Let me start off by apologizing for 1 huge paragraph. My enter key is broken.
Anyways, thoughts from pre-game atmosphere to the final snap. The tailgating was a lot better than I thought it would be! Since the game was on Thursday, I didn't expect many tailgaters to show up until 4 oclockish. I got to the lots around 12:30 and the lines to get in were growing. The students lots were full in about 1-1.5 hours. I also noticed a a lot of SDSU fans made there way down to tailgate. Your alumni tent was packed. I also had the pleasure of Meeting "Mango" who posts on this board. He tailgated right next to us in the student lot. Overall, the tailgating was pretty good, the pregame atmosphere was good, and the weather was awesome! Overall thoughts from the game include: Typical first game of the season. Both teams rusty and have a lot of work to do. ISU's offense needs a ton of work. ISU's defense was pretty good. SDSU's offense, I wasn't impressed with your QB. I thought he would be a little better, maybe it was the nerves or something. SDSU's defense, was decent. Kept us from getting any "big" plays off. (minus a couple) I can't really remember much of the game in "great" detail, because I was pretty drunk.
I'm sure your team will pull itself together, they learned a lot from this game, and I wish them luck in the rest of their games! I hope all who came to Ames had a great time! I heard the announced attendance was 46,000+. That's more than I expected! I figured it would be somewhere in the low 40K. For those of you at the game, let me know of what you thought of the atmosphere and the game!
