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GDT: North Dakota State (1/8/23) ***FCS Championship Final***

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  • MontanaRabbit
    Originally posted by Southeast View Post

    I highly recommend sitting next to this guy at a game if you want to be energized! We had a blast.

    However, I hope he didn’t see my faceplant after leaping off the wall onto the field during the rush!

    No more “but you can’t beat us in the playoffs”, “Fargo South”, "it's your Superbowl", “undefeated in Harvest Helmets”, “undefeated in Frisco”, etc….

    Yesterday left no doubt.
    HAHA. I did not see you take a digger! That's funny.

    Great times. I literally could not talk this morning. I'm finally starting to sound like a 30-year chain smoker. Should be back to new by tomorrow.

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  • JackJD
    Originally posted by DieselJacks View Post

    Their board is a dumpster fire. They are calling for their coaches and coordinators to be fired for a 2nd place finish (including their DC that got poached by Northwestern today). I was at the game on the NDSU side, and everybody got along well for the most part. Their board was calling us fans bad for doing the horns down signal. Aren’t you supposed to razz your rivals? I certainly expect it when we lose! I truly don’t believe that forum (not all NDSU fans, just THAT forum) is truly sane if they call yesterday poor sportsmanship.
    I'm confident Diesel meant "...truly the last sentence. Diesel is right to remind all that NDSU fans should not be judged by an outrageous few members on Bisonville (if you go there, you know which ones -- they're the ones that state all Jackrabbit fans are terrible.)

    I suppose that if the Jacks were 9-1 in FCS Championships, we'd have a few nutcases too (although I really cannot imagine having any SDSU fans as bad as one or two regulars on Bisonville ) Unfortunately, whether one reads fan message boards, pays attention to modern trends in electronic advertising (notably radio and TV*) or tries to make sense ouf ot some of the political discourse, there are some who have seized upon the idea that to continually repeat a falsehood causes some to accept the lie as fact.

    1-800 GO JACKS!

    1-800 GO JACKS!

    1-800 GO JACKS!

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  • da_coach
    Originally posted by rutlandbison View Post

    Bisonville is a cesspool of nonsense. SDSU was clearly the best team in the FCS this year.
    Posting 'your fanbase is terrible' while simultaneously posting to fire your coaching staff for losing in the National Title game is quite a look.

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  • rutlandbison
    Originally posted by DieselJacks View Post

    Their board is a dumpster fire. They are calling for their coaches and coordinators to be fired for a 2nd place finish (including their DC that got poached by Northwestern today). I was at the game on the NDSU side, and everybody got along well for the most part. Their board was calling us fans bad for doing the horns down signal. Aren’t you supposed to razz your rivals? I certainly expect it when we lose! I truly don’t believe that forum (not all NDSU fans, just THAT forum) is truly sane if they call yesterday poor sportsmanship.
    Bisonville is a cesspool of nonsense. SDSU was clearly the best team in the FCS this year.

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  • DieselJacks
    Originally posted by witness View Post
    Why is Bisonville complaining about SDSU doing horns down? They are literally playing each other
    Their board is a dumpster fire. They are calling for their coaches and coordinators to be fired for a 2nd place finish (including their DC that got poached by Northwestern today). I was at the game on the NDSU side, and everybody got along well for the most part. Their board was calling us fans bad for doing the horns down signal. Aren’t you supposed to razz your rivals? I certainly expect it when we lose! I truly don’t believe that forum (not all NDSU fans, just THAT forum) is truly sane if they call yesterday poor sportsmanship.

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  • Southeast
    Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
    Holy crap was that fun. A total beat down which resulted in a giant party in the stands for us dressed in Blue!

    No way did NDSU have more fans there than us. Unreal. Jackrabbit nation showed up.
    I highly recommend sitting next to this guy at a game if you want to be energized! We had a blast.

    However, I hope he didn’t see my faceplant after leaping off the wall onto the field during the rush!

    No more “but you can’t beat us in the playoffs”, “Fargo South”, "it's your Superbowl", “undefeated in Harvest Helmets”, “undefeated in Frisco”, etc….

    Yesterday left no doubt.

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  • Jacked_Up
    Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post

    He announced all the first downs like that for both teams.
    Thanks! I'm OK with that.

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  • MontanaRabbit
    Holy crap was that fun. A total beat down which resulted in a giant party in the stands for us dressed in Blue!

    No way did NDSU have more fans there than us. Unreal. Jackrabbit nation showed up.

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  • jacksfan29
    Originally posted by witness View Post
    Why is Bisonville complaining about SDSU doing horns down? They are literally playing each other
    I've been to OU v TX games and I don't hear the Texas fans (where NDSU stole the horns from) complaining about OU fans doing horns down. Some Bison fans get upset over it, but very few.

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  • rutlandbison
    Congrats on the great year. SDSU was obviously the best team in the FCS this and I don't think it was particularly close. Congrats to your players, coaches, and the fans. Again, hats off on a great year of football.

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  • bigticket1
    Originally posted by Jacked_Up View Post

    Just curious: Why was there a Bison announcer? Or did he announce SDSU first downs like that, too? It would seem there have been a neutral announcer. Or, with SDSU the home team, maybe an SDSU announcer.
    He announced all the first downs like that for both teams.

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  • jakejc795
    Originally posted by jackrabit1 View Post
    I posted this on my Facebook page last night. Even though I’m not on here as much anymore, I thought y’all would like to read it.

    Now that I THINK I can breathe normally again (along with many other Jackrabbits). . .

    I remember going to my first South Dakota State University football game back in 1989. I was an 8th-grader, and I got the chance to march with the Dell Rapids High School band in the Hobo Day Parade. I remembered two things about that day: 1) I had nasty blisters from marching the three-mile route, 2) Going to a college football game was pretty cool!

    When I enrolled as a freshman in the fall of 1994, there was no question I was going to march in the "Pride of the Dakotas". Not only could I have a lot of fun playing music (and hopefully NOT get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty), but also to catch all the SDSU home football games.

    Those years were years of.... mediocrity. SDSU usually had a winning record, but could never seem to win the big games against North Dakota State, North Dakota, or Augie. A 7-4 record was a reason to celebrate... even if we never made the playoffs.

    As South Dakota State made the decision to transition into Division I athletics in 2004, I was a bit skeptical about how the Jacks would do against tougher competition. Historically, the times we played Division 1 teams usually ended in blowout losses. But I was willing to give it a shot. The first few years were rough, as the team had to play in a makeshift conference (no legitimate conference would take SDSU as a member since it was ineligible for playoffs for five years). But through the 2-for-1 series (many of which were cancelled when it was time for the other team to play in Brookings), joining the Gateway Conference (now the Missouri Valley Football Conference), and making that first playoff game in 2009, the team showed improvement.

    But a national championship... seemed like a pipe dream reserved only for the likes of teams like Northern Iowa and North Dakota State.

    Yet the team improved... getting wins against major programs, consistently making the playoffs. Yet we usually had our season end at the hands of "Big Brother" Bison, with the hope of, "There's always next year."

    When SDSU fell short against Sam Houston State in the 2021 (Spring) Championship, I was crushed. Just making the Big Natty was tough enough. But how would my Jackrabbits react? Do they build from this or is this the peak? Would SDSU be condemned to always being on the outside looking in?

    And then today happened.

    I heard it from some of my NDSU friends.... NDSU is 9-0 in the Big Natty... Frisco, Texas is "Fargo South"... There's no way in heck that the "Little Brother" would stand a chance against the Bison Juggernaut.

    I was scared that the Juggernaut would wake up at any minute. Think of the U.S. and the Soviets playing hockey in the 1980 Olympics. That's my method of thinking. But SDSU didn't just hold their ground, they DOMINATED! And when NDSU scored, the Jackrabbits responded!

    But I still couldn't relax until the last minute of the game. NDSU had broken our hearts before... it was only a matter of time.

    And then...
    0:00 on the clock.
    End of Game.
    National Championship.
    South Dakota State... Jackrabbits?!?
    What... The... Hell?
    WE DID IT!!!

    All the years of disappointment, of frustration, of the "Coulda, Woulda, Shouldas" and "There's always next year"... all melted away in a sea of confetti and the sounds of "Ring the Bell" from The Pride. We made it! We reached the mountain top! We beat the Russians! Little Brother finally beat Big Brother in the backyard game!

    I may have ugly cried in my living room while Tallulah stared at me. I didn't care then, and I don't care now.

    I know. In the larger scheme of things, it's only a game. My life and career never depended on the outcome. But coming from "flyover land"... having people from other parts of the country call us "hicks, inbreeds, and backwards"... and being enmeshed in our own sense of self-doom and self-depreciation... winning this game feels like.


    I am proud to be from South Dakota. I am proud to be a South Dakota State University Jackrabbit. No matter where I live in the world, I will ALWAYS ring my cowbell with pride and I will always stand with pride in my home.

    Now... for the love of GOD, can we PLEASE get ESPN/ABC to stop calling us "San Diego State"?
    Thank you for sharing this. You weren't alone in the redemptive perception and emotion.

    I heard it in Jimmy Rogers' postgame interview with Scotty Kwas, and while I didn't cry, it was cathartic reflecting on tough times Jacks sports have helped me get through driving back from watching the game with my parents in Pierre.

    You're not the only one SDSU sports resonates with.

    I wish I could say wins like this will staunch the "little brother" rhetoric, but even I'm not that naive. All I'll resolve is not to refer to any Jacks opponent as such.

    Speaking of emotions, Tyler Merriam mentioned during the postgame that last week was tough, and he almost didn't travel to Frisco. Does anyone know if everything is ok with Tyler and his family?

    That "close" to the postgame served to put things in persepctive as well.

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  • jackrabit1
    I posted this on my Facebook page last night. Even though I’m not on here as much anymore, I thought y’all would like to read it.

    Now that I THINK I can breathe normally again (along with many other Jackrabbits). . .

    I remember going to my first South Dakota State University football game back in 1989. I was an 8th-grader, and I got the chance to march with the Dell Rapids High School band in the Hobo Day Parade. I remembered two things about that day: 1) I had nasty blisters from marching the three-mile route, 2) Going to a college football game was pretty cool!

    When I enrolled as a freshman in the fall of 1994, there was no question I was going to march in the "Pride of the Dakotas". Not only could I have a lot of fun playing music (and hopefully NOT get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty), but also to catch all the SDSU home football games.

    Those years were years of.... mediocrity. SDSU usually had a winning record, but could never seem to win the big games against North Dakota State, North Dakota, or Augie. A 7-4 record was a reason to celebrate... even if we never made the playoffs.

    As South Dakota State made the decision to transition into Division I athletics in 2004, I was a bit skeptical about how the Jacks would do against tougher competition. Historically, the times we played Division 1 teams usually ended in blowout losses. But I was willing to give it a shot. The first few years were rough, as the team had to play in a makeshift conference (no legitimate conference would take SDSU as a member since it was ineligible for playoffs for five years). But through the 2-for-1 series (many of which were cancelled when it was time for the other team to play in Brookings), joining the Gateway Conference (now the Missouri Valley Football Conference), and making that first playoff game in 2009, the team showed improvement.

    But a national championship... seemed like a pipe dream reserved only for the likes of teams like Northern Iowa and North Dakota State.

    Yet the team improved... getting wins against major programs, consistently making the playoffs. Yet we usually had our season end at the hands of "Big Brother" Bison, with the hope of, "There's always next year."

    When SDSU fell short against Sam Houston State in the 2021 (Spring) Championship, I was crushed. Just making the Big Natty was tough enough. But how would my Jackrabbits react? Do they build from this or is this the peak? Would SDSU be condemned to always being on the outside looking in?

    And then today happened.

    I heard it from some of my NDSU friends.... NDSU is 9-0 in the Big Natty... Frisco, Texas is "Fargo South"... There's no way in heck that the "Little Brother" would stand a chance against the Bison Juggernaut.

    I was scared that the Juggernaut would wake up at any minute. Think of the U.S. and the Soviets playing hockey in the 1980 Olympics. That's my method of thinking. But SDSU didn't just hold their ground, they DOMINATED! And when NDSU scored, the Jackrabbits responded!

    But I still couldn't relax until the last minute of the game. NDSU had broken our hearts before... it was only a matter of time.

    And then...
    0:00 on the clock.
    End of Game.
    National Championship.
    South Dakota State... Jackrabbits?!?
    What... The... Hell?
    WE DID IT!!!

    All the years of disappointment, of frustration, of the "Coulda, Woulda, Shouldas" and "There's always next year"... all melted away in a sea of confetti and the sounds of "Ring the Bell" from The Pride. We made it! We reached the mountain top! We beat the Russians! Little Brother finally beat Big Brother in the backyard game!

    I may have ugly cried in my living room while Tallulah stared at me. I didn't care then, and I don't care now.

    I know. In the larger scheme of things, it's only a game. My life and career never depended on the outcome. But coming from "flyover land"... having people from other parts of the country call us "hicks, inbreeds, and backwards"... and being enmeshed in our own sense of self-doom and self-depreciation... winning this game feels like.


    I am proud to be from South Dakota. I am proud to be a South Dakota State University Jackrabbit. No matter where I live in the world, I will ALWAYS ring my cowbell with pride and I will always stand with pride in my home.

    Now... for the love of GOD, can we PLEASE get ESPN/ABC to stop calling us "San Diego State"?

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  • Jacked_Up
    Originally posted by ringthebells View Post
    There was for sure more blue in the stands. The "migration" is over. One of my favorite parts of the game happened in the 4th quarter when the announcer would announce that a 10 yard run was another Bison...SILENCE. The crowd quit. They quit before the team did. 45-21. An absolute ass kicking. Fargo South..bwahahahaha! Enjoy this rabbits. Well earned.
    Just curious: Why was there a Bison announcer? Or did he announce SDSU first downs like that, too? It would seem there have been a neutral announcer. Or, with SDSU the home team, maybe an SDSU announcer.

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  • witness
    Post game press conference

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