My video has now completely dropped 2 times. Is it just me? Anyone else having issues? Evidently all internet streaming sucks and it's not just JumpTV.
My video has now completely dropped 2 times. Is it just me? Anyone else having issues? Evidently all internet streaming sucks and it's not just JumpTV.
I thought it was just my old, slow computer, but it sounds like we're all having trouble.
My video has now completely dropped 2 times. Is it just me? Anyone else having issues? Evidently all internet streaming sucks and it's not just JumpTV.
I've been kicked off twice and now the quicktime viewer is telling me the feed cannot be found. Refund anyone?
"You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica