An exasperated coaching staff announced the cancellation of Spring Practice at an early morning news conference April 1, 2008 in the parking lot of Coughlin Stadium.
Coach Stigs dressed in a blue and gold parka addressed a crowd of curious bystanders and two reporters from the area Shopper this a.m. Visibly shaken, or chilled? Coach Stigs announced "There won't be any Spring Ball this year, this dadgummed winter won't go away and we are tired of being held hostage by it" he added. "It will now be up to the players to prepare themselves for Fall Practice, weather permitting of course."
No questions were entertained by Coach Stigs but hot cocoa and cookies were served immediately following the hastily called news conference.
Coach Stigs dressed in a blue and gold parka addressed a crowd of curious bystanders and two reporters from the area Shopper this a.m. Visibly shaken, or chilled? Coach Stigs announced "There won't be any Spring Ball this year, this dadgummed winter won't go away and we are tired of being held hostage by it" he added. "It will now be up to the players to prepare themselves for Fall Practice, weather permitting of course."
No questions were entertained by Coach Stigs but hot cocoa and cookies were served immediately following the hastily called news conference.