Outstanding performance vs YSU and way to hold on and cinch a win v Western. There are different ways to win and you found one of them! This is a surging Jack squad with a ton of grit which is headed for conference and national greatness.
So, who the heck is going to the UNIDome on Saturday, because The Cap'n is and wants to meet up with as many Jacks fans as he can. My humble tailgater is in the parking lot west and a hair south of the Dome. Look for my black Ford SuperCrew and two UNI flags on a 20 foot pole. Stop by for a dog and a beer and some laughs. Bring those scintillating Jack coeds, wives and gf's, too, for pic posts!!

Gonna have Lieutenant and Corporal Cats there along with Uncle D1B, maybe. They have fond memories of the SDSU/UCA game we saw in Brookings a couple years ago and both say that the Jackrabbits are their second favorite college team behind UNI! They'll be bringing their SDSU cowbell, too.
Go Jacks! Go Cats! Go MoValley!