana game thread

                                Has Cochart continued to play since that big hit he absorbed in the first half?
                                This space for lease.

